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(abandon-transaction client {:as params :keys [txid]})

Marks an in-wallet transaction and all its in-wallet descendants as abandoned. This allows their inputs to be respent.

txidstring (hex)Required<br>(exactly 1)The transaction id

Marks an in-wallet transaction and all its in-wallet descendants as abandoned. This allows their inputs to be respent.

| Name | Type         | Presence                | Description        |
| ---- | ------------ | ----------------------- | ------------------ |
| txid | string (hex) | Required<br>(exactly 1) | The transaction id |
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(abort-rescan client)
Stops current wallet rescan
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(add-multi-sig-address client
                       {:as params :keys [nrequired keys label address_type]})

Adds a P2SH multisig address to the wallet.

nrequirednumber (int)Required<br>(exactly 1)The number of required signatures out of the n keys or addresses.
keysjson arrayRequired<br>(exactly 1)A json array of bitcoin addresses or hex-encoded public keys
labelstringOptionalA label to assign the addresses to.
address_typestringOptional<br>Default=set by -addresstypeThe address type to use. Options are "legacy", "p2sh-segwit", and "bech32".

Adds a P2SH multisig address to the wallet.

| Name         | Type         | Presence                                | Description                                                                 |
| ------------ | ------------ | --------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| nrequired    | number (int) | Required<br>(exactly 1)                 | The number of required signatures out of the n keys or addresses.           |
| keys         | json array   | Required<br>(exactly 1)                 | A json array of bitcoin addresses or hex-encoded public keys                |
| label        | string       | Optional                                | A label to assign the addresses to.                                         |
| address_type | string       | Optional<br>Default=set by -addresstype | The address type to use. Options are "legacy", "p2sh-segwit", and "bech32". |
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(add-node client {:as params :keys [node command]})

Attempts to add or remove a node from the addnode list.

nodestringRequired<br>(exactly 1)The node (see getpeerinfo for nodes). The node to add as a string in the form of <IP address>:<port>. The IP address may be a hostname resolvable through DNS, an IPv4 address, an IPv4-as-IPv6 address, or an IPv6 address
commandstringRequired<br>(exactly 1)'add' to add a node to the list, 'remove' to remove a node from the list, 'onetry' to try a connection to the node once. What to do with the IP address above. Options are:<br>• add to add a node to the addnode list. Up to 8 nodes can be added additional to the default 8 nodes. Not limited by -maxconnections<br>• remove to remove a node from the list. If currently connected, this will disconnect immediately<br>• onetry to immediately attempt connection to the node even if the outgoing connection slots are full; this will only attempt the connection once

Attempts to add or remove a node from the addnode list.

| Name    | Type   | Presence                | Description                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |
| ------- | ------ | ----------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| node    | string | Required<br>(exactly 1) | The node (see getpeerinfo for nodes). The node to add as a string in the form of `<IP address>:<port>`.  The IP address may be a hostname resolvable through DNS, an IPv4 address, an IPv4-as-IPv6 address, or an IPv6 address                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |
| command | string | Required<br>(exactly 1) | 'add' to add a node to the list, 'remove' to remove a node from the list, 'onetry' to try a connection to the node once. What to do with the IP address above.  Options are:<br>• `add` to add a node to the addnode list.  Up to 8 nodes can be added additional to the default 8 nodes. Not limited by `-maxconnections`<br>• `remove` to remove a node from the list.  If currently connected, this will disconnect immediately<br>• `onetry` to immediately attempt connection to the node even if the outgoing connection slots are full; this will only attempt the connection once |
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(analyze-psbt client {:as params :keys [psbt]})

Analyzes and provides information about the current status of a PSBT and its inputs.

psbtstringRequired<br>(exactly 1)A base64 string of a PSBT

Analyzes and provides information about the current status of a PSBT and its inputs.

| Name | Type   | Presence                | Description               |
| ---- | ------ | ----------------------- | ------------------------- |
| psbt | string | Required<br>(exactly 1) | A base64 string of a PSBT |
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(backup-wallet client {:as params :keys [destination]})

Safely copies current wallet file to destination, which can be a directory or a path with filename.

destinationstringRequired<br>(exactly 1)The destination directory or file

Safely copies current wallet file to destination, which can be a directory or a path with filename.

| Name        | Type   | Presence                | Description                       |
| ----------- | ------ | ----------------------- | --------------------------------- |
| destination | string | Required<br>(exactly 1) | The destination directory or file |
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(bump-fee client {:as params :keys [txid options]})

Bumps the fee of an opt-in-RBF transaction T, replacing it with a new transaction B.

txidstringRequired<br>(exactly 1)The txid to be bumped
optionsjson objectOptional

Bumps the fee of an opt-in-RBF transaction T, replacing it with a new transaction B.

| Name    | Type        | Presence                | Description           |
| ------- | ----------- | ----------------------- | --------------------- |
| txid    | string      | Required<br>(exactly 1) | The txid to be bumped |
| options | json object | Optional                |                       |
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(clear-banned client)
Clear all banned IPs.
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(client {:keys [url user pass]})


(combine-psbt client {:as params :keys [txs]})

Combine multiple partially signed Bitcoin transactions into one transaction.

txsjson arrayRequired<br>(exactly 1)A json array of base64 strings of partially signed transactions

Combine multiple partially signed Bitcoin transactions into one transaction.

| Name | Type       | Presence                | Description                                                     |
| ---- | ---------- | ----------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------- |
| txs  | json array | Required<br>(exactly 1) | A json array of base64 strings of partially signed transactions |
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(combine-raw-transaction client {:as params :keys [txs]})

Combine multiple partially signed transactions into one transaction.

txsjson arrayRequired<br>(exactly 1)A json array of hex strings of partially signed transactions

Combine multiple partially signed transactions into one transaction.

| Name | Type       | Presence                | Description                                                  |
| ---- | ---------- | ----------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| txs  | json array | Required<br>(exactly 1) | A json array of hex strings of partially signed transactions |
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(convert-to-psbt client {:as params :keys [hexstring permitsigdata iswitness]})

Converts a network serialized transaction to a PSBT.

hexstringstringRequired<br>(exactly 1)The hex string of a raw transaction
permitsigdatabooleanOptional<br>Default=falseIf true, any signatures in the input will be discarded and conversion. will continue. If false, RPC will fail if any signatures are present.
iswitnessbooleanOptional<br>Default=depends on heuristic testsWhether the transaction hex is a serialized witness transaction. If iswitness is not present, heuristic tests will be used in decoding. If true, only witness deserializaion will be tried. If false, only non-witness deserialization will be tried. Only has an effect if permitsigdata is true.

Converts a network serialized transaction to a PSBT.

| Name          | Type    | Presence                                       | Description                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        |
| ------------- | ------- | ---------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| hexstring     | string  | Required<br>(exactly 1)                        | The hex string of a raw transaction                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |
| permitsigdata | boolean | Optional<br>Default=false                      | If true, any signatures in the input will be discarded and conversion. will continue. If false, RPC will fail if any signatures are present.                                                                                                                                                       |
| iswitness     | boolean | Optional<br>Default=depends on heuristic tests | Whether the transaction hex is a serialized witness transaction. If iswitness is not present, heuristic tests will be used in decoding. If true, only witness deserializaion will be tried. If false, only non-witness deserialization will be tried. Only has an effect if permitsigdata is true. |
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(create-multi-sig client {:as params :keys [nrequired keys address_type]})

Creates a multi-signature address with n signature of m keys required.

nrequirednumber (int)Required<br>(exactly 1)The number of required signatures out of the n keys.
keysjson arrayRequired<br>(exactly 1)A json array of hex-encoded public keys.
address_typestringOptional<br>Default=legacyThe address type to use. Options are "legacy", "p2sh-segwit", and "bech32".

Creates a multi-signature address with n signature of m keys required.

| Name         | Type         | Presence                   | Description                                                                 |
| ------------ | ------------ | -------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| nrequired    | number (int) | Required<br>(exactly 1)    | The number of required signatures out of the n keys.                        |
| keys         | json array   | Required<br>(exactly 1)    | A json array of hex-encoded public keys.                                    |
| address_type | string       | Optional<br>Default=legacy | The address type to use. Options are "legacy", "p2sh-segwit", and "bech32". |
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(create-psbt client {:as params :keys [inputs outputs locktime replaceable]})

Creates a transaction in the Partially Signed Transaction format.

inputsjson arrayRequired<br>(exactly 1)A json array of json objects
outputsjson arrayRequired<br>(exactly 1)a json array with outputs (key-value pairs), where none of the keys are duplicated. That is, each address can only appear once and there can only be one 'data' object. For compatibility reasons, a dictionary, which holds the key-value pairs directly, is also accepted as second parameter.
locktimenumber (int)Optional<br>Default=0Raw locktime. Non-0 value also locktime-activates inputs
replaceablebooleanOptional<br>Default=falseMarks this transaction as BIP125 replaceable. Allows this transaction to be replaced by a transaction with higher fees. If provided, it is an error if explicit sequence numbers are incompatible.

Creates a transaction in the Partially Signed Transaction format.

| Name        | Type         | Presence                  | Description                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      |
| ----------- | ------------ | ------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| inputs      | json array   | Required<br>(exactly 1)   | A json array of json objects                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     |
| outputs     | json array   | Required<br>(exactly 1)   | a json array with outputs (key-value pairs), where none of the keys are duplicated. That is, each address can only appear once and there can only be one 'data' object. For compatibility reasons, a dictionary, which holds the key-value pairs directly, is also accepted as second parameter. |
| locktime    | number (int) | Optional<br>Default=0     | Raw locktime. Non-0 value also locktime-activates inputs                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         |
| replaceable | boolean      | Optional<br>Default=false | Marks this transaction as BIP125 replaceable. Allows this transaction to be replaced by a transaction with higher fees. If provided, it is an error if explicit sequence numbers are incompatible.                                                                                               |
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(create-raw-transaction client
                        {:as params
                         :keys [inputs outputs locktime replaceable]})

Create a transaction spending the given inputs and creating new outputs.

inputsjson arrayRequired<br>(exactly 1)A json array of json objects
outputsjson arrayRequired<br>(exactly 1)a json array with outputs (key-value pairs), where none of the keys are duplicated. That is, each address can only appear once and there can only be one 'data' object. For compatibility reasons, a dictionary, which holds the key-value pairs directly, is also accepted as second parameter.
locktimenumber (int)Optional<br>Default=0Raw locktime. Non-0 value also locktime-activates inputs
replaceablebooleanOptional<br>Default=falseMarks this transaction as BIP125-replaceable. Allows this transaction to be replaced by a transaction with higher fees. If provided, it is an error if explicit sequence numbers are incompatible.

