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0.7.1 (2019-06-26)

  • To help debug issue #38, we will now print the exit code baked into an AldaException whenever one is thrown.

0.7.0 (2019-04-14)

  • New CLI command: alda export and REPL command: :export

    This command exports an Alda score to another format. Currently, the only supported format is MIDI.

    The score is provided in the same way as it is for alda play and alda parse: by specifying either a -f / --file, a string of -c / --code, or piping in the code via STDIN.

    alda export -f my-score.alda -F midi -o my-score.alda
    alda export -c 'piano: c8 d e f' -o piano-notes.mid
    echo 'piano: c8 d e f' | alda export -o piano-notes.mid

    The :export REPL command takes a single argument, the output filename:

    > :export /path/to/desired-filename.mid
  • BREAKING CHANGE: The play-status internal command has been renamed to job-status. Older server versions will not recognize the job-status command, so alda play and alda export commands will not work with older servers. As always, you should restart your servers after updating Alda by running alda downup.

0.6.1 (2019-01-19)

  • New CLI command: alda instruments and REPL command: :instruments

    This new command lists all available instruments, which is currently the 128 instruments in the General MIDI spec, as well as midi-percussion.

    NB: Alda does have a number of aliases for these instruments, e.g. piano is recognized as midi-acoustic-grand-piano. These aliases are not included in the list.

  • Made adjustments to the command that prints for Windows users when running alda update to update the Alda client.

    For details, see issue #35.

0.6.0 (2018-11-24)

  • Fixed the mechanism for determining whether the Alda client version is the same as the latest release (i.e. whether or not it's up to date).

    What we had up until now happened to work for the 1.0.0-rcXX series of releases, but there is an edge case involving upgrading from 1.0.0-rcXX to 1.0.0. We were doing a substring search, whereas we needed to do an exact match.

0.5.3 (2018-08-25)

  • Handled an edge case re: what to display when playing extremely short scores.

  • Improved the help text descriptions of the :info and :save REPL commands.

0.5.2 (2018-08-25)

  • Implemented a --no-color CLI option, which suppresses ANSI color codes.

0.5.1 (2018-07-01)

  • Upgraded JLine dependency to 2.14.6 to fix the platform-specific "Failed to construct terminal" part of this issue.

0.5.0 (2018-03-08)

  • Added an :info command to the Alda REPL. It prints some user-readable information about the current score, for example:

    p> :info
    Instruments: piano-sFz6g
    Current instruments: piano-sFz6g
    Events: 6
    Markers: start, one, two, three

    Thanks, TBuc, for implementing this new feature!

0.4.8 (2018-02-03)

  • Fixed a bug in the Alda REPL where the :play from and to options were being completely ignored.

  • Fixed issues where ! is not escaped properly in the Alda REPL.

    This is something that had been fixed previously in the Clojure version of the Alda REPL, but not ported over when we rewrote the REPL as part of the Java client.

    For context, see this issue.

  • Enabled persistent history for the Alda REPL. For example, if you start a REPL session and enter a bunch of lines of input, then close the session and start a new one, you can access the lines you typed in the previous session by pressing the Up arrow.

    History is stored in a file at ~/.alda-repl-history.

0.4.7 (2017-10-12)

  • Fixed a weird issue where, after successfully updating Alda via alda update, the line ExitCode.SUCCESS.exit() would result in a NoClassDefFoundError.

    This is black magic to me and I don't understand why it was happening (maybe a Java guru out there can enlighten me), but in any case, I noticed that ExitCode.SUCCESS.exit() is called after the updateAlda method returns anyway, so we can just replace the first ExitCode.SUCCESS.exit() with a return; (letting the second ExitCode.SUCCESS.exit() take care of exiting) and that ought to fix it.

0.4.6 (2017-10-12)

  • Improved the timing of waiting for the server to stop before starting a new one when running the alda downup command.

    Before, this was just guesswork, and often times, the server wouldn't be down yet, so when a new server tried to start, it would fail with the message:

    There is already a server trying to start on this port. Please be patient -- this can take a while.

    Now, we're actually checking to see when the server stops responding, and waiting until that's the case before we try to start a new server.

    Unfortunately, there is still a bit of guesswork here because the message above is triggered by (assuming you're running OS X or Linux) a check to see if there is an Alda server process in your OS that was started on the same port you are trying to use. There is still a brief window of time between when the server stops responding to requests and when the process has terminated.

    As such, I think there is room for improvement in the future, and you might still see the message above from time to time. But, with this release, things should at least be better than they were before.

