cljdoc build #59499

com.github.arnaudgeiser/vinyl v0.1.13


Analysis Requested

Git Import

Cljdoc allows you to complement your API docs with articles from your Git repository. By default, we auto-discover your articles. For more control see the library author's guide. In this case there was a problem unknown-revision when attempting to import from git, but don't worry — API docs can work regardless.

unknown-revision This issue may occur if you deployed to Clojars before pushing the Git commit the release was made at.

To fix git issues, check out the FAQ on properly setting SCM information

There was an error


{:cause "clj-http: status 500"
 :data {:body "{\"message\":\"An internal server error occurred.\"}"
        :headers {"connection" "keep-alive"
                  "content-length" "48"
                  "content-type" "application/json"
                  "date" "Sun, 10 Jul 2022 13:58:23 GMT"
                  "server" "nginx"
                  "strict-transport-security" "max-age=15724800"
                  "x-request-id" "c1e5fbac-0917-412e-8baf-8fc4fd107514"}
        :status 500}
   [[clj_http.lite.client$wrap_exceptions$fn__338 invoke "client.clj" 37]
    [clj_http.lite.client$wrap_basic_auth$fn__406 invoke "client.clj" 178]
    [clj_http.lite.client$wrap_accept$fn__379 invoke "client.clj" 132]
    [clj_http.lite.client$wrap_accept_encoding$fn__385 invoke "client.clj" 146]
    [clj_http.lite.client$wrap_content_type$fn__374 invoke "client.clj" 125]
    [clj_http.lite.client$wrap_form_params$fn__423 invoke "client.clj" 203]
    [clj_http.lite.client$wrap_method$fn__418 invoke "client.clj" 196]
    [clj_http.lite.links$wrap_links$fn__288 invoke "links.clj" 67]
    [clj_http.lite.client$wrap_unknown_host$fn__433 invoke "client.clj" 219]
    [clj_http.lite.client$post invokeStatic "client.clj" 283]
    [clj_http.lite.client$post doInvoke "client.clj" 280]
    [clojure.lang.RestFn invoke "" 423]
    [cljdoc.analysis.service.CircleCI trigger_build "service.clj" 52]
    [cljdoc.server.api$analyze_and_import_api_BANG_ invokeStatic "api.clj" 14]
    [cljdoc.server.api$analyze_and_import_api_BANG_ invoke "api.clj" 11]
    [cljdoc.server.api$kick_off_build_BANG_$fn__41203 invoke "api.clj" 84]
    [clojure.core$binding_conveyor_fn$fn__5823 invoke "core.clj" 2047]
    [clojure.lang.AFn call "" 18]
    [java.util.concurrent.FutureTask run "" 264]
    [java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor runWorker ""
    [java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker run
     "" 635] [java.lang.Thread run "" 833]]
 :via [{:at [clj_http.lite.client$wrap_exceptions$fn__338 invoke "client.clj"
        :data {:body "{\"message\":\"An internal server error occurred.\"}"
               :headers {"connection" "keep-alive"
                         "content-length" "48"
                         "content-type" "application/json"
                         "date" "Sun, 10 Jul 2022 13:58:23 GMT"
                         "server" "nginx"
                         "strict-transport-security" "max-age=15724800"
                         "x-request-id" "c1e5fbac-0917-412e-8baf-8fc4fd107514"}
               :status 500}
        :message "clj-http: status 500"
        :type clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo}]}

Having trouble? Please reach out via Slack or open an issue on GitHub. Thanks!