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(date-histogram! es-uri index interval start end timezone criteria field-list)

Returns a date histogram based on params: interval hour | day | week | month | year, start a local date - for example 2017-05-04 end local date timezone for example Australia/Sydney criteria a key value map of field critera to search by. field-list a keyword/string list of field names to aggregate.

Returns a date histogram based on params:
`interval` hour | day | week | month | year,
`start` a local date - for example `2017-05-04`
`end` local date
`timezone` for example `Australia/Sydney`
`criteria` a key value map of field critera to search by.
`field-list` a keyword/string list of field names to aggregate.
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(delete-by-query! es-uri index criteria)

Deletes docs from elasticsearch based on criteria. criteria is a map with multiple field = match-value search criteria.

Deletes docs from elasticsearch based on `criteria`.
`criteria` is a map with multiple `field = match-value` search criteria.
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(exp value exponent)



(parse-histogram-result es-result field-list)

Extracts the required values from elasticsearch result and converts to a simple flat array.

Extracts the required values from elasticsearch result and converts to
a simple flat array.
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(post! bulk-uri bulk-docs retries)

Posts a bulk request to elasticsearch and will retry in accordance with retries. body is a clojure map of form bulk-entry. Returns {:success true} if no Exceptions are raised. Otherwise throws exception.

Posts a bulk request to elasticsearch and will retry in
accordance with `retries`. `body` is a clojure map of form `bulk-entry`.
Returns `{:success true}` if no Exceptions are raised. Otherwise throws exception.
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(post-bulk! es-uri index ids data)


(put! es-uri index id doc retries)

Puts doc to elasticsearch

Puts doc to elasticsearch
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(query! es-uri index criteria)

Returns docs from index based on criteria. criteria in form of a clojure map. Max return size set to 1000.

Returns docs from `index` based on `criteria`.
`criteria` in form of a clojure map.
Max return size set to 1000.
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(sleep ms)


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