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Editor integration

Before setting up your editor, see Project setup on how to configure clj-kondo for your project. TL;DR: this involves creating a .clj-kondo directory in the root of your project.


For integrating with Emacs, see flycheck-clj-kondo.

For Spacemacs, check here.

or get flymake-kondor if you flymake user.

Visual Studio Code

clojure-lint extension

Like most editor plugins, the 'Clojure Lint' extension by @marcomorain uses the installed version of clj-kondo. In Visual Studio Code, go to Preferences > Extensions. Search for 'clojure lint' and select the Click 'install'. That's it.

clj-kondo extension

The native version of clj-kondo is not well supported yet for Windows environments due to limitations of GraalVM. If you're using Windows, you can install the clj-kondo extension instead. It bundles clj-kondo and requires no additional installation. Note that this extension is part of Calva since v2.0.54.

Despite the native not working well on Windows, users can still have command-line version of clj-kondo by installing the NPM package. This invokes the clj-kondo standalone jar.


Atom requires clj-kondo to be on your $PATH. In Atom, there are a few ways to install:

  1. apm install linter-kondo linter linter-ui-default intentions busy-signal
  2. Install from the Atom package page.
  3. From inside Atom, go to Preferences > Extensions. Search for "linter-kondo" and click "Install" on the extension.

Vim / Neovim


This section is for Vim 8+ or Neovim.

  1. Install ALE using your favorite plugin manager. This already has in-built support for clj-kondo.

  2. In your .vimrc, add:

    let g:ale_linters = {'clojure': ['clj-kondo']}

    to only have clj-kondo as the linter.

    To enable both clj-kondo and joker, add:

    let g:ale_linters = {'clojure': ['clj-kondo', 'joker']}
  3. Reload your .vimrc and it should start working.

Vanilla way

Create this file in ~/.config/nvim/compiler/clj-kondo.vim or ~/.vim/compiler/clj-kondo.vim.

if exists("current_compiler")
let current_compiler="clj-kondo"

if exists(":CompilerSet") != 2
  command -nargs=* CompilerSet setlocal <args>

CompilerSet errorformat=%f:%l:%c:\ Parse\ %t%*[^:]:\ %m,%f:%l:%c:\ %t%*[^:]:\ %m
CompilerSet makeprg=clj-kondo\ --lint\ %


You can populate the quickfix list like so:

:compiler clj-kondo

See romainl's vanilla linting for how to automatically execute linting and automatically open the quickfix.

If you have vim-dispatch installed, you can use this command to be both async and more convenient:

:Dispatch -compiler=clj-kondo

IntelliJ IDEA

This section assumes that you are already using Cursive.

  1. Install the File Watchers plugin.

Repeat the below steps for the file types Clojure (.clj), ClojureScript (.cljs) and CLJC (.cljc).

  1. Under Preferences / Tools / File Watchers click + and choose the <custom> template.
  2. Choose a name. E.g. clj-kondo <filetype> (where <filetype> is one of Clojure, ClojureScript or CLJC).
  3. In the File type field, choose the correct filetype.
  4. Scope: Current file
  5. In the Program field, type clj-kondo.
  6. In the Arguments field, type --lint $FilePath$ --cache.
    You may use a custom config E.g --lint $FilePath$ --cache --config "{:lint-as {manifold.deferred/let-flow clojure.core/let}}".
  7. In the Working directory field, type $FileDir$.
  8. Enable Create output file from stdout
  9. Show console: Never
  10. In output filters put $FILE_PATH$:$LINE$:$COLUMN$: $MESSAGE$.
  11. Click ok and under the newly created file-watcher, change level to Global - this will enable the watcher in all future projects.


Ensure that:

  1. syntax-checking is present in dotspacemacs-configuration-layers.
  2. clj-kondo is available on PATH.

In the .spacemacs file:

Installing on master branch

When using the stable master branch:

  1. In dotspacemacs-additional-packages add flycheck-clj-kondo.

  2. In the dotspacemacs/user-config function add the following:

    (use-package clojure-mode
     :ensure t
     (require 'flycheck-clj-kondo))

To install it alongside joker:

  1. In dotspacemacs-additional-packages add flycheck-clj-kondo and flycheck-joker.

  2. In the dotspacemacs/user-config function add the following:

    (use-package clojure-mode
     :ensure t
     (require 'flycheck-joker)
     (require 'flycheck-clj-kondo)
     (dolist (checker '(clj-kondo-clj clj-kondo-cljs clj-kondo-cljc clj-kondo-edn))
       (setq flycheck-checkers (cons checker (delq checker flycheck-checkers))))
     (dolist (checkers '((clj-kondo-clj . clojure-joker)
                         (clj-kondo-cljs . clojurescript-joker)
                         (clj-kondo-cljc . clojure-joker)
                         (clj-kondo-edn . edn-joker)))
       (flycheck-add-next-checker (car checkers) (cons 'error (cdr checkers)))))

Installing on develop branch

If using the develop branch, clj-kondo is available as a part of the standard clojure layer. This will become the way to install in the next stable release of spacemacs.

To enable it:

  1. Ensure the clojure layer is in the dotspacemacs-configuration-layers.
  2. Add a variable called clojure-enable-linters with the value 'clj-kondo.

It should look like this:

    (clojure :variables
             clojure-enable-linters 'clj-kondo)

Reload the config to enable clj-kondo.


Manual Linting

Add the following to ~/.config/kak/kakrc:

hook global WinSetOption filetype=clojure %{
    set-option window lintcmd 'clj-kondo --lint'

The :lint command will run clj-kondo and annotate the buffer with lint warnings and errors.

Automatic Linting on Idle

clj-kondo is fast enough to lint as you code! If you want to do this, use the following configuration:

hook global WinSetOption filetype=clojure %{
    set-option window lintcmd 'clj-kondo --lint'
    hook -group lint-diagnostics window NormalIdle .* %{ lint; lint-show }

This works well, but tends to clear the message line too frequently. The following work-around prevents linting from displaying the warning and error counts on the message line:

define-command -hidden -override lint-show-counters %{}

Can you improve this documentation? These fine people already did:
Michiel Borkent, Rahul De, Jason Felice, Dominic Monroe, Oleg, turbo-cafe, chorin1, Sam Han, Gerred Dillon & Rahuλ Dé
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