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(check-non-maven-dependencies {:keys [deps]})


(default-exclusion-predicate root-path path)


(default-inclusion-path group-id artifact-id root-files path)


(deps-path group-id artifact-id root-files path)


(dotfiles-pred root-path path)


(emacs-backups-pred root-path path)


(jar lib maven-coords)
(jar lib
     {:keys [out-path main manifest paths deps :mvn/repos exclusion-predicate
             inclusion-path allow-all-dependencies?]
      :or {exclusion-predicate default-exclusion-predicate}
      :as options})

Bundles project resources into a jar file. This function also generates maven description files. By default, this function ensures that all the project dependencies are maven based.

  • lib: A symbol naming the library.
  • maven-coords: A map with the same format than tools.deps maven coordinates.
  • out-path: The path of the produced jar file. When not provided, a default out-path is generated from the lib and maven coordinates.
  • main: A namespace to be added to the "Main" entry to the jar manifest. Default to nil.
  • manifest: A map of additional entries to the jar manifest. Values of the manifest map can be maps to represent manifest sections. By default, the jar manifest contains the "Created-by", "Built-By" and "Build-Jdk" entries.
  • paths: A vector of the paths containing the resources to be bundled into the jar. Default to the paths of the deps.edn file.
  • deps: The dependencies of the project. deps have the same format than the :deps entry of a tools.deps map. Dependencies are copied to the pom.xml file produced while generating the jar file. Default to the deps.edn dependencies of the project (excluding the system-level and user-level deps.edn dependencies).
  • mvn/repos: Repositories to be copied to the pom.xml file produced while generating the jar. Must have same format than the :mvn/repos entry of deps.edn. Default to nil.
  • exclusion-predicate: A predicate to exclude files that would otherwise been added to the jar. The predicate takes two parameters: the path of the directory being visited (among the :paths of the project) and the path of the file being visited under this directory. The file being visited is added to the jar when the exclusion predicate returns a falsy value. It is excluded from the jar otherwise. Default to a predicate that excludes dotfiles and emacs backup files.
  • inclusion-path: A predicate to add files to the jar that would otherwise not have been added to it. Can be used to add any file of the project to the jar - not only those under the project :paths. The predicate takes two arguments: the path of the root directory of the project and the file being visited under this directory. The file being visited is added to the jar under the path returned by this function. It is not added to the jar when this function returns a falsy value. Default to a predicate that add the pom.xml, deps.edn, and any file at the root of the project directory starting with "license" or "readme" (case incensitive) under the "META-INF" folder of the jar.
  • allow-all-dependencies?: A boolean that can be set to true to allow any types of dependency, such as local or git dependencies. Default to false, in which case only maven dependencies are allowed - an exception is thrown when this is not the case. When set to true, the jar is produced even in the presence of non-maven dependencies, but only maven dependencies are added to the jar.
Bundles project resources into a jar file. This function also generates maven description files. By default, this function ensures that all the project dependencies are maven based.
- lib: A symbol naming the library.
- maven-coords: A map with the same format than tools.deps maven coordinates.
- out-path: The path of the produced jar file. When not provided, a default out-path is generated from the lib and maven coordinates.
- main: A namespace to be added to the "Main" entry to the jar manifest. Default to nil.
- manifest: A map of additional entries to the jar manifest. Values of the manifest map can be maps to represent manifest sections. By default, the jar manifest contains the "Created-by", "Built-By" and "Build-Jdk" entries.
- paths: A vector of the paths containing the resources to be bundled into the jar. Default to the paths of the deps.edn file.
- deps: The dependencies of the project. deps have the same format than the :deps entry of a tools.deps map. Dependencies are copied to the pom.xml file produced while generating the jar file. Default to the deps.edn dependencies of the project (excluding the system-level and user-level deps.edn dependencies).
- mvn/repos: Repositories to be copied to the pom.xml file produced while generating the jar. Must have same format than the :mvn/repos entry of deps.edn. Default to nil.
- exclusion-predicate: A predicate to exclude files that would otherwise been added to the jar. The predicate takes two parameters: the path of the directory being visited (among the :paths of the project) and the path of the file being visited under this directory. The file being visited is added to the jar when the exclusion predicate returns a falsy value. It is excluded from the jar otherwise. Default to a predicate that excludes dotfiles and emacs backup files.
- inclusion-path: A predicate to add files to the jar that would otherwise not have been added to it. Can be used to add any file of the project to the jar - not only those under the project :paths. The predicate takes two arguments: the path of the root directory of the project and the file being visited under this directory. The file being visited is added to the jar under the path returned by this function. It is not added to the jar when this function returns a falsy value. Default to a predicate that add the pom.xml, deps.edn, and any file at the root of the project directory starting with "license" or "readme" (case incensitive) under the "META-INF" folder of the jar.
- allow-all-dependencies?: A boolean that can be set to true to allow any types of dependency, such as local or git dependencies. Default to false, in which case only maven dependencies are allowed - an exception is thrown when this is not the case. When set to true, the jar is produced even in the presence of non-maven dependencies, but only maven dependencies are added to the jar.
raw docstring


(license-path group-id artifact-id root-files path)


(make-manifest main)
(make-manifest main manifest-overrides)

Return the content of a MANIFEST.MF file as a string.

  • main: A namespace to be added to the "Main" entry to the manifest. Default to nil.
  • manifest-overrides: A map of additionel entries to the manifest. Values of the manifest map can be maps to represent manifest sections. By default, the manifest contains the "Created-by", "Built-By" and "Build-Jdk" entries.
Return the content of a MANIFEST.MF file as a string.
- main: A namespace to be added to the "Main" entry to the manifest. Default to nil.
- manifest-overrides: A map of additionel entries to the manifest. Values of the manifest map can be maps to represent manifest sections. By default, the manifest contains the "Created-by", "Built-By" and "Build-Jdk" entries.
raw docstring


(pom-path group-id artifact-id root-files path)


(readme-path group-id artifact-id root-files path)

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