Create a transaction spending the given inputs and creating new outputs.

| Name        | Type         | Presence                  | Description                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      |
| ----------- | ------------ | ------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| inputs      | json array   | Required<br>(exactly 1)   | A json array of json objects                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     |
| outputs     | json array   | Required<br>(exactly 1)   | a json array with outputs (key-value pairs), where none of the keys are duplicated. That is, each address can only appear once and there can only be one 'data' object. For compatibility reasons, a dictionary, which holds the key-value pairs directly, is also accepted as second parameter. |
| locktime    | number (int) | Optional<br>Default=0     | Raw locktime. Non-0 value also locktime-activates inputs                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         |
| replaceable | boolean      | Optional<br>Default=false | Marks this transaction as BIP125-replaceable. Allows this transaction to be replaced by a transaction with higher fees. If provided, it is an error if explicit sequence numbers are incompatible.                                                                                               |
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(create-wallet client
               {:as params :keys [wallet_name disable_private_keys blank]})

Creates and loads a new wallet.

wallet_namestringRequired<br>(exactly 1)The name for the new wallet. If this is a path, the wallet will be created at the path location.
disable_private_keysbooleanOptional<br>Default=falseDisable the possibility of private keys (only watchonlys are possible in this mode).
blankbooleanOptional<br>Default=falseCreate a blank wallet. A blank wallet has no keys or HD seed. One can be set using sethdseed.

Creates and loads a new wallet.

| Name                 | Type    | Presence                  | Description                                                                                      |
| -------------------- | ------- | ------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| wallet_name          | string  | Required<br>(exactly 1)   | The name for the new wallet. If this is a path, the wallet will be created at the path location. |
| disable_private_keys | boolean | Optional<br>Default=false | Disable the possibility of private keys (only watchonlys are possible in this mode).             |
| blank                | boolean | Optional<br>Default=false | Create a blank wallet. A blank wallet has no keys or HD seed. One can be set using sethdseed.    |
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(decode-psbt client {:as params :keys [psbt]})

Return a JSON object representing the serialized, base64-encoded partially signed Bitcoin transaction.

psbtstringRequired<br>(exactly 1)The PSBT base64 string

Return a JSON object representing the serialized, base64-encoded partially signed Bitcoin transaction.

| Name | Type   | Presence                | Description            |
| ---- | ------ | ----------------------- | ---------------------- |
| psbt | string | Required<br>(exactly 1) | The PSBT base64 string |
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(decode-raw-transaction client {:as params :keys [hexstring iswitness]})

Return a JSON object representing the serialized, hex-encoded transaction.

hexstringstringRequired<br>(exactly 1)The transaction hex string
iswitnessbooleanOptional<br>Default=depends on heuristic testsWhether the transaction hex is a serialized witness transaction If iswitness is not present, heuristic tests will be used in decoding

Return a JSON object representing the serialized, hex-encoded transaction.

| Name      | Type    | Presence                                       | Description                                                                                                                           |
| --------- | ------- | ---------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| hexstring | string  | Required<br>(exactly 1)                        | The transaction hex string                                                                                                            |
| iswitness | boolean | Optional<br>Default=depends on heuristic tests | Whether the transaction hex is a serialized witness transaction If iswitness is not present, heuristic tests will be used in decoding |
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(decode-script client {:as params :keys [hexstring]})

Decode a hex-encoded script.

hexstringstringRequired<br>(exactly 1)the hex-encoded script

Decode a hex-encoded script.

| Name      | Type   | Presence                | Description            |
| --------- | ------ | ----------------------- | ---------------------- |
| hexstring | string | Required<br>(exactly 1) | the hex-encoded script |
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(derive-addresses client {:as params :keys [descriptor range]})

Derives one or more addresses corresponding to an output descriptor.

descriptorstringRequired<br>(exactly 1)The descriptor.
rangenumeric or arrayOptionalIf a ranged descriptor is used, this specifies the end or the range (in [begin,end] notation) to derive.

Derives one or more addresses corresponding to an output descriptor.

| Name       | Type             | Presence                | Description                                                                                              |
| ---------- | ---------------- | ----------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| descriptor | string           | Required<br>(exactly 1) | The descriptor.                                                                                          |
| range      | numeric or array | Optional                | If a ranged descriptor is used, this specifies the end or the range (in [begin,end] notation) to derive. |
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(disconnect-node client {:as params :keys [address nodeid]})

Immediately disconnects from the specified peer node.

addressstringOptional<br>Default=fallback to nodeidThe IP address/port of the node
nodeidnumber (int)Optional<br>Default=fallback to addressThe node ID (see getpeerinfo for node IDs)

Immediately disconnects from the specified peer node.

| Name    | Type         | Presence                                | Description                                |
| ------- | ------------ | --------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------ |
| address | string       | Optional<br>Default=fallback to nodeid  | The IP address/port of the node            |
| nodeid  | number (int) | Optional<br>Default=fallback to address | The node ID (see getpeerinfo for node IDs) |
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(dump-priv-key client {:as params :keys [address]})

Reveals the private key corresponding to 'address'.

addressstringRequired<br>(exactly 1)The bitcoin address for the private key

Reveals the private key corresponding to 'address'.

| Name    | Type   | Presence                | Description                             |
| ------- | ------ | ----------------------- | --------------------------------------- |
| address | string | Required<br>(exactly 1) | The bitcoin address for the private key |
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(dump-wallet client {:as params :keys [filename]})

Dumps all wallet keys in a human-readable format to a server-side file.

filenamestringRequired<br>(exactly 1)The filename with path (either absolute or relative to bitcoind)

Dumps all wallet keys in a human-readable format to a server-side file.

| Name     | Type   | Presence                | Description                                                      |
| -------- | ------ | ----------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------- |
| filename | string | Required<br>(exactly 1) | The filename with path (either absolute or relative to bitcoind) |
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(encrypt-wallet client {:as params :keys [passphrase]})

Encrypts the wallet with 'passphrase'.

passphrasestringRequired<br>(exactly 1)The pass phrase to encrypt the wallet with. It must be at least 1 character, but should be long.

Encrypts the wallet with 'passphrase'.

| Name       | Type   | Presence                | Description                                                                                      |
| ---------- | ------ | ----------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| passphrase | string | Required<br>(exactly 1) | The pass phrase to encrypt the wallet with. It must be at least 1 character, but should be long. |
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(estimate-smart-fee client {:as params :keys [conf_target estimate_mode]})

Estimates the approximate fee per kilobyte needed for a transaction to begin confirmation within conf_target blocks if possible and return the number of blocks for which the estimate is valid.

conf_targetnumber (int)Required<br>(exactly 1)Confirmation target in blocks (1 - 1008)
estimate_modestringOptional<br>Default=CONSERVATIVEThe fee estimate mode. Whether to return a more conservative estimate which also satisfies a longer history. A conservative estimate potentially returns a higher feerate and is more likely to be sufficient for the desired target, but is not as responsive to short term drops in the prevailing fee market. Must be one of: "UNSET" "ECONOMICAL" "CONSERVATIVE"

Estimates the approximate fee per kilobyte needed for a transaction to begin confirmation within conf_target blocks if possible and return the number of blocks for which the estimate is valid.

| Name          | Type         | Presence                         | Description                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           |
| ------------- | ------------ | -------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| conf_target   | number (int) | Required<br>(exactly 1)          | Confirmation target in blocks (1 - 1008)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |
| estimate_mode | string       | Optional<br>Default=CONSERVATIVE | The fee estimate mode. Whether to return a more conservative estimate which also satisfies a longer history. A conservative estimate potentially returns a higher feerate and is more likely to be sufficient for the desired target, but is not as responsive to short term drops in the prevailing fee market.  Must be one of: "UNSET" "ECONOMICAL" "CONSERVATIVE" |
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(finalize-psbt client {:as params :keys [psbt extract]})

Finalize the inputs of a PSBT.

psbtstringRequired<br>(exactly 1)A base64 string of a PSBT
extractbooleanOptional<br>Default=trueIf true and the transaction is complete, extract and return the complete transaction in normal network serialization instead of the PSBT.

Finalize the inputs of a PSBT.

| Name    | Type    | Presence                 | Description                                                                                                                               |
| ------- | ------- | ------------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| psbt    | string  | Required<br>(exactly 1)  | A base64 string of a PSBT                                                                                                                 |
| extract | boolean | Optional<br>Default=true | If true and the transaction is complete, extract and return the complete transaction in normal network serialization instead of the PSBT. |
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(fund-raw-transaction client {:as params :keys [hexstring options iswitness]})

Add inputs to a transaction until it has enough in value to meet its out value.

hexstringstringRequired<br>(exactly 1)The hex string of the raw transaction
optionsjson objectOptionalfor backward compatibility: passing in a true instead of an object will result in {"includeWatching":true} "replaceable": bool, (boolean, optional, default=fallback to wallet's default) Marks this transaction as BIP125 replaceable. Allows this transaction to be replaced by a transaction with higher fees "conf_target": n, (numeric, optional, default=fallback to wallet's default) Confirmation target (in blocks) "estimate_mode": "str", (string, optional, default=UNSET) The fee estimate mode, must be one of: "UNSET" "ECONOMICAL" "CONSERVATIVE" }
iswitnessbooleanOptional<br>Default=depends on heuristic testsWhether the transaction hex is a serialized witness transaction If iswitness is not present, heuristic tests will be used in decoding

Add inputs to a transaction until it has enough in value to meet its out value.

| Name      | Type        | Presence                                       | Description                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       |
| --------- | ----------- | ---------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| hexstring | string      | Required<br>(exactly 1)                        | The hex string of the raw transaction                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |
| options   | json object | Optional                                       | for backward compatibility: passing in a true instead of an object will result in {"includeWatching":true} "replaceable": bool,           (boolean, optional, default=fallback to wallet's default) Marks this transaction as BIP125 replaceable. Allows this transaction to be replaced by a transaction with higher fees "conf_target": n,              (numeric, optional, default=fallback to wallet's default) Confirmation target (in blocks) "estimate_mode": "str",        (string, optional, default=UNSET) The fee estimate mode, must be one of: "UNSET" "ECONOMICAL" "CONSERVATIVE" } |
| iswitness | boolean     | Optional<br>Default=depends on heuristic tests | Whether the transaction hex is a serialized witness transaction If iswitness is not present, heuristic tests will be used in decoding                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |
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(generate client {:as params :keys [nblocks maxtries]})

Mine up to nblocks blocks immediately (before the RPC call returns) to an address in the wallet.

nblocksnumber (int)Required<br>(exactly 1)How many blocks are generated immediately.
maxtriesnumber (int)Optional<br>Default=1000000How many iterations to try.

