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A library bringing some c-style syntax to clojure.

A library bringing some c-style syntax to clojure.
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(cond-not & clauses)

Cond-not is relative to cond like if relative to if-not.


(let [grade 85]
         (<= grade 90) "A"
         (<= grade 80) "B"
         (<= grade 70) "C"
         (<= grade 60) "D"
         false "F")) ;; => "B"
Cond-not is relative to `cond` like `if` relative to `if-not`.

(let [grade 85]
         (<= grade 90) "A"
         (<= grade 80) "B"
         (<= grade 70) "C"
         (<= grade 60) "D"
         false "F")) ;; => "B"
sourceraw docstring


(proc & exprs)

Proc is a macro like do, but allow C-Style variable definition. The form started with :let keyword is the variable definition, and the variable scope is inside proc.


(proc (:let a 1)
      (:let [b & _] [2 3 4])
      (+ a b)) ;; => 3
Proc is a macro like `do`, but allow C-Style variable definition.
The form started with `:let` keyword is the variable definition,
and the variable scope is inside `proc`.

(proc (:let a 1)
      (:let [b & _] [2 3 4])
      (+ a b)) ;; => 3
sourceraw docstring

cljdoc is a website building & hosting documentation for Clojure/Script libraries

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