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async/await for continuation-passing style functions

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Writing correct CPS code is hard and awkward. Exceptions thrown in continuation functions tend to get swallowed. Any non-trivial flow can quickly become unmanageable.

This library delivers async/await expressions that let you write idiomatic, synchronous-looking code while leveraging the power of asynchronous, continuation-passing style functions (Ring's async handlers, clj-http).

(require '[await-cps :refer [async await]]
         '[clj-http.client :as http])

(defn star-wars-greeting-handler [request respond raise]
  ; initiate the async block
  (async respond raise
    (let [person-url (str "" (:id (:params request)))
          ; await the completion of asynchronous http request, doesn't block the thread 
          person (:body (await http/get person-url {:async? true :as :json}))]
      (str "Hi! I'm " (:name person) " from "
           ; await expression can go wherever a function call is allowed
           (get-in (await http/get (:homeworld person) {:async? true :as :json})
                   [:body :name])))))

You can also use defn-async to reduce boilerplate.

(defn-async star-wars-greeting-handler [request]

Async block can handle arbitrary Clojure code with following limitations:


Recurring is supported in the context of a loop (not yet in the context of a function).

(async respond raise
  (loop [offset 0]
    (println (:body (await http/get (str "" offset) {:async? true})))
    (recur (+ 10 offset))))

When awaiting in a loop if awaited function invokes the continuation in the calling thread the call stack will keep growing until overflow. This could be a problem for libraries that take the CPS as an argument and can't make runtime assumptions about it. A workaround could be wrapping callbacks in a future.

(await (fn [resolve raise] (arbitrary-cps-fn args* #(future (resolve %)) #(future (raise %)))))


try/catch/finally is fully supported. Note however that when a CPS function completes failing to call either the resolve or raise callback the finally block may never execute. This would be equivalent to killing a thread that's executing a regular try block.

Monitor operations

monitor-enter and monitor-exit are strictly related to executing thread and therefore are not supported.


  • presereve meta
  • recursive fn-async
  • warn on monitor-*

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