Mine up to nblocks blocks immediately (before the RPC call returns) to an address in the wallet.

| Name     | Type         | Presence                    | Description                                |
| -------- | ------------ | --------------------------- | ------------------------------------------ |
| nblocks  | number (int) | Required<br>(exactly 1)     | How many blocks are generated immediately. |
| maxtries | number (int) | Optional<br>Default=1000000 | How many iterations to try.                |
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(generate-to-address client {:as params :keys [nblocks address maxtries]})

Mine blocks immediately to a specified address (before the RPC call returns).

nblocksnumber (int)Required<br>(exactly 1)How many blocks are generated immediately.
addressstringRequired<br>(exactly 1)The address to send the newly generated bitcoin to.
maxtriesnumber (int)Optional<br>Default=1000000How many iterations to try.

Mine blocks immediately to a specified address (before the RPC call returns).

| Name     | Type         | Presence                    | Description                                         |
| -------- | ------------ | --------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------- |
| nblocks  | number (int) | Required<br>(exactly 1)     | How many blocks are generated immediately.          |
| address  | string       | Required<br>(exactly 1)     | The address to send the newly generated bitcoin to. |
| maxtries | number (int) | Optional<br>Default=1000000 | How many iterations to try.                         |
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(get-added-node-info client {:as params :keys [node]})

Returns information about the given added node, or all added nodes (note that onetry addnodes are not listed here).

nodestringOptional<br>Default=all nodesIf provided, return information about this specific node, otherwise all nodes are returned.

Returns information about the given added node, or all added nodes (note that onetry addnodes are not listed here).

| Name | Type   | Presence                      | Description                                                                                 |
| ---- | ------ | ----------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| node | string | Optional<br>Default=all nodes | If provided, return information about this specific node, otherwise all nodes are returned. |
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(get-address-info client {:as params :keys [address]})

Return information about the given bitcoin address.

addressstringRequired<br>(exactly 1)The bitcoin address to get the information of.

Return information about the given bitcoin address.

| Name    | Type   | Presence                | Description                                    |
| ------- | ------ | ----------------------- | ---------------------------------------------- |
| address | string | Required<br>(exactly 1) | The bitcoin address to get the information of. |
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(get-addresses-by-label client {:as params :keys [label]})

Returns the list of addresses assigned the specified label.

labelstringRequired<br>(exactly 1)The label.

Returns the list of addresses assigned the specified label.

| Name  | Type   | Presence                | Description |
| ----- | ------ | ----------------------- | ----------- |
| label | string | Required<br>(exactly 1) | The label.  |
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(get-balance client {:as params :keys [dummy minconf include_watchonly]})

Returns the total available balance.

dummystringOptionalRemains for backward compatibility. Must be excluded or set to "*".
minconfnumber (int)Optional<br>Default=0Only include transactions confirmed at least this many times.
include_watchonlybooleanOptional<br>Default=falseAlso include balance in watch-only addresses (see 'importaddress')

Returns the total available balance.

| Name              | Type         | Presence                  | Description                                                         |
| ----------------- | ------------ | ------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| dummy             | string       | Optional                  | Remains for backward compatibility. Must be excluded or set to "*". |
| minconf           | number (int) | Optional<br>Default=0     | Only include transactions confirmed at least this many times.       |
| include_watchonly | boolean      | Optional<br>Default=false | Also include balance in watch-only addresses (see 'importaddress')  |
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(get-best-block-hash client)

Returns the hash of the best (tip) block in the longest blockchain.

Returns the hash of the best (tip) block in the longest blockchain.
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(get-block client {:as params :keys [blockhash verbosity]})

Gets a block with a particular header hash from the local block database either as a JSON object or as a serialized block.

blockhashstring (hex)Required<br>(exactly 1)The block hash
verbositynumber (int)Optional<br>Default=10 for hex-encoded data, 1 for a json object, and 2 for json object with transaction data

Gets a block with a particular header hash from the local block database either as a JSON object or as a serialized block.

| Name      | Type         | Presence                | Description                                                                              |
| --------- | ------------ | ----------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| blockhash | string (hex) | Required<br>(exactly 1) | The block hash                                                                           |
| verbosity | number (int) | Optional<br>Default=1   | 0 for hex-encoded data, 1 for a json object, and 2 for json object with transaction data |
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(get-block-chain-info client)

Returns an object containing various state info regarding blockchain processing.

Returns an object containing various state info regarding blockchain processing.
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(get-block-count client)

Returns the number of blocks in the longest blockchain.

Returns the number of blocks in the longest blockchain.
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(get-block-hash client {:as params :keys [height]})

Returns hash of block in best-block-chain at height provided.

heightnumber (int)Required<br>(exactly 1)The height index

Returns hash of block in best-block-chain at height provided.

| Name   | Type         | Presence                | Description      |
| ------ | ------------ | ----------------------- | ---------------- |
| height | number (int) | Required<br>(exactly 1) | The height index |
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(get-block-header client {:as params :keys [blockhash verbose]})

If verbose is false, returns a string that is serialized, hex-encoded data for blockheader 'hash'.

blockhashstringRequired<br>(exactly 1)The block hash
verbosebooleanOptional<br>Default=truetrue for a json object, false for the hex-encoded data

If verbose is false, returns a string that is serialized, hex-encoded data for blockheader 'hash'.

| Name      | Type    | Presence                 | Description                                            |
| --------- | ------- | ------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------ |
| blockhash | string  | Required<br>(exactly 1)  | The block hash                                         |
| verbose   | boolean | Optional<br>Default=true | true for a json object, false for the hex-encoded data |
raw docstring


(get-block-stats client {:as params :keys [hash_or_height stats]})

Compute per block statistics for a given window.

hash_or_heightstring or numericRequired<br>(exactly 1)The block hash or height of the target block
statsjson arrayOptional<br>Default=all valuesValues to plot (see result below)

Compute per block statistics for a given window.

| Name           | Type              | Presence                       | Description                                  |
| -------------- | ----------------- | ------------------------------ | -------------------------------------------- |
| hash_or_height | string or numeric | Required<br>(exactly 1)        | The block hash or height of the target block |
| stats          | json array        | Optional<br>Default=all values | Values to plot (see result below)            |
raw docstring


(get-block-template client {:as params :keys [template_request]})

If the request parameters include a 'mode' key, that is used to explicitly select between the default 'template' request or a 'proposal'.

template_requestjson objectRequired<br>(exactly 1)A json object in the following spec "rules": [ (json array, required) A list of strings "support", (string) client side supported softfork deployment ... ], }

If the request parameters include a 'mode' key, that is used to explicitly select between the default 'template' request or a 'proposal'.

| Name             | Type        | Presence                | Description                                                                                                                                                                      |
| ---------------- | ----------- | ----------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| template_request | json object | Required<br>(exactly 1) | A json object in the following spec "rules": [           (json array, required) A list of strings "support",         (string) client side supported softfork deployment ... ], } |
raw docstring


(get-chain-tips client)

Return information about all known tips in the block tree, including the main chain as well as orphaned branches.

Return information about all known tips in the block tree, including the main chain as well as orphaned branches.
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(get-chain-tx-stats client {:as params :keys [nblocks blockhash]})

Compute statistics about the total number and rate of transactions in the chain.

nblocksnumber (int)Optional<br>Default=one monthSize of the window in number of blocks
blockhashstringOptional<br>Default=chain tipThe hash of the block that ends the window.

Compute statistics about the total number and rate of transactions in the chain.

| Name      | Type         | Presence                      | Description                                 |
| --------- | ------------ | ----------------------------- | ------------------------------------------- |
| nblocks   | number (int) | Optional<br>Default=one month | Size of the window in number of blocks      |
| blockhash | string       | Optional<br>Default=chain tip | The hash of the block that ends the window. |
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(get-connection-count client)

Returns the number of connections to other nodes.

Returns the number of connections to other nodes.
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(get-descriptor-info client {:as params :keys [descriptor]})

Analyses a descriptor.

descriptorstringRequired<br>(exactly 1)The descriptor.

Analyses a descriptor.

| Name       | Type   | Presence                | Description     |
| ---------- | ------ | ----------------------- | --------------- |
| descriptor | string | Required<br>(exactly 1) | The descriptor. |
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(get-difficulty client)

Returns the proof-of-work difficulty as a multiple of the minimum difficulty.

Returns the proof-of-work difficulty as a multiple of the minimum difficulty.
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(get-mem-pool-ancestors client {:as params :keys [txid verbose]})

If txid is in the mempool, returns all in-mempool ancestors.

txidstringRequired<br>(exactly 1)The transaction id (must be in mempool)
verbosebooleanOptional<br>Default=falseTrue for a json object, false for array of transaction ids

If txid is in the mempool, returns all in-mempool ancestors.

| Name    | Type    | Presence                  | Description                                                |
| ------- | ------- | ------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------- |
| txid    | string  | Required<br>(exactly 1)   | The transaction id (must be in mempool)                    |
| verbose | boolean | Optional<br>Default=false | True for a json object, false for array of transaction ids |
raw docstring


(get-mem-pool-descendants client {:as params :keys [txid verbose]})

If txid is in the mempool, returns all in-mempool descendants.

txidstringRequired<br>(exactly 1)The transaction id (must be in mempool)
verbosebooleanOptional<br>Default=falseTrue for a json object, false for array of transaction ids

If txid is in the mempool, returns all in-mempool descendants.

| Name    | Type    | Presence                  | Description                                                |
| ------- | ------- | ------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------- |
| txid    | string  | Required<br>(exactly 1)   | The transaction id (must be in mempool)                    |
| verbose | boolean | Optional<br>Default=false | True for a json object, false for array of transaction ids |
raw docstring


(get-mem-pool-entry client {:as params :keys [txid]})

Returns mempool data for given transaction.

txidstringRequired<br>(exactly 1)The transaction id (must be in mempool)

Returns mempool data for given transaction.

| Name | Type   | Presence                | Description                             |
| ---- | ------ | ----------------------- | --------------------------------------- |
| txid | string | Required<br>(exactly 1) | The transaction id (must be in mempool) |
raw docstring


(get-mem-pool-info client)

Returns details on the active state of the TX memory pool.

Returns details on the active state of the TX memory pool.
raw docstring


(get-memory-info client {:as params :keys [mode]})

Returns an object containing information about memory usage.

modestringOptional<br>Default="stats"determines what kind of information is returned. - "stats" returns general statistics about memory usage in the daemon. - "mallocinfo" returns an XML string describing low-level heap state (only available if compiled with glibc 2.10+).

