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A minimal and opinionated linter for Clojure code that sparks joy.


You use inline defs for debugging but you would like to get rid of them before making your code public. Also, unnecessary do and let nestings don't really add any value to your life. Let clj-kondo help you tidy your code.


  • inline def warnings
  • obsolete do warnings
  • obsolete let warnings
  • basic arity errors
  • private function call errors


Work in progress, but already useful. None of the code is meant to be exposed as a public API, except the command line interface.

For new features I'd like to focus on things that joker doesn't support yet, so I recommend enabling that one as well.


(For running without GraalVM, look here).

Download GraalVM and set the GRAALVM_HOME variable. E.g.:

export GRAALVM_HOME=$HOME/Downloads/graalvm-ce-1.0.0-rc14/Contents/Home

Clone this repo, cd clj-kondo and build the native binary:

clojure -A:native-image

Place the binary somewhere on your path.


Lint from stdin:

$ echo '(def x (def x 1))' | clj-kondo --lint -
<stdin>:1:8: warning: inline def

Lint a file:

$ echo '(def x (def x 1))' > /tmp/foo.clj
$ clj-kondo --lint /tmp/foo.clj
/tmp/foo.clj:1:8: warning: inline def

Lint a directory:

$ clj-kondo --lint src
src/clj_kondo/test.cljs:7:1: warning: obsolete do
src/clj_kondo/vars.clj:291:3: error: Wrong number of args (1) passed to clj-kondo.vars/analyze-arities

Lint a project classpath:

$ clj-kondo --lint $(clj -Spath)
$ clj-kondo --lint $(lein classpath)
$ clj-kondo --lint $(boot with-cp -w -f -)

It is recommended to save the analysis results to a cache. This gives a better experience when using clj-kondo in an editor. To do this, make a .clj-kondo directory in the root of your project and use the --cache option:

clj-kondo --cache --lint $(clj -Spath)

Next time you will lint a single namespace (e.g. using editor integration), the cache can be leveraged to detect more errors:

$ echo '(select-keys)' | clj-kondo --lang cljs --cache --lint -
<stdin>:1:1: error: Wrong number of args (0) passed to cljs.core/select-keys

Running without GraalVM

Running with GraalVM is recommended for better startup time, but you can run this linter with a normal JVM as well.


You can add clj-kondo to ~/.lein/profiles.clj to make it available as a lein command:

{:user {:dependencies [[clj-kondo "0.0.1-SNAPSHOT"]]
        :aliases {"clj-kondo" ["run" "-m" "clj-kondo.main" "--lint"]}
$ lein clj-kondo src


Run clj-kondo as an ad-hoc command line dependency:

$ clj -Sdeps '{:deps {clj-kondo {:git/url "" :sha "<master/latest-sha>"}}}' -m clj-kondo.main --lint src

where <master/latest-sha> is the SHA of the latest commit on the master branch.

Or add it as an alias to ~/.clojure/deps.edn:

  {:extra-deps {clj-kondo {:git/url "" :sha "<master/latest-sha>"}}
   :main-opts ["-m" "clj-kondo.main" "--lint"]}}}
$ clj -A:clj-kondo src

Editor integration

You can integrate with Emacs flycheck as follows:

(flycheck-define-checker clj-kondo-clj
  :command ("clj-kondo" "--cache" "--lang" "clj" "--lint" "-")
  :standard-input t
  ((error line-start "<stdin>:" line ":" column ": " (0+ not-newline) (or "error: " "Exception: ") (message) line-end)
   (warning line-start "<stdin>:" line ":" column ": " (0+ not-newline) "warning: " (message) line-end))
  :modes (clojure-mode clojurec-mode)
  :predicate (lambda () (not (string= "edn" (file-name-extension (buffer-file-name)))))
  ;; use this when you also use the joker linter, recommended!
  :next-checkers ((error . clojure-joker) (warning . clojure-joker)))

(flycheck-define-checker clj-kondo-cljs
  :command ("clj-kondo" "--cache" "--lang" "cljs" "--lint" "-")
  :standard-input t
  ((error line-start "<stdin>:" line ":" column ": " (0+ not-newline) (or "error: " "Exception: ") (message) line-end)
   (warning line-start "<stdin>:" line ":" column ": " (0+ not-newline) "warning: " (message) line-end))
  :modes (clojurescript-mode)
  :predicate (lambda () (not (string= "edn" (file-name-extension (buffer-file-name)))))
  ;; use this when you also use the joker linter, recommended!
  :next-checkers ((error . clojurescript-joker) (warning . clojurescript-joker)))

(add-to-list 'flycheck-checkers 'clj-kondo-clj)
(add-to-list 'flycheck-checkers 'clj-kondo-cljs)

This code was adapted from flycheck-joker.


clj -A:test


This project is inspired by joker. It uses clj.native-image for compiling the project. The parsing of Clojure code relies on rewrite-clj.


Copyright © 2019 Michiel Borkent

Distributed under the EPL License, same as Clojure. See LICENSE.

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