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Advanced asynchronous hooks:

Since aerospike-clj uses a future based model instead of a callback based model, it is convenient to compose complec asynchronous logic using manifold.

By implementing ClientEvents 2 hooks are exposed that are called for each API call: on-success and on-failure.

Those hooks are called with valuable information that can be used, for example to configure automatic logging, or telemtry on your client. Here is an example of a such code, that is reporting useful metrics to statsd. So assuming you have some statsd namespace tha can connect and report a statsd server, and some metrics namespace that is used to properly format the metric names:

(ns af-common-rta-aerospike.core
  (:require [aerospike-clj.client :as aero]
            [statsd.metrics :as metrics]
            [statsd.core :as statsd]
            [manifold.deferred :as d]))

(defrecord DBMeter []
  (on-success [_ op-name op-result _index op-start-time client]
    (statsd/send-timing (metrics/format-statsd-metric (:cluster-name client) op-name "latency")
                        (micros-from op-start-time)
    (statsd/inc-metric (metrics/format-statsd-metric (:cluster-name client) op-name "success"))
    (when (= "read" op-name)
      (if (some? op-result)
         (statsd/inc-metric (metrics/format-statsd-metric (:cluster-name client) "read" "hit"))
         (statsd/inc-metric (metrics/format-statsd-metric (:cluster-name client) "read" "miss"))))
  (on-failure [_ op-name op-ex index op-start-time client]
    (statsd/send-timing (metrics/format-statsd-metric (:cluster-name client) op-name "latency")
                        (micros-from op-start-time)
    (statsd/inc-metric (metrics/format-statsd-metric-fail-aerospike op-ex (:cluster-name client) op-name))
    (d/error-deferred op-ex)))

A few notes on the above code:

  1. Passed arguments:
  • op-name, op-result and index are strings. They partially used for metrics generation in our case.
  • client here is the IAerospikeClient instace. You can use its fields here, or you can even assoc more keys on it when you create it, to be later used here.
  • op-start-time is (System/nanoTime), converted here to microseconds and used to measure latency.
  1. The code is using the passed arguments to measure latency, format metrics names. You can easily do other stuff like logging etc.
  2. Both on-success and on-failure return the results passed in. Although this logic is the last logic that happens to the operations results (e.g. after trascoders are being run), the returned result will be what the calling code gets as a returned value.

Finally, hook it to your client:

user=> (def c (aero/init-simple-aerospike-client ["localhost"] "test" {:client-events (->DBMeter)}))

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