Returns an object containing information about memory usage.

| Name | Type   | Presence                    | Description                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 |
| ---- | ------ | --------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| mode | string | Optional<br>Default="stats" | determines what kind of information is returned. - "stats" returns general statistics about memory usage in the daemon. - "mallocinfo" returns an XML string describing low-level heap state (only available if compiled with glibc 2.10+). |
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(get-mining-info client)

Returns a json object containing mining-related information.

Returns a json object containing mining-related information.
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(get-net-totals client)

Returns information about network traffic, including bytes in, bytes out, and current time.

Returns information about network traffic, including bytes in, bytes out, and current time.
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(get-network-hash-ps client {:as params :keys [nblocks height]})

Returns the estimated network hashes per second based on the last n blocks.

nblocksnumber (int)Optional<br>Default=120The number of blocks, or -1 for blocks since last difficulty change.
heightnumber (int)Optional<br>Default=-1To estimate at the time of the given height.

Returns the estimated network hashes per second based on the last n blocks.

| Name    | Type         | Presence                | Description                                                          |
| ------- | ------------ | ----------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| nblocks | number (int) | Optional<br>Default=120 | The number of blocks, or -1 for blocks since last difficulty change. |
| height  | number (int) | Optional<br>Default=-1  | To estimate at the time of the given height.                         |
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(get-network-info client)

Returns an object containing various state info regarding P2P networking.

Returns an object containing various state info regarding P2P networking.
raw docstring


(get-new-address client {:as params :keys [label address_type]})

Returns a new Bitcoin address for receiving payments.

labelstringOptional<br>Default=""The label name for the address to be linked to. It can also be set to the empty string "" to represent the default label. The label does not need to exist, it will be created if there is no label by the given name.
address_typestringOptional<br>Default=set by -addresstypeThe address type to use. Options are "legacy", "p2sh-segwit", and "bech32".

Returns a new Bitcoin address for receiving payments.

| Name         | Type   | Presence                                | Description                                                                                                                                                                                                            |
| ------------ | ------ | --------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| label        | string | Optional<br>Default=""                  | The label name for the address to be linked to. It can also be set to the empty string "" to represent the default label. The label does not need to exist, it will be created if there is no label by the given name. |
| address_type | string | Optional<br>Default=set by -addresstype | The address type to use. Options are "legacy", "p2sh-segwit", and "bech32".                                                                                                                                            |
raw docstring


(get-node-addresses client {:as params :keys [count]})

Return known addresses which can potentially be used to find new nodes in the network.

countnumber (int)Optional<br>Default=1How many addresses to return. Limited to the smaller of 2500 or 23% of all known addresses.

Return known addresses which can potentially be used to find new nodes in the network.

| Name  | Type         | Presence              | Description                                                                                 |
| ----- | ------------ | --------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| count | number (int) | Optional<br>Default=1 | How many addresses to return. Limited to the smaller of 2500 or 23% of all known addresses. |
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(get-peer-info client)

Returns data about each connected network node as a json array of objects.

Returns data about each connected network node as a json array of objects.
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(get-raw-change-address client {:as params :keys [address_type]})

Returns a new Bitcoin address, for receiving change.

address_typestringOptional<br>Default=set by -changetypeThe address type to use. Options are "legacy", "p2sh-segwit", and "bech32".

Returns a new Bitcoin address, for receiving change.

| Name         | Type   | Presence                               | Description                                                                 |
| ------------ | ------ | -------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| address_type | string | Optional<br>Default=set by -changetype | The address type to use. Options are "legacy", "p2sh-segwit", and "bech32". |
raw docstring


(get-raw-mem-pool client {:as params :keys [verbose]})

Returns all transaction ids in memory pool as a json array of string transaction ids.

verbosebooleanOptional<br>Default=falseTrue for a json object, false for array of transaction ids

Returns all transaction ids in memory pool as a json array of string transaction ids.

| Name    | Type    | Presence                  | Description                                                |
| ------- | ------- | ------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------- |
| verbose | boolean | Optional<br>Default=false | True for a json object, false for array of transaction ids |
raw docstring


(get-raw-transaction client {:as params :keys [txid verbose blockhash]})

Return the raw transaction data.

txidstringRequired<br>(exactly 1)The transaction id
verbosebooleanOptional<br>Default=falseIf false, return a string, otherwise return a json object
blockhashstringOptionalThe block in which to look for the transaction

Return the raw transaction data.

| Name      | Type    | Presence                  | Description                                               |
| --------- | ------- | ------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------- |
| txid      | string  | Required<br>(exactly 1)   | The transaction id                                        |
| verbose   | boolean | Optional<br>Default=false | If false, return a string, otherwise return a json object |
| blockhash | string  | Optional                  | The block in which to look for the transaction            |
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(get-received-by-address client {:as params :keys [address minconf]})

Returns the total amount received by the given address in transactions with at least minconf confirmations.

addressstringRequired<br>(exactly 1)The bitcoin address for transactions.
minconfnumber (int)Optional<br>Default=1Only include transactions confirmed at least this many times.

Returns the total amount received by the given address in transactions with at least minconf confirmations.

| Name    | Type         | Presence                | Description                                                   |
| ------- | ------------ | ----------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------- |
| address | string       | Required<br>(exactly 1) | The bitcoin address for transactions.                         |
| minconf | number (int) | Optional<br>Default=1   | Only include transactions confirmed at least this many times. |
raw docstring


(get-received-by-label client {:as params :keys [label minconf]})

Returns the total amount received by addresses with <label> in transactions with at least [minconf] confirmations.

labelstringRequired<br>(exactly 1)The selected label, may be the default label using "".
minconfnumber (int)Optional<br>Default=1Only include transactions confirmed at least this many times.

Returns the total amount received by addresses with <label> in transactions with at least [minconf] confirmations.

| Name    | Type         | Presence                | Description                                                   |
| ------- | ------------ | ----------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------- |
| label   | string       | Required<br>(exactly 1) | The selected label, may be the default label using "".        |
| minconf | number (int) | Optional<br>Default=1   | Only include transactions confirmed at least this many times. |
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(get-rpc-info client)

Returns details of the RPC server.

Returns details of the RPC server.
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(get-transaction client {:as params :keys [txid include_watchonly]})

Get detailed information about in-wallet transaction <txid>.

txidstringRequired<br>(exactly 1)The transaction id
include_watchonlybooleanOptional<br>Default=falseWhether to include watch-only addresses in balance calculation and details[]

Get detailed information about in-wallet transaction <txid>.

| Name              | Type    | Presence                  | Description                                                                  |
| ----------------- | ------- | ------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| txid              | string  | Required<br>(exactly 1)   | The transaction id                                                           |
| include_watchonly | boolean | Optional<br>Default=false | Whether to include watch-only addresses in balance calculation and details[] |
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(get-tx-out client {:as params :keys [txid n include_mempool]})

Returns details about an unspent transaction output.

txidstringRequired<br>(exactly 1)The transaction id
nnumber (int)Required<br>(exactly 1)vout number
include_mempoolbooleanOptional<br>Default=trueWhether to include the mempool. Note that an unspent output that is spent in the mempool won't appear.

Returns details about an unspent transaction output.

| Name            | Type         | Presence                 | Description                                                                                            |
| --------------- | ------------ | ------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| txid            | string       | Required<br>(exactly 1)  | The transaction id                                                                                     |
| n               | number (int) | Required<br>(exactly 1)  | vout number                                                                                            |
| include_mempool | boolean      | Optional<br>Default=true | Whether to include the mempool. Note that an unspent output that is spent in the mempool won't appear. |
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(get-tx-out-proof client {:as params :keys [txids blockhash]})

Returns a hex-encoded proof that "txid" was included in a block.

txidsjson arrayRequired<br>(exactly 1)A json array of txids to filter
blockhashstringOptionalIf specified, looks for txid in the block with this hash

Returns a hex-encoded proof that "txid" was included in a block.

| Name      | Type       | Presence                | Description                                              |
| --------- | ---------- | ----------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------- |
| txids     | json array | Required<br>(exactly 1) | A json array of txids to filter                          |
| blockhash | string     | Optional                | If specified, looks for txid in the block with this hash |
raw docstring


(get-tx-out-set-info client)

Returns statistics about the unspent transaction output set.

Returns statistics about the unspent transaction output set.
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(get-unconfirmed-balance client)

Returns the server's total unconfirmed balance.

Returns the server's total unconfirmed balance.
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(get-wallet-info client)

Returns an object containing various wallet state info.

Returns an object containing various wallet state info.
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(help client {:as params :keys [command]})

List all commands, or get help for a specified command.

commandstringOptional<br>Default=all commandsThe command to get help on

List all commands, or get help for a specified command.

| Name    | Type   | Presence                         | Description                |
| ------- | ------ | -------------------------------- | -------------------------- |
| command | string | Optional<br>Default=all commands | The command to get help on |
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(import-address client {:as params :keys [address label rescan p2sh]})

Adds an address or script (in hex) that can be watched as if it were in your wallet but cannot be used to spend.

addressstringRequired<br>(exactly 1)The Bitcoin address (or hex-encoded script)
labelstringOptional<br>Default=""An optional label
rescanbooleanOptional<br>Default=trueRescan the wallet for transactions
p2shbooleanOptional<br>Default=falseAdd the P2SH version of the script as well

Adds an address or script (in hex) that can be watched as if it were in your wallet but cannot be used to spend.

| Name    | Type    | Presence                  | Description                                 |
| ------- | ------- | ------------------------- | ------------------------------------------- |
| address | string  | Required<br>(exactly 1)   | The Bitcoin address (or hex-encoded script) |
| label   | string  | Optional<br>Default=""    | An optional label                           |
| rescan  | boolean | Optional<br>Default=true  | Rescan the wallet for transactions          |
| p2sh    | boolean | Optional<br>Default=false | Add the P2SH version of the script as well  |
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(import-multi client {:as params :keys [requests options]})

Import addresses/scripts (with private or public keys, redeem script (P2SH)), optionally rescanning the blockchain from the earliest creation time of the imported scripts.

