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async/await for continuation-passing style (CPS) functions

This library delivers async/await expressions for use with asynchronous functions that take resolve and raise callbacks as the last parameters (e.g. ring, clj-http...).


(require '[await-cps :as cps]
         '[clj-http.client :as http])

(defn swapi-handler [request respond raise]
  (cps/async respond raise
    (let [person-url (str "" (:id (:params request)))
          person (:body (cps/await http/get person-url {:async? true :as :json}))
          homeworld-url (:homeworld person)
          homeworld (:body (cps/await http/get homeworld-url {:async? true :as :json}))]
      (str "Hi! I'm " (:name person) " from " (:name homeworld)))))

(swapi-handler {:params {:id 1}} println println)

or with custom defn

(require '[await-cps :refer cps]
         '[clj-http.client :as http])

(cps/defn-async swapi-handler [request]
  (let [person-url (str "" (:id (:params request)))
        person (:body (cps/await http/get person-url {:async? true :as :json}))
        homeworld-url (:homeworld person)
        homeworld (:body (cps/await http/get homeworld-url {:async? true :as :json}))]
    (str "Hi! I'm " (:name person) " from " (:name homeworld))))

(swapi-handler {:params {:id 1}} println println)


  • presereve meta
  • test loop/recur for stack overflows
  • recursive fn-async
  • sanitise monitor-*

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