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title: "Actions & Context"

Actions & Context


Actions are side-effects that are executed on state transitions.

There are two kinds of actions:

  • Actions that are executed when a transition happens
  • Actions that are executed when transition in (entry) or transition out (exit) of a state

Transition Actions

Instead of define a transition target as simply a keyword, you need to use the full form:

{:on {:some-event {:target :some-state
                   :actions some-action}}}

The actions value can also be a vector, and the actions would be executed one by one.

{:on {:some-event {:target :some-state
                   :actions [action1 action2]}}}

Entry/Exit Actions

Entry actions are defined on a state, and are executed whenever this state is entered. Similar for exit actions - they are executed whenever leaving the state.

 {:state1 {:entry some-action-on-entry
           :exit  some-action-on-exit
           :on    {...}}}}

;; entry/exit can also be vector of actions
 {:state1 {:entry [action1 action2]
           :exit  [action3 action4]
           :on    {...}}}}

Method Signature of the Action Functions

The action function is invoked with two arguments: (state event)

  • state is the current state
  • event is the event that triggers the transition and execution of the action

Updating the State Context

Actions can update the context of the state machine.

(require '[statecharts.core :as fsm :refer [assign]])

(defn update-counter [state event]
  (update state :counter inc))

 {:state1 {:on {:some-event {:target :state2
                             :action (assign update-counter)}}}}}

Note the action is wrapped with statecharts.core/assign. Without this it's return value is ignored and the state context is not changed.

The event arg of update-counter would be {:type :some-event}. Extra keys could be passed when calling fsm/transition:

(let [event {:type :some-event
             :k1 :v1
             :k1 :v2}]
  (fsm/transition machine current-state event))

And the event argument passed to the update-counter would have these :k1 :k2 keys etc.

The Special Variable _prev-state in Action Functions

During action execution time, _state already points to the new state after the transition.

The action functions could use the value under the _prev-state key of the context to access the previous state before the transition (e.g. for debugging, or archiving some information for later analysis).

Please note:

  • Unlike _state, the _prev-state variable only exists during the transition and would not be available after that.
  • If the transition is called with {:exec false}, the actions would be returned to the caller instead of being executed. In that case it would also have no access to _prev-state.

A Full Example

{{< loadcode "samples/src/statecharts-samples/trigger_actions.clj" >}}

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