  • Expanded the scope of the -t / --timeout option to include how long (in seconds) the Alda command-line client should wait, after running alda down or alda downup, for confirmation that the server has gone down. The default value is still 30 seconds, which should be more than enough time on most systems.

0.4.5 (2017-10-07)

  • Added an --output (-o) option to the alda parse command that allows you to specify what should be output. Valid values are:

    • data (default) is the map of score data that includes instruments, events, etc.

    • events is the sequence of events parsed from the score.

0.4.4 (2017-07-28)

  • Added a --history-file (-I) option. It's like --history, except that it takes the name of a file containing Alda code to be used as history.

0.4.3 (2017-07-16)

  • Bugfix: reversed logic in the alda update command so that the Windows update logic happens if you HAVE Windows, not if you don't have it. Whoops.

0.4.2 (2017-07-16)

  • Fixed a bug where the --history option to the alda play command was being ignored if the --file option was used or code was being piped into STDIN.

0.4.1 (2017-07-07)

  • Running alda update has been known not to work on Windows because of limitations of the OS: Windows apparently will not let you download a new version of a program to replace the program while it is running.

    As a workaround, if your OS is Windows and you run alda update, we now print detailed instructions with a command to run in your terminal that will update alda.exe.

0.4.0 (2017-07-01)

  • Prior to this release, the client would almost always exit with an exit code of 0, even if there was an error of some kind.

    Starting with this release, Alda has a handful of meaningful exit codes. Crucially, there is now a distinction between 0 (success) and non-0 (error/failure).

  • Minor improvements to a handful of error messages.

0.3.2 (2017-06-17)

  • Fixed a bug where if an error occurs while trying to download a new version of Alda, the client would incorrectly report that the update was successful.

  • Fixed a bug where, when reading Alda code from STDIN, newlines were omitted. This could break scores in some cases, e.g. scores containing single-line variable definitions.

0.3.1 (2017-06-11)

  • Added an alda stop command which stops playback.

  • Added a corresponding :stop command in the Alda REPL.

0.3.0 (2017-06-05)

This release adds a bunch of features and improvements to the new, faster Alda REPL. Thanks to jgkamat for helping me implement all this stuff!

  • Added 6 new REPL commands, each equivalent to its command-line counterpart:

    • :status - display the status of the server
    • :list - list running Alda processes
    • :version - display Alda client + server versions
    • :down - stop the server
    • :up - start the server
    • :downup - restart the server
  • When starting the Alda REPL, we now check to see if there is an Alda server running. If there is not, then we offer to start one for you.

    We also offer to start the server after the REPL has started, in the event that the server fails to respond, e.g. if it gets shut down from outside of the REPL.

  • Added a confirmation prompt when running the :new, :load or :quit commands in the REPL. This is to avoid accidentally losing unsaved changes to your score.

  • Fixed miscellaneous bugs in the REPL related to sending requests to the server and receiving responses. This behavior is more reliable now.

  • Fixed a bug where if something goes wrong when trying to start a server, the program does not exit, but instead waits forever for workers to start. Now, the program prints the error and exits.

0.2.0 (2017-05-30)

  • Removed the deprecated --lisp and --map options to the parse command. There is now only one mode of output, and it corresponds to what --map used to be.

0.1.5 (2017-05-28)

  • Fixed bugs re: the current filename of a score when using the :new, :load and :save commands in the REPL.

    Thanks to jgkamat for all of your work on our shiny new REPL! :fireworks:

0.1.4 (2017-05-27)

  • Minor bugfixes.

0.1.3 (2017-05-27)

  • Added generous retry logic when submitting requests to the server via the REPL. See #12 for context.

0.1.2 (2017-05-19)

  • Added a --history option to the play command. This can be used to provide context when playing new code. For example:
$ alda play --history "trumpet: (tempo 200) c8 d e" --code "f g a b > c"

The command above will result in the notes f g a b > c being played as eighth notes, on a trumpet, at 200 bpm.

This option is mainly useful for editor plugins and the upcoming client-side rewrite of the Alda REPL.

  • Work in progress client-side rewrite of the Alda REPL.

0.1.1 (2017-01-14)

  • Fixed 2 bugs re: alda list output:
    • It didn't work correctly on non-OS X systems like Ubuntu due to differences in the ps command across Unix distributions.
    • Fixed buggy output when running multiple Alda servers (#4).

Major thanks to tobiasriedling for both fixes!

0.1.0 (2016-11-19)

    • Extracted alda-client-java from the main Alda repo as of version 1.0.0-rc50.

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