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(admin-confirm-signup! user-pool-id email)

Verifies a user in Cognito

Verifies a user in Cognito
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(admin-create-user! user-pool-id username attributes)

Creates a user in Cognito. Attributes in map format.

Creates a user in Cognito. Attributes in map format.
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(admin-delete-user! user-pool-id username)

Deletes user from cognito based on username

Deletes user from cognito based on username
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(admin-get-user! user-pool-id username)

Gets the user details from cognito without need for access token

Gets the user details from cognito without need for access token
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(admin-update-user-attributes! user-pool-id username attributes)

Updates the user's attributes - some or all. Attributes as a map.

Updates the user's attributes - some or all. Attributes as a map.
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(delete-camel-item-from-dynamo! table-name hash-key)

Deletes all entries with a particular device-id

Deletes all entries with a particular device-id
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(dynamo-batch-delete-device-ids! table-name device-id)

Deletes all device-id items from table

Deletes all device-id items from table
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(dynamo-batch-put-camel-items! table-name items)

Puts new items to dynamodb by calling batch-put-items-dynamo! with each 25 item partition.

Puts new items to dynamodb by calling `batch-put-items-dynamo!`
with each 25 item partition.
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(dynamo-batch-put-items! table-name items)

Puts new items to dynamodb and loops until all items have been successfully put to dynamo.

Puts new items to dynamodb and loops until all items have been successfully
put to dynamo.
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(dynamo-batch-put-request! put-request)

Submits batch put request as a future to dynamo

Submits batch put request as a future to dynamo
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(dynamo-delete-device-ids! table-name device-id)

Deletes all device-id items from table

Deletes all device-id items from table
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(dynamo-delete-key! table-name key)

Deletes all key from dynamo table

Deletes all key from dynamo table
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(dynamo-put-camel-item! table-name {:keys [id device-id] :as item})

Puts a new item to dynamodb

Puts a new item to dynamodb
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(dynamo-put-camel-items! table-name items)

Puts a new item to dynamodb

Puts a new item to dynamodb
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(dynamo-query! table-name partition-key partition-key-type value attributes)
(dynamo-query! table-name

Scan table-name for items based on attribute value. Only returns the first 1MB of data (pre-filter size). This function is multi-arity. If called with last-evaluated-key, it will return as many items as possible from this point forward.

Scan table-name for items based on attribute value. Only returns the first 1MB
of data (pre-filter size). This function is multi-arity. If called with
last-evaluated-key, it will return as many items as possible from this point
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(dynamo-query-all! table-name attribute attribute-type value attributes)

Scan table-name for items based on attribute value. Scans dynamo table and filters result based on attribute = value. Returns map of attributes (list of keynames) and value. Will loop through scan until all matching values from table are returned.

Scan table-name for items based on attribute value.
Scans dynamo table and filters result based on attribute = value.
Returns map of attributes (list of keynames) and value. Will loop through scan
until all matching values from table are returned.
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(dynamo-scan! table-name attribute attribute-type value attributes)
(dynamo-scan! table-name column column-type value attributes last-evaluated-key)

Scan table-name for items based on attribute value. Only returns the first 1MB of data (pre-filter size). This function is multi-arity. If called with last-evaluated-key, it will return as many items as possible from this point forward.

Scan table-name for items based on attribute value. Only returns the first 1MB
of data (pre-filter size). This function is multi-arity. If called with
last-evaluated-key, it will return as many items as possible from this point
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(dynamo-scan-all! table-name attribute attribute-type value attributes)

Scan table-name for items based on attribute value. Scans dynamo table and filters result based on attribute = value. Returns map of attributes (list of keynames) and value. Will loop through scan until all matching values from table are returned.

Scan table-name for items based on attribute value.
Scans dynamo table and filters result based on attribute = value.
Returns map of attributes (list of keynames) and value. Will loop through scan
until all matching values from table are returned.
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(initiate-auth! client-id user-pool-id username password)

Initiate authentication with Cognito

Initiate authentication with Cognito
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(s3-delete-object! bucket path)

Deletes an object from s3

Deletes an object from s3
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(s3-get-json! bucket key)

Given an s3 bucket and key, will return a map of the json

Given an s3 bucket and key, will return a map of the json
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(s3-list-objects! bucket prefix)

Lists objects in s3bucket

Lists objects in s3bucket
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(s3-list-objects-keys! bucket prefix)

List all keys below prefix

List all keys below prefix
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(s3-put-camel-json! bucket path data)

PUT this data as json to to the path in the S3 bucket

PUT this data as json to to the path in the S3 bucket
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(s3-put-json! bucket path data)

PUT this data as json to to the path in the S3 bucket

PUT this data as json to to the path in the S3 bucket
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(s3-put-string! bucket path data)

PUT data to s3 bucket. Data is a string.

PUT data to s3 bucket. Data is a string.
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(sign-up! client-id username password)
(sign-up! client-id username password user-attributes)

Creates a user in Cognito. Optional attributes provided in map format.

Creates a user in Cognito. Optional attributes provided in map format.
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(user! access-token)

Gets the user details from Cognito

Gets the user details from Cognito
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