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async/await syntax for functions that take a successful- and an exceptional callback in the last two arguments, a pattern known as continuation-passing style (CPS) and popularised by Ring and clj-http.

async/await syntax for functions that take a successful- and an exceptional
callback in the last two arguments, a pattern known as continuation-passing
style (CPS) and popularised by Ring and clj-http.
raw docstring


(afn name? [params*] body)

Defines an asynchronous function. Declared arguments are extended with two continuation arguments of &resolve and &raise and these continuations will be called with the function result or any exception thrown respectively.

Executes in the calling thread up until the first await clause. Execution is then resumed in the thread the awaited function invokes its continuation in. This may still be the calling thread.

JVM monitor operations (monitor-enter, monitor-exit and locking macro) are not supported in the body and their use will lead to concurrency bugs. Currently there is no warning when this is the case.

Only one arity is allowed.

Defines an asynchronous function. Declared arguments are extended with two
continuation arguments of &resolve and &raise and these continuations will
be called with the function result or any exception thrown respectively.

Executes in the calling thread up until the first await clause. Execution is
then resumed in the thread the awaited function invokes its continuation in.
This may still be the calling thread.

JVM monitor operations (monitor-enter, monitor-exit and locking macro) are
not supported in the body and their use will lead to concurrency bugs.
Currently there is no warning when this is the case.

Only one arity is allowed.
sourceraw docstring


(async resolve raise & body)

Like ((afn [] body*) resolve raise).

Like ((afn [] body*) resolve raise).
sourceraw docstring


(await cps-fn & args)

Awaits the asynchronous execution of continuation-passing style function cps-fn, applying it to args and two extra callback functions: resolve and raise. cps-fn is expected to eventually either call resolve with the result, call raise with the exception or just throw in the calling thread. The return value of cps-fn is ignored. Effectively returns the value passed to resolve or throws the exception passed to raise (or thrown) but does not block the calling tread.

Must be called in an asynchronous function. Note that any nested functions defined with fn, letfn, reify or deftype are considered outside of asynchronous scope.

Awaits the asynchronous execution of continuation-passing style function
cps-fn, applying it to args and two extra callback functions: resolve and
raise. cps-fn is expected to eventually either call resolve with the result,
call raise with the exception or just throw in the calling thread. The
return value of cps-fn is ignored. Effectively returns the value passed to
resolve or throws the exception passed to raise (or thrown) but does not
block the calling tread.

Must be called in an asynchronous function. Note that any nested functions
defined with fn, letfn, reify or deftype are considered outside of
asynchronous scope.
sourceraw docstring


(await! cps-fn & args)

Like await but blocks the calling thread. Do not use inside an asynchronous function.

Like await but blocks the calling thread. Do not use inside an asynchronous
sourceraw docstring


(blocking & body)

Returns a CPS function that will execute the body in a future block and trigger its continuation within that future. Use to avoid long-running IO from blocking the caller's thread. Use: (await (blocking (slurp "a-very-long-file.txt")))

Returns a CPS function that will execute the body in a future block and
trigger its continuation within that future. Use to avoid long-running
IO from blocking the caller's thread.
Use: (await (blocking (slurp "a-very-long-file.txt")))
sourceraw docstring


(defn-async name doc-string? attr-map? [params*] body)

Same as defn but defines an asynchronous function with extra &resolve and &raise continuation params. Only one arity is allowed.

See also afn

Same as defn but defines an asynchronous function with extra &resolve and
&raise continuation params. Only one arity is allowed.

See also afn
sourceraw docstring


Deprecated - renamed to afn.

Deprecated - renamed to afn.
sourceraw docstring

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