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Full.core is the core library for Clojure and ClojureScript services at FullContact.

It contains the following:

  • Config management

  • Logging

  • Sugar - extensions to clojure.core and other common libraries

  • edn helpers (Clojure only)

  • clj-time wrapper (Clojure only)

Config management

With full.core.config you can manage yaml configurations for your app.

If you have the following config:

app: facebookForCats
  - host1
  - host2
  - host3
  child: value
secret-key: "${SECRET_KEY}"

We can use config as follows:

(def app-name (opt :app))   ; @app-name will be "facebookForCats"
(def child (opt [:parent :child])) ; @child will be "value"
(def hosts (opt :hosts :mapper set))  ; @hosts will be #{"host1" "host2" "host3"}
(def space-cakes (opt :space-cakes :default nil)) ; @space-cakes will be nil
(def oh-no (opt [:this :will :raise]))  ; @oh-no will raise RuntimeException

Path to config file can be set via -c path/to/file.yaml or as FULL_CONFIG env variable. config loader will default to reading dev.yaml in project's root directory if no explicit config path is provided.

You can load values from environment variables with the "${VAR_NAME}" syntax. They will behave like regular strings when loaded via opt.


full.core.log is using slf4j under the hood & logging config can be loaded via (full.core.log/configure). Path of the XML logging config can be set via log-config field in your YAML config.

full.core.log provides logging with MDC contexts:

(log/with-mdc {:foo "bar" :baz "foo"} "Message")

full.core.log/do-info and full.core.log/do-debug will log all arguments and return the value of last (it works similar to Haskell's Debug.Trace).

Core extensions

  • full.core.sugar contains extensions to standard data types and is similar to plumbing and friends.

  • full.core.time contains extensions to clj-time.

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