(char-to-hex s)
(emit u)
Takes a map containing any of the url keys listed in parse, and returns a url string. Recognized keys: :protocol :host :port :path :query.
If passed a URL string, this will parse and escape any characters as necessary.
(emit {:protocol "http" :host "google.com"}) => "http://www.google.com"
Takes a map containing any of the url keys listed in parse, and returns a url string. Recognized keys: :protocol :host :port :path :query. If passed a URL string, this will parse and escape any characters as necessary. (emit {:protocol "http" :host "google.com"}) => "http://www.google.com"
(emit* m)
(escape-char s)
(escape-map m)
(escape-str s)
(invalid-reason m)
(parse u)
Takes a URL string, such as http://www.google.com, and returns a map containing any of the following keys: :protocol, :host, :port, :path, :query. URLs missing one of those parts will not contain a key for that item, i.e. 'http://wwww.google.com' will contain a :protocol and :host key, but not a :path or :query key.
Takes a URL string, such as http://www.google.com, and returns a map containing any of the following keys: :protocol, :host, :port, :path, :query. URLs missing one of those parts will not contain a key for that item, i.e. 'http://wwww.google.com' will contain a :protocol and :host key, but not a :path or :query key.
(valid-host? host)
(valid-ip-addr? host)
(valid-label? label)
(valid-map? m)
(valid? url)
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