requestsjson arrayRequired<br>(exactly 1)Data to be imported "range": n or [n,n], (numeric or array) If a ranged descriptor is used, this specifies the end or the range (in the form [begin,end]) to import "internal": bool, (boolean, optional, default=false) Stating whether matching outputs should be treated as not incoming payments (also known as change) "watchonly": bool, (boolean, optional, default=false) Stating whether matching outputs should be considered watchonly. "label": "str", (string, optional, default='') Label to assign to the address, only allowed with internal=false "keypool": bool, (boolean, optional, default=false) Stating whether imported public keys should be added to the keypool for when users request new addresses. Only allowed when wallet private keys are disabled }, ... ]
optionsjson objectOptional

Import addresses/scripts (with private or public keys, redeem script (P2SH)), optionally rescanning the blockchain from the earliest creation time of the imported scripts.

| Name     | Type        | Presence                | Description                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |
| -------- | ----------- | ----------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| requests | json array  | Required<br>(exactly 1) | Data to be imported "range": n or [n,n],                                       (numeric or array) If a ranged descriptor is used, this specifies the end or the range (in the form [begin,end]) to import "internal": bool,                                          (boolean, optional, default=false) Stating whether matching outputs should be treated as not incoming payments (also known as change) "watchonly": bool,                                         (boolean, optional, default=false) Stating whether matching outputs should be considered watchonly. "label": "str",                                            (string, optional, default='') Label to assign to the address, only allowed with internal=false "keypool": bool,                                           (boolean, optional, default=false) Stating whether imported public keys should be added to the keypool for when users request new addresses. Only allowed when wallet private keys are disabled }, ... ] |
| options  | json object | Optional                |                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          |
raw docstring


(import-priv-key client {:as params :keys [privkey label rescan]})

Adds a private key (as returned by dumpprivkey) to your wallet.

privkeystringRequired<br>(exactly 1)The private key (see dumpprivkey)
labelstringOptionalAn optional label
rescanbooleanOptional<br>Default=trueRescan the wallet for transactions

Adds a private key (as returned by dumpprivkey) to your wallet.

| Name    | Type    | Presence                 | Description                        |
| ------- | ------- | ------------------------ | ---------------------------------- |
| privkey | string  | Required<br>(exactly 1)  | The private key (see dumpprivkey)  |
| label   | string  | Optional                 | An optional label                  |
| rescan  | boolean | Optional<br>Default=true | Rescan the wallet for transactions |
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(import-pruned-funds client {:as params :keys [rawtransaction txoutproof]})

Imports funds without rescan.

rawtransactionstringRequired<br>(exactly 1)A raw transaction in hex funding an already-existing address in wallet
txoutproofstringRequired<br>(exactly 1)The hex output from gettxoutproof that contains the transaction

Imports funds without rescan.

| Name           | Type   | Presence                | Description                                                            |
| -------------- | ------ | ----------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| rawtransaction | string | Required<br>(exactly 1) | A raw transaction in hex funding an already-existing address in wallet |
| txoutproof     | string | Required<br>(exactly 1) | The hex output from gettxoutproof that contains the transaction        |
raw docstring


(import-pub-key client {:as params :keys [pubkey label rescan]})

Adds a public key (in hex) that can be watched as if it were in your wallet but cannot be used to spend.

pubkeystringRequired<br>(exactly 1)The hex-encoded public key
labelstringOptional<br>Default=""An optional label
rescanbooleanOptional<br>Default=trueRescan the wallet for transactions

Adds a public key (in hex) that can be watched as if it were in your wallet but cannot be used to spend.

| Name   | Type    | Presence                 | Description                        |
| ------ | ------- | ------------------------ | ---------------------------------- |
| pubkey | string  | Required<br>(exactly 1)  | The hex-encoded public key         |
| label  | string  | Optional<br>Default=""   | An optional label                  |
| rescan | boolean | Optional<br>Default=true | Rescan the wallet for transactions |
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(import-wallet client {:as params :keys [filename]})

Imports keys from a wallet dump file (see dumpwallet).

filenamestringRequired<br>(exactly 1)The wallet file

Imports keys from a wallet dump file (see dumpwallet).

| Name     | Type   | Presence                | Description     |
| -------- | ------ | ----------------------- | --------------- |
| filename | string | Required<br>(exactly 1) | The wallet file |
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(join-psbts client {:as params :keys [txs]})

Joins multiple distinct PSBTs with different inputs and outputs into one PSBT with inputs and outputs from all of the PSBTs No input in any of the PSBTs can be in more than one of the PSBTs.

txsjson arrayRequired<br>(exactly 1)A json array of base64 strings of partially signed transactions

Joins multiple distinct PSBTs with different inputs and outputs into one PSBT with inputs and outputs from all of the PSBTs No input in any of the PSBTs can be in more than one of the PSBTs.

| Name | Type       | Presence                | Description                                                     |
| ---- | ---------- | ----------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------- |
| txs  | json array | Required<br>(exactly 1) | A json array of base64 strings of partially signed transactions |
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(key-pool-refill client {:as params :keys [newsize]})

Fills the keypool.

newsizenumber (int)Optional<br>Default=100The new keypool size

Fills the keypool.

| Name    | Type         | Presence                | Description          |
| ------- | ------------ | ----------------------- | -------------------- |
| newsize | number (int) | Optional<br>Default=100 | The new keypool size |
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(list-address-groupings client)

Lists groups of addresses which have had their common ownership made public by common use as inputs or as the resulting change in past transactions.

Lists groups of addresses which have had their common ownership made public by common use as inputs or as the resulting change in past transactions.
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(list-banned client)
List all banned IPs/Subnets.
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(list-labels client {:as params :keys [purpose]})

Returns the list of all labels, or labels that are assigned to addresses with a specific purpose.

purposestringOptionalAddress purpose to list labels for ('send','receive'). An empty string is the same as not providing this argument.

Returns the list of all labels, or labels that are assigned to addresses with a specific purpose.

| Name    | Type   | Presence | Description                                                                                                        |
| ------- | ------ | -------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| purpose | string | Optional | Address purpose to list labels for ('send','receive'). An empty string is the same as not providing this argument. |
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(list-lock-unspent client)

Returns list of temporarily unspendable outputs.

Returns list of temporarily unspendable outputs.
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  {:as params :keys [minconf include_empty include_watchonly address_filter]})

List balances by receiving address.

minconfnumber (int)Optional<br>Default=1The minimum number of confirmations before payments are included.
include_emptybooleanOptional<br>Default=falseWhether to include addresses that haven't received any payments.
include_watchonlybooleanOptional<br>Default=falseWhether to include watch-only addresses (see 'importaddress').
address_filterstringOptionalIf present, only return information on this address.

List balances by receiving address.

| Name              | Type         | Presence                  | Description                                                       |
| ----------------- | ------------ | ------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
| minconf           | number (int) | Optional<br>Default=1     | The minimum number of confirmations before payments are included. |
| include_empty     | boolean      | Optional<br>Default=false | Whether to include addresses that haven't received any payments.  |
| include_watchonly | boolean      | Optional<br>Default=false | Whether to include watch-only addresses (see 'importaddress').    |
| address_filter    | string       | Optional                  | If present, only return information on this address.              |
raw docstring


(list-received-by-label client
                        {:as params
                         :keys [minconf include_empty include_watchonly]})

List received transactions by label.

minconfnumber (int)Optional<br>Default=1The minimum number of confirmations before payments are included.
include_emptybooleanOptional<br>Default=falseWhether to include labels that haven't received any payments.
include_watchonlybooleanOptional<br>Default=falseWhether to include watch-only addresses (see 'importaddress').

List received transactions by label.

| Name              | Type         | Presence                  | Description                                                       |
| ----------------- | ------------ | ------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
| minconf           | number (int) | Optional<br>Default=1     | The minimum number of confirmations before payments are included. |
| include_empty     | boolean      | Optional<br>Default=false | Whether to include labels that haven't received any payments.     |
| include_watchonly | boolean      | Optional<br>Default=false | Whether to include watch-only addresses (see 'importaddress').    |
raw docstring


(list-since-block client
                  {:as params
                   :keys [blockhash target_confirmations include_watchonly

Get all transactions in blocks since block [blockhash], or all transactions if omitted.

blockhashstringOptionalIf set, the block hash to list transactions since, otherwise list all transactions.
target_confirmationsnumber (int)Optional<br>Default=1Return the nth block hash from the main chain. e.g. 1 would mean the best block hash. Note: this is not used as a filter, but only affects [lastblock] in the return value
include_watchonlybooleanOptional<br>Default=falseInclude transactions to watch-only addresses (see 'importaddress')
include_removedbooleanOptional<br>Default=trueShow transactions that were removed due to a reorg in the "removed" array (not guaranteed to work on pruned nodes)

Get all transactions in blocks since block [blockhash], or all transactions if omitted.

| Name                 | Type         | Presence                  | Description                                                                                                                                                                |
| -------------------- | ------------ | ------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| blockhash            | string       | Optional                  | If set, the block hash to list transactions since, otherwise list all transactions.                                                                                        |
| target_confirmations | number (int) | Optional<br>Default=1     | Return the nth block hash from the main chain. e.g. 1 would mean the best block hash. Note: this is not used as a filter, but only affects [lastblock] in the return value |
| include_watchonly    | boolean      | Optional<br>Default=false | Include transactions to watch-only addresses (see 'importaddress')                                                                                                         |
| include_removed      | boolean      | Optional<br>Default=true  | Show transactions that were removed due to a reorg in the "removed" array (not guaranteed to work on pruned nodes)                                                         |
raw docstring


(list-transactions client
                   {:as params :keys [label count skip include_watchonly]})

If a label name is provided, this will return only incoming transactions paying to addresses with the specified label.

labelstringOptionalIf set, should be a valid label name to return only incoming transactions with the specified label, or "*" to disable filtering and return all transactions.
countnumber (int)Optional<br>Default=10The number of transactions to return
skipnumber (int)Optional<br>Default=0The number of transactions to skip
include_watchonlybooleanOptional<br>Default=falseInclude transactions to watch-only addresses (see 'importaddress')

If a label name is provided, this will return only incoming transactions paying to addresses with the specified label.

| Name              | Type         | Presence                  | Description                                                                                                                                                  |
| ----------------- | ------------ | ------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| label             | string       | Optional                  | If set, should be a valid label name to return only incoming transactions with the specified label, or "*" to disable filtering and return all transactions. |
| count             | number (int) | Optional<br>Default=10    | The number of transactions to return                                                                                                                         |
| skip              | number (int) | Optional<br>Default=0     | The number of transactions to skip                                                                                                                           |
| include_watchonly | boolean      | Optional<br>Default=false | Include transactions to watch-only addresses (see 'importaddress')                                                                                           |
raw docstring


(list-unspent client
              {:as params
               :keys [minconf maxconf addresses include_unsafe query_options]})

Returns array of unspent transaction outputs with between minconf and maxconf (inclusive) confirmations.

minconfnumber (int)Optional<br>Default=1The minimum confirmations to filter
maxconfnumber (int)Optional<br>Default=9999999The maximum confirmations to filter
addressesjson arrayOptional<br>Default=empty arrayA json array of bitcoin addresses to filter
include_unsafebooleanOptional<br>Default=trueInclude outputs that are not safe to spend See description of "safe" attribute below.
query_optionsjson objectOptionalJSON with query options

Returns array of unspent transaction outputs with between minconf and maxconf (inclusive) confirmations.

| Name           | Type         | Presence                        | Description                                                                           |
| -------------- | ------------ | ------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| minconf        | number (int) | Optional<br>Default=1           | The minimum confirmations to filter                                                   |
| maxconf        | number (int) | Optional<br>Default=9999999     | The maximum confirmations to filter                                                   |
| addresses      | json array   | Optional<br>Default=empty array | A json array of bitcoin addresses to filter                                           |
| include_unsafe | boolean      | Optional<br>Default=true        | Include outputs that are not safe to spend See description of "safe" attribute below. |
| query_options  | json object  | Optional                        | JSON with query options                                                               |
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(list-wallet-dir client)

Returns a list of wallets in the wallet directory.

