(box x)
(box p1 p2)
(box x1 y1 x2 y2)
Make an instance of the Box class.
Make an instance of the Box class.
(circle x)
(circle x y r)
Make an instance of the Circle class.
Make an instance of the Circle class.
(line x)
(line a b c)
Make an instance of the Line class.
Make an instance of the Line class.
(line-segment x)
(line-segment p1 p2)
(line-segment x1 y1 x2 y2)
Make an instance of the LineSegment class.
Make an instance of the LineSegment class.
(path points)
(path points closed?)
Make an instance of the Path class.
Make an instance of the Path class.
(point x)
(point x y)
Make an instance of the Point class.
Make an instance of the Point class.
(polygon points)
Make an instance of the Polygon class.
Make an instance of the Polygon class.
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