cljdoc build #24410

exoscale/blueprint-handler v0.1.0-alpha2

2020-01-10 18:08:57.1

Analysis Requested

Git Import

Cljdoc allows you to complement your API docs with articles from your Git repository. By default, we auto-discover your articles. For more control see the library author's guide. In this case there was a problem clone-failed when attempting to import from git, but don't worry — API docs can work regardless.

To fix git issues, check out the FAQ on properly setting SCM information

There was an error


{:cause "clj-http: status 500"
 :data {:body "{\"message\":\"An internal server error occurred.\"}"
        :headers {"connection" "keep-alive"
                  "content-length" "48"
                  "content-type" "application/json"
                  "date" "Fri, 10 Jan 2020 18:09:11 GMT"
                  "server" "nginx"
                  "strict-transport-security" "max-age=15724800"
                  "x-client-trace-id" ""
                  "x-request-id" "93b0d3a0-1455-437d-8e88-4a116a956811"}
        :status 500}
   [[$stack_trace invoke "support.clj" 201]
    [clj_http.lite.client$wrap_exceptions$fn__407 invoke "client.clj" 36]
    [clj_http.lite.client$wrap_basic_auth$fn__475 invoke "client.clj" 177]
    [clj_http.lite.client$wrap_accept$fn__448 invoke "client.clj" 131]
    [clj_http.lite.client$wrap_accept_encoding$fn__454 invoke "client.clj" 145]
    [clj_http.lite.client$wrap_content_type$fn__443 invoke "client.clj" 124]
    [clj_http.lite.client$wrap_form_params$fn__492 invoke "client.clj" 202]
    [clj_http.lite.client$wrap_method$fn__487 invoke "client.clj" 195]
    [clj_http.lite.client$wrap_unknown_host$fn__502 invoke "client.clj" 218]
    [clj_http.lite.client$post invokeStatic "client.clj" 281]
    [clj_http.lite.client$post doInvoke "client.clj" 278]
    [clojure.lang.RestFn invoke "" 423]
    [cljdoc.analysis.service.CircleCI trigger_build "service.clj" 47]
    [cljdoc.server.api$analyze_and_import_api_BANG_ invokeStatic "api.clj" 17]
    [cljdoc.server.api$analyze_and_import_api_BANG_ invoke "api.clj" 10]
    [cljdoc.server.api$kick_off_build_BANG_$fn__27920 invoke "api.clj" 77]
    [clojure.core$binding_conveyor_fn$fn__5754 invoke "core.clj" 2030]
    [clojure.lang.AFn call "" 18]
    [java.util.concurrent.FutureTask run "" 266]
    [java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor runWorker ""
    [java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker run
     "" 624] [java.lang.Thread run "" 748]]
 :via [{:at [$stack_trace invoke "support.clj" 201]
        :data {:body "{\"message\":\"An internal server error occurred.\"}"
               :headers {"connection" "keep-alive"
                         "content-length" "48"
                         "content-type" "application/json"
                         "date" "Fri, 10 Jan 2020 18:09:11 GMT"
                         "server" "nginx"
                         "strict-transport-security" "max-age=15724800"
                         "x-client-trace-id" ""
                         "x-request-id" "93b0d3a0-1455-437d-8e88-4a116a956811"}
               :status 500}
        :message "clj-http: status 500"
        :type clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo}]}

Having trouble? Please reach out via Slack or open an issue on GitHub. Thanks!