Returns a list of wallets in the wallet directory.
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(list-wallets client)

Returns a list of currently loaded wallets.

Returns a list of currently loaded wallets.
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(load-wallet client {:as params :keys [filename]})

Loads a wallet from a wallet file or directory.

filenamestringRequired<br>(exactly 1)The wallet directory or .dat file.

Loads a wallet from a wallet file or directory.

| Name     | Type   | Presence                | Description                        |
| -------- | ------ | ----------------------- | ---------------------------------- |
| filename | string | Required<br>(exactly 1) | The wallet directory or .dat file. |
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(lock-unspent client {:as params :keys [unlock transactions]})

Updates list of temporarily unspendable outputs.

unlockbooleanRequired<br>(exactly 1)Whether to unlock (true) or lock (false) the specified transactions
transactionsjson arrayOptional<br>Default=empty arrayA json array of objects. Each object the txid (string) vout (numeric).

Updates list of temporarily unspendable outputs.

| Name         | Type       | Presence                        | Description                                                            |
| ------------ | ---------- | ------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| unlock       | boolean    | Required<br>(exactly 1)         | Whether to unlock (true) or lock (false) the specified transactions    |
| transactions | json array | Optional<br>Default=empty array | A json array of objects. Each object the txid (string) vout (numeric). |
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(logging client {:as params :keys [include exclude]})

Gets and sets the logging configuration.

includejson arrayOptionalA json array of categories to add debug logging
excludejson arrayOptionalA json array of categories to remove debug logging

Gets and sets the logging configuration.

| Name    | Type       | Presence | Description                                        |
| ------- | ---------- | -------- | -------------------------------------------------- |
| include | json array | Optional | A json array of categories to add debug logging    |
| exclude | json array | Optional | A json array of categories to remove debug logging |
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(ping client)

Requests that a ping be sent to all other nodes, to measure ping time.

Requests that a ping be sent to all other nodes, to measure ping time.
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(precious-block client {:as params :keys [blockhash]})

Treats a block as if it were received before others with the same work.

blockhashstringRequired<br>(exactly 1)the hash of the block to mark as precious

Treats a block as if it were received before others with the same work.

| Name      | Type   | Presence                | Description                               |
| --------- | ------ | ----------------------- | ----------------------------------------- |
| blockhash | string | Required<br>(exactly 1) | the hash of the block to mark as precious |
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(prioritise-transaction client {:as params :keys [txid dummy fee_delta]})

Accepts the transaction into mined blocks at a higher (or lower) priority.

txidstringRequired<br>(exactly 1)The transaction id.
dummynumber (int)OptionalAPI-Compatibility for previous API. Must be zero or null. DEPRECATED. For forward compatibility use named arguments and omit this parameter.
fee_deltanumber (int)Required<br>(exactly 1)The fee value (in satoshis) to add (or subtract, if negative). Note, that this value is not a fee rate. It is a value to modify absolute fee of the TX. The fee is not actually paid, only the algorithm for selecting transactions into a block considers the transaction as it would have paid a higher (or lower) fee.

Accepts the transaction into mined blocks at a higher (or lower) priority.

| Name      | Type         | Presence                | Description                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |
| --------- | ------------ | ----------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| txid      | string       | Required<br>(exactly 1) | The transaction id.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       |
| dummy     | number (int) | Optional                | API-Compatibility for previous API. Must be zero or null. DEPRECATED. For forward compatibility use named arguments and omit this parameter.                                                                                                                                                                              |
| fee_delta | number (int) | Required<br>(exactly 1) | The fee value (in satoshis) to add (or subtract, if negative). Note, that this value is not a fee rate. It is a value to modify absolute fee of the TX. The fee is not actually paid, only the algorithm for selecting transactions into a block considers the transaction as it would have paid a higher (or lower) fee. |
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(prune-block-chain client {:as params :keys [height]})

Does PruneBlockChain.

heightnumber (int)Required<br>(exactly 1)The block height to prune up to. May be set to a discrete height, or a unix timestamp to prune blocks whose block time is at least 2 hours older than the provided timestamp.

Does PruneBlockChain.

| Name   | Type         | Presence                | Description                                                                                                                                                                   |
| ------ | ------------ | ----------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| height | number (int) | Required<br>(exactly 1) | The block height to prune up to. May be set to a discrete height, or a unix timestamp to prune blocks whose block time is at least 2 hours older than the provided timestamp. |
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(remove-pruned-funds client {:as params :keys [txid]})

Deletes the specified transaction from the wallet.

txidstringRequired<br>(exactly 1)The hex-encoded id of the transaction you are deleting

Deletes the specified transaction from the wallet.

| Name | Type   | Presence                | Description                                            |
| ---- | ------ | ----------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------ |
| txid | string | Required<br>(exactly 1) | The hex-encoded id of the transaction you are deleting |
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(rescan-block-chain client {:as params :keys [start_height stop_height]})

Rescan the local blockchain for wallet related transactions.

start_heightnumber (int)Optional<br>Default=0block height where the rescan should start
stop_heightnumber (int)Optionalthe last block height that should be scanned. If none is provided it will rescan up to the tip at return time of this call.

Rescan the local blockchain for wallet related transactions.

| Name         | Type         | Presence              | Description                                                                                                                 |
| ------------ | ------------ | --------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| start_height | number (int) | Optional<br>Default=0 | block height where the rescan should start                                                                                  |
| stop_height  | number (int) | Optional              | the last block height that should be scanned. If none is provided it will rescan up to the tip at return time of this call. |
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(save-mem-pool client)
Dumps the mempool to disk.
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(scan-tx-out-set client {:as params :keys [action scanobjects]})

EXPERIMENTAL warning: this call may be removed or changed in future releases.

actionstringRequired<br>(exactly 1)The action to execute "start" for starting a scan "abort" for aborting the current scan (returns true when abort was successful) "status" for progress report (in %) of the current scan
scanobjectsjson arrayRequired<br>(exactly 1)Array of scan objects Every scan object is either a string descriptor or an object:

EXPERIMENTAL warning: this call may be removed or changed in future releases.

| Name        | Type       | Presence                | Description                                                                                                                                                                              |
| ----------- | ---------- | ----------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| action      | string     | Required<br>(exactly 1) | The action to execute "start" for starting a scan "abort" for aborting the current scan (returns true when abort was successful) "status" for progress report (in %) of the current scan |
| scanobjects | json array | Required<br>(exactly 1) | Array of scan objects Every scan object is either a string descriptor or an object:                                                                                                      |
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(send-many client
           {:as params
            :keys [dummy amounts minconf comment subtractfeefrom replaceable
                   conf_target estimate_mode]})

Send multiple times.

dummystringRequired<br>(exactly 1)Must be set to "" for backwards compatibility.
amountsjson objectRequired<br>(exactly 1)A json object with addresses and amounts
minconfnumber (int)Optional<br>Default=1Only use the balance confirmed at least this many times.
commentstringOptionalA comment
subtractfeefromjson arrayOptionalA json array with addresses. The fee will be equally deducted from the amount of each selected address. Those recipients will receive less bitcoins than you enter in their corresponding amount field. If no addresses are specified here, the sender pays the fee.
replaceablebooleanOptional<br>Default=fallback to wallet's defaultAllow this transaction to be replaced by a transaction with higher fees via BIP 125
conf_targetnumber (int)Optional<br>Default=fallback to wallet's defaultConfirmation target (in blocks)
estimate_modestringOptional<br>Default=UNSETThe fee estimate mode, must be one of: "UNSET" "ECONOMICAL" "CONSERVATIVE"

Send multiple times.

| Name            | Type         | Presence                                         | Description                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          |
| --------------- | ------------ | ------------------------------------------------ | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| dummy           | string       | Required<br>(exactly 1)                          | Must be set to "" for backwards compatibility.                                                                                                                                                                                                                       |
| amounts         | json object  | Required<br>(exactly 1)                          | A json object with addresses and amounts                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |
| minconf         | number (int) | Optional<br>Default=1                            | Only use the balance confirmed at least this many times.                                                                                                                                                                                                             |
| comment         | string       | Optional                                         | A comment                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |
| subtractfeefrom | json array   | Optional                                         | A json array with addresses. The fee will be equally deducted from the amount of each selected address. Those recipients will receive less bitcoins than you enter in their corresponding amount field. If no addresses are specified here, the sender pays the fee. |
| replaceable     | boolean      | Optional<br>Default=fallback to wallet's default | Allow this transaction to be replaced by a transaction with higher fees via BIP 125                                                                                                                                                                                  |
| conf_target     | number (int) | Optional<br>Default=fallback to wallet's default | Confirmation target (in blocks)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      |
| estimate_mode   | string       | Optional<br>Default=UNSET                        | The fee estimate mode, must be one of: "UNSET" "ECONOMICAL" "CONSERVATIVE"                                                                                                                                                                                           |
raw docstring


(send-raw-transaction client {:as params :keys [hexstring allowhighfees]})

Submits raw transaction (serialized, hex-encoded) to local node and network.

hexstringstringRequired<br>(exactly 1)The hex string of the raw transaction
allowhighfeesbooleanOptional<br>Default=falseAllow high fees

Submits raw transaction (serialized, hex-encoded) to local node and network.

