Advenjure is a text adventure (or interactive fiction) game engine. I wrote it as an excuse to learn Clojure. Some of its distinctive features are:
You can see the code for a working example in the advenjure-example repository and play it online here.
For a fully fledged game see House Taken Over.
Add the following to your project map as a dependency:
[advenjure "0.9.0"]
Text adventures consist mainly of moving around rooms and interacting with items through verb commands such as GO, LOOK, TAKE, etc.
Items are represented by Clojure records in advenjure. the advenjure.items/make
function takes a name, a description and a set of key-value pairs to customize behavior.
For example:
(require '[advenjure.items :as items])
(def magazine (items/make "magazine"
"The cover read 'Sports Almanac 1950-2000'"
:take true
:read "Oh là là? Oh là là!?"))
That will define a magazine item that can be taken (put in the player's inventory) and can be read (which differs from looking at it).
You can provide a vector of names so the player can refer to it by one of its synonyms; the first name in the vector will be considered its canonical name:
(def magazine (items/make ["magazine" "sports magazine" "newspaper"]
"The cover read 'Sports Almanac 1950-2000'"
:take true
:read "Oh là là? Oh là là!?"))
Like :take
and :read
there are keywords for the other actions
, :open
, :close
, :unlock
, etc.).
A special kind of items are those that can contain other items:
(def magazine (items/make "bag" :items #{magazine} :closed true))
The bag contains the magazine, but since it's :closed
the player needs to open it
before being able to look inside it and take its contents. Note that marking an
object as :closed
also implies that OPEN and CLOSE verbs can be applied to it
(i.e. it means :open true, :close true
Once you've created a bunch of items, you'll need to put them in a room (if not directly
into the player's inventory). Rooms are also records and also have an
function to build them:
(require '[advenjure.rooms :as rooms])
(def bedroom (rooms/make "Bedroom"
"A smelling bedroom."
:initial-description "I woke up in a smelling little bedroom, without windows."))
Note that rooms can have only one name. :initial-description
is an optional attribute
to define how the player will describe a room the first time he visits it,
usually with a more verbose description. If :initial-description
is not defined,
and whenever the LOOK AROUND command is entered, the regular description will be used.
To add items to a room use advenjure.rooms/add-item
(def bedroom (-> (rooms/make "Bedroom"
"A smelling bedroom."
:initial-description "I woke up in a smelling little bedroom, without windows.")
(rooms/add-item (items/make "bed" "It was the bed I slept in."))
(rooms/add-item magazine "On the floor was a sports magazine.")))
The second parameter is an optional room-specific description of the item. It will be used
to mention the item while describing the room (as opposed of the default a <item> is here.
Once you have some rooms, you need to connect them to build a room map, which is
nothing but a plain clojure hash map. First map the room record to some id keyword,
then connect the rooms using the advenjure.rooms/connect
(def room-map (-> {:bedroom bedroom
:living living
:outside outside}
(rooms/connect :bedroom :north :living)
(rooms/connect :living :east :outside)))
An alternative function, advenjure.rooms/one-way-connect
, allows connecting the
rooms just in one direction.
The next building block is the game map itself, which contains the room map,
the player's inventory and a pointer to the current room.
helps to build it:
(require '[ :as game])
(game/make room-map :bedroom)
The room keyword defines what room the player will be in when the game starts. If you want to start off the game with some items in the player's inventory, just pass them in a set as the third argument.
Lastly, the
takes a game state map, a boolean function
to tell if the game has finished and an optional string to print before it starts.
Putting it all together in a -main
(defn -main
"Build and run the game."
[& args]
(let [game-state (game/make room-map :bedroom)
finished? #(= (:current-room %) :outside)]
(game/run game-state finished? :start-message "Welcome to the advenjure!")))
The game flows by taking the initial game state map, prompting the user for a command,
applying the command to produce a new game state and repeat the process until the
condition is met, which, in the example above means entering the
There is a number of advanced features available in the engine:
I'm waiting for the APIs to stabilize (and get a lot of free time) before fully documenting all those features, but I'd be happy to write something up if you need help with something specific, just file an issue!
The codebase is prepared to run both in the terminal with Clojure and the browser with ClojureScript. An example configuration, using lein-cljsbuild would be:
{:main {:source-paths ["src"]
:compiler {:output-to "main.js"
:main example.core
:optimizations :simple
:pretty-print false
:optimize-constants true
:static-fns true}}}
Then the command lein cljsbuild once
will output a main.js
file that can be included in any web page to run the game.
The HTML should have a #terminal
div and include the jQuery Terminal CSS to properly render the terminal.
The current limitations of the ClojureScript version of the library are:
optimizations (not :advanced
), since ClojureScript self-hosting is required for some of the advanced features.See the advenjure-example for a game that targets both the terminal and the browser.
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