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DataFrame is a ClojureScript library that allows you to use re-frame with DataScript as a data storage. It uses posh under the hood.

DataFrame is not replaced re-frame, but complements it. You can use DataScript database only or use it together with the re-frame database.

I like the refined beauty of re-frame but it forces me to optimize my store and give it the certain shape. At the same time, I like freedom and power of DataScript and Datalog. So why not to use them together. I want to write subscriptions on Datalog and events as a transaction. If you want the same, welcome.


Require it in your app:

(ns example
  (:require [reagent.core :as r]
            [data-frame.core :refer [connect! reg-query-sub reg-pull-sub reg-event-ds]]
            [datascript.core :as d]))


First you have to connect your DataScript database to data-frame.

(ns example.db
    [datascript.core    :as d]
    [data-frame.core    :refer [connect!]]))

(def conn (d/create-conn))
(connect! conn)


There are two ways to subscribe to DataScript database. With query and with pull subscriptions.

Query subscription

You can use reg-query-sub function for subscribe to any query

  '[ :find  [?tid ...]
     :where [?tid :task/title]])

This function takes two params, subscription name and datalog query. You can use this subscription as regular re-frame subscription

(defn page []
  (let [task-ids (subscribe [:task-ids])]
    (fn []

Every parameter in a signal will be pass as param to the query

   '[ :find  [?tid ...]
      :in $ ?param-1 ?param-2
      :where ...

(let [task-ids (subscribe [:task-ids param-1 param-2])]

Pull subscription

Pull subscriptions creates subscription to the entity. reg-pull-sub function create pull subscription and takes two params, subscription name and pull pattern. For more details see Datomic Pull


 ;; Usage

 (let [entity-id 123
       entity    (subscribe [:sub-name entity-id])])


DataFrame uses totally the same solution as re-frame reg-event-db but with datascript database instead. Function reg-event-ds takes event name and event handler. First param for handler is a dereferenced DataScript database. You can do with it whatewer you like, make query or take entities with pull. The second parameter is a signal. Event handler have to return transaction.

 (fn [ds [_ id path value]] ;; ds is not used here, just an example
   [[:db/add id path value]]))

Effects and Co-effects

DataFrame introduce one effect and one co-effect. You can use them as regular re-frame effects and co-effects (in fact they are regular re-frame effects and coeffects)

Transact effect

This effect commit transaction into the DataScript database

   (:require [re-frame.core :as r]))

   (fn [cofx [_ id k v]]
      {:transact [[:db/add id k v]]})) ;; return datascript transaction

DS co-effect

This co-effect provide DataScript database into your event handler

   (:require [re-frame.core :as r]))

   [(r/inject-cofx :ds)] ;; inject coeffect
   (fn [{:keys [ds]} [_ id k v]] ;; ds here is the DataScript database
      {:transact [[:db/add id k v]]}))


Pull requests are welcome. Email me on if you have any questions, suggestions or proposals.


Copyright © 2015 Denis Krivosheev

Distributed under the MIT License

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