| Name          | Type    | Presence                  | Description                           |
| ------------- | ------- | ------------------------- | ------------------------------------- |
| hexstring     | string  | Required<br>(exactly 1)   | The hex string of the raw transaction |
| allowhighfees | boolean | Optional<br>Default=false | Allow high fees                       |
raw docstring


(send-to-address client
                 {:as params
                  :keys [address amount comment comment_to subtractfeefromamount
                         replaceable conf_target estimate_mode]})

Send an amount to a given address.

addressstringRequired<br>(exactly 1)The bitcoin address to send to.
amountnumeric or stringRequired<br>(exactly 1)The amount in BTC to send. eg 0.1
commentstringOptionalA comment used to store what the transaction is for. This is not part of the transaction, just kept in your wallet.
comment_tostringOptionalA comment to store the name of the person or organization to which you're sending the transaction. This is not part of the transaction, just kept in your wallet.
subtractfeefromamountbooleanOptional<br>Default=falseThe fee will be deducted from the amount being sent. The recipient will receive less bitcoins than you enter in the amount field.
replaceablebooleanOptional<br>Default=fallback to wallet's defaultAllow this transaction to be replaced by a transaction with higher fees via BIP 125
conf_targetnumber (int)Optional<br>Default=fallback to wallet's defaultConfirmation target (in blocks)
estimate_modestringOptional<br>Default=UNSETThe fee estimate mode, must be one of: "UNSET" "ECONOMICAL" "CONSERVATIVE"

Send an amount to a given address.

| Name                  | Type              | Presence                                         | Description                                                                                                                                                       |
| --------------------- | ----------------- | ------------------------------------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| address               | string            | Required<br>(exactly 1)                          | The bitcoin address to send to.                                                                                                                                   |
| amount                | numeric or string | Required<br>(exactly 1)                          | The amount in BTC to send. eg 0.1                                                                                                                                 |
| comment               | string            | Optional                                         | A comment used to store what the transaction is for. This is not part of the transaction, just kept in your wallet.                                               |
| comment_to            | string            | Optional                                         | A comment to store the name of the person or organization to which you're sending the transaction. This is not part of the transaction, just kept in your wallet. |
| subtractfeefromamount | boolean           | Optional<br>Default=false                        | The fee will be deducted from the amount being sent. The recipient will receive less bitcoins than you enter in the amount field.                                 |
| replaceable           | boolean           | Optional<br>Default=fallback to wallet's default | Allow this transaction to be replaced by a transaction with higher fees via BIP 125                                                                               |
| conf_target           | number (int)      | Optional<br>Default=fallback to wallet's default | Confirmation target (in blocks)                                                                                                                                   |
| estimate_mode         | string            | Optional<br>Default=UNSET                        | The fee estimate mode, must be one of: "UNSET" "ECONOMICAL" "CONSERVATIVE"                                                                                        |
raw docstring


(set-ban client {:as params :keys [subnet command bantime absolute]})

Attempts to add or remove an IP/Subnet from the banned list.

subnetstringRequired<br>(exactly 1)The IP/Subnet (see getpeerinfo for nodes IP) with an optional netmask (default is /32 = single IP)
commandstringRequired<br>(exactly 1)'add' to add an IP/Subnet to the list, 'remove' to remove an IP/Subnet from the list
bantimenumber (int)Optional<br>Default=0time in seconds how long (or until when if [absolute] is set) the IP is banned (0 or empty means using the default time of 24h which can also be overwritten by the -bantime startup argument)
absolutebooleanOptional<br>Default=falseIf set, the bantime must be an absolute timestamp in seconds since epoch (Jan 1 1970 GMT)

Attempts to add or remove an IP/Subnet from the banned list.

| Name     | Type         | Presence                  | Description                                                                                                                                                                                    |
| -------- | ------------ | ------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| subnet   | string       | Required<br>(exactly 1)   | The IP/Subnet (see getpeerinfo for nodes IP) with an optional netmask (default is /32 = single IP)                                                                                             |
| command  | string       | Required<br>(exactly 1)   | 'add' to add an IP/Subnet to the list, 'remove' to remove an IP/Subnet from the list                                                                                                           |
| bantime  | number (int) | Optional<br>Default=0     | time in seconds how long (or until when if [absolute] is set) the IP is banned (0 or empty means using the default time of 24h which can also be overwritten by the -bantime startup argument) |
| absolute | boolean      | Optional<br>Default=false | If set, the bantime must be an absolute timestamp in seconds since epoch (Jan 1 1970 GMT)                                                                                                      |
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(set-hd-seed client {:as params :keys [newkeypool seed]})

Set or generate a new HD wallet seed.

newkeypoolbooleanOptional<br>Default=trueWhether to flush old unused addresses, including change addresses, from the keypool and regenerate it. If true, the next address from getnewaddress and change address from getrawchangeaddress will be from this new seed. If false, addresses (including change addresses if the wallet already had HD Chain Split enabled) from the existing keypool will be used until it has been depleted.
seedstringOptional<br>Default=random seedThe WIF private key to use as the new HD seed. The seed value can be retrieved using the dumpwallet command. It is the private key marked hdseed=1

Set or generate a new HD wallet seed.

| Name       | Type    | Presence                        | Description                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      |
| ---------- | ------- | ------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| newkeypool | boolean | Optional<br>Default=true        | Whether to flush old unused addresses, including change addresses, from the keypool and regenerate it. If true, the next address from getnewaddress and change address from getrawchangeaddress will be from this new seed. If false, addresses (including change addresses if the wallet already had HD Chain Split enabled) from the existing keypool will be used until it has been depleted. |
| seed       | string  | Optional<br>Default=random seed | The WIF private key to use as the new HD seed. The seed value can be retrieved using the dumpwallet command. It is the private key marked hdseed=1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |
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(set-label client {:as params :keys [address label]})

Sets the label associated with the given address.

addressstringRequired<br>(exactly 1)The bitcoin address to be associated with a label.
labelstringRequired<br>(exactly 1)The label to assign to the address.

Sets the label associated with the given address.

| Name    | Type   | Presence                | Description                                        |
| ------- | ------ | ----------------------- | -------------------------------------------------- |
| address | string | Required<br>(exactly 1) | The bitcoin address to be associated with a label. |
| label   | string | Required<br>(exactly 1) | The label to assign to the address.                |
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(set-network-active client {:as params :keys [state]})

Disable/enable all p2p network activity.

statebooleanRequired<br>(exactly 1)true to enable networking, false to disable

Disable/enable all p2p network activity.

| Name  | Type    | Presence                | Description                                 |
| ----- | ------- | ----------------------- | ------------------------------------------- |
| state | boolean | Required<br>(exactly 1) | true to enable networking, false to disable |
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(set-tx-fee client {:as params :keys [amount]})

Set the transaction fee per kB for this wallet.

amountnumeric or stringRequired<br>(exactly 1)The transaction fee in BTC/kB

Set the transaction fee per kB for this wallet.

| Name   | Type              | Presence                | Description                   |
| ------ | ----------------- | ----------------------- | ----------------------------- |
| amount | numeric or string | Required<br>(exactly 1) | The transaction fee in BTC/kB |
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(sign-message client {:as params :keys [address message]})

Sign a message with the private key of an address.

addressstringRequired<br>(exactly 1)The bitcoin address to use for the private key.
messagestringRequired<br>(exactly 1)The message to create a signature of.

Sign a message with the private key of an address.

| Name    | Type   | Presence                | Description                                     |
| ------- | ------ | ----------------------- | ----------------------------------------------- |
| address | string | Required<br>(exactly 1) | The bitcoin address to use for the private key. |
| message | string | Required<br>(exactly 1) | The message to create a signature of.           |
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(sign-message-with-priv-key client {:as params :keys [privkey message]})

Sign a message with the private key of an address.

privkeystringRequired<br>(exactly 1)The private key to sign the message with.
messagestringRequired<br>(exactly 1)The message to create a signature of.

Sign a message with the private key of an address.

| Name    | Type   | Presence                | Description                               |
| ------- | ------ | ----------------------- | ----------------------------------------- |
| privkey | string | Required<br>(exactly 1) | The private key to sign the message with. |
| message | string | Required<br>(exactly 1) | The message to create a signature of.     |
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(sign-raw-transaction-with-key client
                               {:as params
                                :keys [hexstring privkeys prevtxs sighashtype]})

Sign inputs for raw transaction (serialized, hex-encoded).

hexstringstringRequired<br>(exactly 1)The transaction hex string
privkeysjson arrayRequired<br>(exactly 1)A json array of base58-encoded private keys for signing
prevtxsjson arrayOptionalA json array of previous dependent transaction outputs
sighashtypestringOptional<br>Default=ALLThe signature hash type. Must be one of: "ALL" "NONE" "SINGLE" "ALL

Sign inputs for raw transaction (serialized, hex-encoded).

| Name        | Type       | Presence                | Description                                                                                                                  |
| ----------- | ---------- | ----------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| hexstring   | string     | Required<br>(exactly 1) | The transaction hex string                                                                                                   |
| privkeys    | json array | Required<br>(exactly 1) | A json array of base58-encoded private keys for signing                                                                      |
| prevtxs     | json array | Optional                | A json array of previous dependent transaction outputs                                                                       |
| sighashtype | string     | Optional<br>Default=ALL | The signature hash type. Must be one of: "ALL" "NONE" "SINGLE" "ALL|ANYONECANPAY" "NONE|ANYONECANPAY" "SINGLE|ANYONECANPAY"  |
raw docstring


(sign-raw-transaction-with-wallet client
                                  {:as params
                                   :keys [hexstring prevtxs sighashtype]})

Sign inputs for raw transaction (serialized, hex-encoded).

hexstringstringRequired<br>(exactly 1)The transaction hex string
prevtxsjson arrayOptionalA json array of previous dependent transaction outputs
sighashtypestringOptional<br>Default=ALLThe signature hash type. Must be one of "ALL" "NONE" "SINGLE" "ALL

Sign inputs for raw transaction (serialized, hex-encoded).

| Name        | Type       | Presence                | Description                                                                                                                |
| ----------- | ---------- | ----------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| hexstring   | string     | Required<br>(exactly 1) | The transaction hex string                                                                                                 |
| prevtxs     | json array | Optional                | A json array of previous dependent transaction outputs                                                                     |
| sighashtype | string     | Optional<br>Default=ALL | The signature hash type. Must be one of "ALL" "NONE" "SINGLE" "ALL|ANYONECANPAY" "NONE|ANYONECANPAY" "SINGLE|ANYONECANPAY" |
raw docstring


(stop client)
Stop Bitcoin server.
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(submit-block client {:as params :keys [hexdata dummy]})

Attempts to submit new block to network.

hexdatastringRequired<br>(exactly 1)the hex-encoded block data to submit
dummystringOptional<br>Default=ignoreddummy value, for compatibility with BIP22. This value is ignored.

