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Clojure wrapper for SLF4j with Mapped Diagnostic Context (MDC) and clojure/tools.logging.


Leiningen coordinates: [cambium "0.8.1"]

Note: Cambium only wraps over SLF4j. You also need a suitable SLF4j implementation, such as logback-bundle as your project dependency.

Require the namespace:

(require '[cambium.core :as c])
(require '[cambium.mdc  :as m])

Namespace based loggers

Like<log-level>, Cambium defines namespace loggers for various levels:

(c/info "this is a log message")                                          ; simple message logging
(c/info {:latency-ms 331 :module "registration"} "App registered")        ; context and message
(c/debug {:module "order-processing"} "sequence-id verified")
(c/error {:module "user-feedback"} exception "Email notification failed") ; context, exception and message

Available log levels: trace, debug, info, warn, error, fatal

Custom loggers

You can define custom loggers that you can use from any namespace as follows:

(c/deflogger metrics "METRICS")
(c/deflogger txn-log "TXN-LOG" :info :fatal)

(metrics {:latency-ms 331 :module "registration"} "app.registration.success") ; context and message
(txn-log {:module "order-processing"} exception "Stock unavailable")          ; context, exception and message
(txn-log "Order processed")                                                   ; simple message logging

Context propagation

Value based context can be propagated as follows:

;; Propagate specified context in current thread
(c/with-logging-context {:user-id "X1234"}
  (c/info {:job-id 89} "User was assigned a new job")

;; wrap an existing fn with specified context
(c/wrap-logging-context {:user-id "X1234"} user-assign-job)  ; creates a wrapped fn that inherits specified context

MDC propagation

Unlike value based propagation MDC propagation happens wholesale, i.e. the entire current MDC map is replaced with a new map. Also, no conversion is applied to MDC; they are required to have string keys and values. See example below:

;; Propagate specified context in current thread
(m/with-raw-mdc {"userid" "X1234"}
  (c/info {:job-id 89} "User was assigned a new job")

;; wrap an existing fn with specified context
(m/wrap-raw-mdc user-assign-job)  ; creates a wrapped fn that inherits current context
(m/wrap-raw-mdc {"userid" "X1234"} user-assign-job)  ; creates a wrapped fn that inherits specified context

Nested context

Note: This requires special logging layout implementation that can decode the encoded context.

Context values sometimes may be nested and need manipulation. Cambium requires format-preserving codec to be configured ahead of using nested context:

(alter-var-root #'cambium.core/stringify-val   (constantly cambium.nested/encode-val)
(alter-var-root #'cambium.core/destringify-val (constantly cambium.nested/decode-val)

If you are logging via JSON, you may want to override Cambium fns with the JSON converter functions.

Nested context navigation

For first-class handling of nested context, Cambium can convert all tokens in a key path as string tokens. This requires special configuration as follows:

(alter-var-root #'cambium.core/stringify-val          (constantly cambium.nested/encode-val)
(alter-var-root #'cambium.core/destringify-val        (constantly cambium.nested/decode-val)
(alter-var-root #'cambium.core/context-val            (constantly cambium.nested/nested-context-val)
(alter-var-root #'cambium.core/merge-logging-context! (constantly cambium.nested/merge-nested-context!)

Now see nesting-navigation example below:

(c/with-logging-context {:order {:client "XYZ Corp"
                                 :item-count 10}}
  ;; ..other processing..
  (c/with-logging-context {[:order :id] "F-123456"}
    ;; here the context will be {"order" {"client" "XYZ Corp" "item-count" 10 "id" "F-123456"}}
    (c/info "Order processed successfully")))
;; Logging API in the 'nested' namespace accepts nested MDC
(c/info {:order {:event-id "foo"}} "Foo happened")


Copyright © 2015-2017 Shantanu Kumar (,

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.

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