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(bulk-operations {:keys [address replications ssl-insecure?]} operations)

Generates a map that represents a http request to the bulk_docs endpoint in order run document operations.

Generates a map that represents a http request
to the bulk_docs endpoint in order run document operations.
sourceraw docstring


(delete-index {:keys [address ssl-insecure?]} index-name)

Generates a map that represents a http request to the indexes/indexName endpoint in order to delete the index.

Generates a map that represents a http request
to the indexes/indexName endpoint in order to delete the index.
sourceraw docstring


(load-documents {:keys [address replications ssl-insecure?]} document-ids)

Generates a map that represents a http request to the queries endpoint in order to load documents

Generates a map that represents a http request
to the queries endpoint in order to load documents
sourceraw docstring


(load-replications {:keys [address ssl-insecure?]})

Generates a map that represents a http request to the replication endpoint in order to find replication endpoints.

Generates a map that represents a http request
to the replication endpoint in order to find replication endpoints.
sourceraw docstring


(oauth-token {:keys [address replications api-key ssl-insecure?]})

Generates a map that represents a http request to the /ApiKeys/OAuth/AccessToken RavenDB endpoint

Generates a map that represents a http request
to the /ApiKeys/OAuth/AccessToken RavenDB endpoint
sourceraw docstring


(put-document client id document)

Generates a map that represents a http request to the bulk_docs endpoint in order put a document.

Generates a map that represents a http request
to the bulk_docs endpoint in order put a document.
sourceraw docstring


(put-index {:keys [address ssl-insecure?]}
           {:keys [index from where select fields group project]
            :or {from "docs" where [] group [] project []}})

Generates a map that represents a http request to the indexes endpoint in order to put an index.

Generates a map that represents a http request
to the indexes endpoint in order to put an index.
sourceraw docstring


(query-index {:keys [address replications ssl-insecure?]}
             {:keys [index sort-by page-size start query]})

Generates a map that represents a http request to the indexes endpoint in order to query an index.

Generates a map that represents a http request
to the indexes endpoint in order to query an index.
sourceraw docstring


(stats {:keys [address replications ssl-insecure?]})

Generates a map that represents a http request to the /stats RavenDB endpoint

Generates a map that represents a http request
to the /stats RavenDB endpoint
sourceraw docstring


(user-info {:keys [address replications ssl-insecure?]})

Generates a map that represents a http request to the /debug/user-info RavenDB endpoint

Generates a map that represents a http request
to the /debug/user-info RavenDB endpoint
sourceraw docstring


(wrap-oauth-header request oauth-header)

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