Attempts to submit new block to network.

| Name    | Type   | Presence                    | Description                                                       |
| ------- | ------ | --------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
| hexdata | string | Required<br>(exactly 1)     | the hex-encoded block data to submit                              |
| dummy   | string | Optional<br>Default=ignored | dummy value, for compatibility with BIP22. This value is ignored. |
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(submit-header client {:as params :keys [hexdata]})

Decode the given hexdata as a header and submit it as a candidate chain tip if valid.

hexdatastringRequired<br>(exactly 1)the hex-encoded block header data

Decode the given hexdata as a header and submit it as a candidate chain tip if valid.

| Name    | Type   | Presence                | Description                       |
| ------- | ------ | ----------------------- | --------------------------------- |
| hexdata | string | Required<br>(exactly 1) | the hex-encoded block header data |
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(testmem-pool-accept client {:as params :keys [rawtxs allowhighfees]})

Returns result of mempool acceptance tests indicating if raw transaction (serialized, hex-encoded) would be accepted by mempool.

rawtxsjson arrayRequired<br>(exactly 1)An array of hex strings of raw transactions. Length must be one for now.
allowhighfeesbooleanOptional<br>Default=falseAllow high fees

Returns result of mempool acceptance tests indicating if raw transaction (serialized, hex-encoded) would be accepted by mempool.

| Name          | Type       | Presence                  | Description                                                              |
| ------------- | ---------- | ------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| rawtxs        | json array | Required<br>(exactly 1)   | An array of hex strings of raw transactions. Length must be one for now. |
| allowhighfees | boolean    | Optional<br>Default=false | Allow high fees                                                          |
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(unload-wallet client {:as params :keys [wallet_name]})

Unloads the wallet referenced by the request endpoint otherwise unloads the wallet specified in the argument.

wallet_namestringOptional<br>Default=the wallet name from the RPC requestThe name of the wallet to unload.

Unloads the wallet referenced by the request endpoint otherwise unloads the wallet specified in the argument.

| Name        | Type   | Presence                                                 | Description                       |
| ----------- | ------ | -------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------- |
| wallet_name | string | Optional<br>Default=the wallet name from the RPC request | The name of the wallet to unload. |
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(uptime client)

Returns the total uptime of the server.

Returns the total uptime of the server.
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(utxo-update-psbt client {:as params :keys [psbt]})

Updates a PSBT with witness UTXOs retrieved from the UTXO set or the mempool.

psbtstringRequired<br>(exactly 1)A base64 string of a PSBT

Updates a PSBT with witness UTXOs retrieved from the UTXO set or the mempool.

| Name | Type   | Presence                | Description               |
| ---- | ------ | ----------------------- | ------------------------- |
| psbt | string | Required<br>(exactly 1) | A base64 string of a PSBT |
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(validate-address client {:as params :keys [address]})

Return information about the given bitcoin address.

addressstringRequired<br>(exactly 1)The bitcoin address to validate

Return information about the given bitcoin address.

| Name    | Type   | Presence                | Description                     |
| ------- | ------ | ----------------------- | ------------------------------- |
| address | string | Required<br>(exactly 1) | The bitcoin address to validate |
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(verify-chain client {:as params :keys [checklevel nblocks]})

Verifies blockchain database.

checklevelnumber (int)OptionalHow thorough the block verification is.
nblocksnumber (int)OptionalThe number of blocks to check.

Verifies blockchain database.

| Name       | Type         | Presence | Description                             |
| ---------- | ------------ | -------- | --------------------------------------- |
| checklevel | number (int) | Optional | How thorough the block verification is. |
| nblocks    | number (int) | Optional | The number of blocks to check.          |
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(verify-message client {:as params :keys [address signature message]})

Verify a signed message.

addressstringRequired<br>(exactly 1)The bitcoin address to use for the signature.
signaturestringRequired<br>(exactly 1)The signature provided by the signer in base 64 encoding (see signmessage).
messagestringRequired<br>(exactly 1)The message that was signed.

Verify a signed message.

| Name      | Type   | Presence                | Description                                                                 |
| --------- | ------ | ----------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| address   | string | Required<br>(exactly 1) | The bitcoin address to use for the signature.                               |
| signature | string | Required<br>(exactly 1) | The signature provided by the signer in base 64 encoding (see signmessage). |
| message   | string | Required<br>(exactly 1) | The message that was signed.                                                |
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(verify-tx-out-proof client {:as params :keys [proof]})

Verifies that a proof points to a transaction in a block, returning the transaction it commits to and throwing an RPC error if the block is not in our best chain.

proofstringRequired<br>(exactly 1)The hex-encoded proof generated by gettxoutproof

Verifies that a proof points to a transaction in a block, returning the transaction it commits to and throwing an RPC error if the block is not in our best chain.

| Name  | Type   | Presence                | Description                                      |
| ----- | ------ | ----------------------- | ------------------------------------------------ |
| proof | string | Required<br>(exactly 1) | The hex-encoded proof generated by gettxoutproof |
raw docstring


(wallet-createfunded-psbt client
                          {:as params
                           :keys [inputs outputs locktime options bip32derivs]})

Creates and funds a transaction in the Partially Signed Transaction format.

inputsjson arrayRequired<br>(exactly 1)A json array of json objects
outputsjson arrayRequired<br>(exactly 1)a json array with outputs (key-value pairs), where none of the keys are duplicated. That is, each address can only appear once and there can only be one 'data' object. For compatibility reasons, a dictionary, which holds the key-value pairs directly, is also accepted as second parameter.
locktimenumber (int)Optional<br>Default=0Raw locktime. Non-0 value also locktime-activates inputs
optionsjson objectOptional"replaceable": bool, (boolean, optional, default=false) Marks this transaction as BIP125 replaceable. Allows this transaction to be replaced by a transaction with higher fees "conf_target": n, (numeric, optional, default=Fallback to wallet's confirmation target) Confirmation target (in blocks) "estimate_mode": "str", (string, optional, default=UNSET) The fee estimate mode, must be one of: "UNSET" "ECONOMICAL" "CONSERVATIVE" }
bip32derivsbooleanOptional<br>Default=falseIf true, includes the BIP 32 derivation paths for public keys if we know them

Creates and funds a transaction in the Partially Signed Transaction format.

| Name        | Type         | Presence                  | Description                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 |
| ----------- | ------------ | ------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| inputs      | json array   | Required<br>(exactly 1)   | A json array of json objects                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |
| outputs     | json array   | Required<br>(exactly 1)   | a json array with outputs (key-value pairs), where none of the keys are duplicated. That is, each address can only appear once and there can only be one 'data' object. For compatibility reasons, a dictionary, which holds the key-value pairs directly, is also accepted as second parameter.                                                                                                                                                                            |
| locktime    | number (int) | Optional<br>Default=0     | Raw locktime. Non-0 value also locktime-activates inputs                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    |
| options     | json object  | Optional                  | "replaceable": bool,           (boolean, optional, default=false) Marks this transaction as BIP125 replaceable. Allows this transaction to be replaced by a transaction with higher fees "conf_target": n,              (numeric, optional, default=Fallback to wallet's confirmation target) Confirmation target (in blocks) "estimate_mode": "str",        (string, optional, default=UNSET) The fee estimate mode, must be one of: "UNSET" "ECONOMICAL" "CONSERVATIVE" } |
| bip32derivs | boolean      | Optional<br>Default=false | If true, includes the BIP 32 derivation paths for public keys if we know them                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |
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(wallet-lock client)

Removes the wallet encryption key from memory, locking the wallet.

Removes the wallet encryption key from memory, locking the wallet.
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(wallet-passphrase client {:as params :keys [passphrase timeout]})

Stores the wallet decryption key in memory for 'timeout' seconds.

passphrasestringRequired<br>(exactly 1)The wallet passphrase
timeoutnumber (int)Required<br>(exactly 1)The time to keep the decryption key in seconds; capped at 100000000 (~3 years).

Stores the wallet decryption key in memory for 'timeout' seconds.

| Name       | Type         | Presence                | Description                                                                     |
| ---------- | ------------ | ----------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| passphrase | string       | Required<br>(exactly 1) | The wallet passphrase                                                           |
| timeout    | number (int) | Required<br>(exactly 1) | The time to keep the decryption key in seconds; capped at 100000000 (~3 years). |
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(wallet-passphrase-change client
                          {:as params :keys [oldpassphrase newpassphrase]})

Changes the wallet passphrase from 'oldpassphrase' to 'newpassphrase'.

oldpassphrasestringRequired<br>(exactly 1)The current passphrase
newpassphrasestringRequired<br>(exactly 1)The new passphrase

Changes the wallet passphrase from 'oldpassphrase' to 'newpassphrase'.

| Name          | Type   | Presence                | Description            |
| ------------- | ------ | ----------------------- | ---------------------- |
| oldpassphrase | string | Required<br>(exactly 1) | The current passphrase |
| newpassphrase | string | Required<br>(exactly 1) | The new passphrase     |
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(wallet-process-psbt client
                     {:as params :keys [psbt sign sighashtype bip32derivs]})

Update a PSBT with input information from our wallet and then sign inputs that we can sign for.

psbtstringRequired<br>(exactly 1)The transaction base64 string
signbooleanOptional<br>Default=trueAlso sign the transaction when updating
sighashtypestringOptional<br>Default=ALLThe signature hash type to sign with if not specified by the PSBT. Must be one of "ALL" "NONE" "SINGLE" "ALL
bip32derivsbooleanOptional<br>Default=falseIf true, includes the BIP 32 derivation paths for public keys if we know them

Update a PSBT with input information from our wallet and then sign inputs that we can sign for.

| Name        | Type    | Presence                  | Description                                                                                                                                                          |
| ----------- | ------- | ------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| psbt        | string  | Required<br>(exactly 1)   | The transaction base64 string                                                                                                                                        |
| sign        | boolean | Optional<br>Default=true  | Also sign the transaction when updating                                                                                                                              |
| sighashtype | string  | Optional<br>Default=ALL   | The signature hash type to sign with if not specified by the PSBT. Must be one of "ALL" "NONE" "SINGLE" "ALL|ANYONECANPAY" "NONE|ANYONECANPAY" "SINGLE|ANYONECANPAY" |
| bip32derivs | boolean | Optional<br>Default=false | If true, includes the BIP 32 derivation paths for public keys if we know them                                                                                        |
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