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Loads CSV data into Datahike (see also GitHub) with a single function call.


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(require '[datahike.api :as d]
         '[tablehike.core :as th])

(th/load-csv "data.csv")

;; or
(def cfg {:store ...})
(th/load-csv "data.csv" cfg)

;; or with schema-opts using one of two alternative schema specifications
;; (map contents elided here and described below)
(def schema [{:db/ident :name
;; or
(def schema {:unique-id #{...}
(def schema-opts {:schema schema
                  :ref-map {...}
                  :tuple-map {...}
                  :composite-tuple-map {...}})
(th/load-csv "data.csv" cfg schema-opts)

;; or with batch size specified for chunking (default value 128,000)
(def batch-size 64000)  ; e.g.
(th/load-csv "data.csv" cfg schema-opts batch-size)

Reads, parses, and loads data from data.csv into the Datahike database having (optionally specified) config cfg. The remaining arguments are likewise optional: schema-related options for the corresponding attributes, and batch size for chunking (default value 128,000). Each column represents an attribute, with keywordized column name as attribute ident, or otherwise, an element in a heterogeneous or homogeneous tuple (more on tuples below).

Datahike config

If cfg is omitted, and the last argument:

  1. is also absent, or has empty :schema, :ref-map, and :composite-tuple-map, cfg is inferred to be {:schema-flexibility :read}.
  2. has a non-empty value for one or more of :schema, :ref-map, and :composite-tuple-map, cfg is inferred to be {}, i.e. the default.

Schema options

Each file is assumed to represent attributes for one entity "type", whether new or existing: e.g. a student with columns student/name, student/id. This also means that attribute data for a single "type" can be loaded from multiple files: for example, another file with columns student/id and student/course can be loaded later.

:schema in the last argument can be specified in one of two ways:

  1. Full specification via the usual Datahike transaction data format, i.e. a vector of maps, each corresponding to an attribute.
  2. Partial specification via a concise format like the map returned by datahike.api/reverse-schema, albeit with slightly different keys, each having a set of attribute idents as the corresponding value. Available options:
:unique-id:db/unique value :db.unique/identity
:unique-val:db/unique value :db.unique/value
:index:db/index value true
:cardinality-many:db/cardinality value :db.cardinality/many

For example, a value of #{:user/email :user/account-id} for the key :unique-id indicates that the attributes in the set are unique identifiers.

Ref- and tuple-valued attributes, i.e. those with :db/valueType :db.type/ref or :db.type/tuple, are however specified separately, via :ref-map, :tuple-map, or :composite-tuple-map, each a map as follows:

:ref-map:db.type/ref attribute idents to referenced attribute idents
:composite-tuple-mapComposite :db.type/tuple attribute idents to constituent attribute idents
:tuple-mapOther (homogeneous, heterogeneous) :db.type/tuple attribute idents to constituent attribute idents

Unspecified schema attribute values are defaults or inferred from the data given: for instance, except with :db.type/ref and :db.type/tuple, :db/valueType is inferred. Note also that only one cardinality-many attribute is allowed per file for semantic reasons. Examples in the rest of this document use the partial :schema specification style for brevity.

Attributes already in schema

load-csv also handles data for attributes already present in the schema, e.g. if a file with identical or overlapping column names was loaded earlier, in which case the corresponding columns should be left out of :schema, although they would be excluded anyway from any schema transaction before the data proper is loaded. That said, this behaviour hasn't yet been tested, so caution is advised.


Data in a reference-valued attribute column must consist of domain identifier (i.e. an attribute with :db.unique/identity) values for entities already present in the database; these are automatically converted into entity IDs. For example:

(d/transact conn [{:db/ident :course/id
                   :db/unique :db.unique/identity
(d/transact conn [{:course/id "CMSC101"
                   :course/name "Intro. to CS"}
(th/load-csv "students.csv" cfg {:schema {:unique-id #{:student/id}
                                          :cardinality-many #{:student/course}}
                                 :ref-map {:student/course :course/id}})
;; values for :student/course will consist of their corresponding course entity IDs 

With CSV contents such as:


Support for loading entity IDs directly can be added if observations of such use cases in the wild are reported.

:tuple-map and :composite-tuple-map

First: an introduction to tuples for the uninitiated.

load-csv can load data from multiple columns into any of the three kinds of tuples available in Datahike (as in Datomic, for which the documentation just linked to is written): composite, heterogeneous, and homogeneous. Composite tuples are automatically created and transacted by the database when their constituent attributes are transacted (and retained independent of the tuple attribute); heterogeneous and homogeneous tuples consist instead of user-created vectors, with no independent constituent attributes.

In addition to :schema specification as necessary, the ident of and columns belonging to each tuple need to be specified. This should be done via :composite-tuple-map or :tuple-map as appropriate, with key-value pairs each consisting of a tuple attribute ident and a vector of corresponding attribute idents (for composite tuples) or keywordized column names (for other tuple types); whether each entry in :tuple-map is homogeneous or heterogeneous is inferred from its column data value types.

For example, roughly working off this schema definition, to create a composite tuple attribute from attributes (columns) student/id, course/id, and semester/year+season:

(load-csv "data.csv" cfg {:composite-tuple-map
                          {:reg/semester+course+student [:student/id :course/id :semester/year+season]}

This results in four separate attributes; a full :schema specification should include all of them (whereas a partial specification should of course only feature attributes as needed).

Another example, of creating a homogeneous tuple using columns station/lat and station/lon:

(load-csv "data.csv" cfg  {:tuple-map {:station/coordinates [:station/lat :station/lon]}

Here, the data in these columns are merged and transacted only as :station/coordinates; a full :schema specification need only include the tuple attribute.

As implied above, the db/valueType of tuple elements is inferred unless specified in :schema.

Chunking for large datasets

File loading is chunked (with a default batch size of 128,000 lines) to support datasets potentially too large to fit within memory.

Current limitations

tablehike currently doesn't support:

  1. Variable-length homogeneous tuples.
  2. Excluding columns from the import.

We are currently working on #2, and will address #2 and any other limitations that arise as necessary.

Future work

We may:

  1. Add Datahike-to-CSV export functionality.
  2. Extend functionality to other tabular data formats.


Copyright © 2022 Yee Fay Lim

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License version 1.0.

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