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Clojars Project

A very thin wrapper around the official Java library for Sentry.

This project follows the version scheme MAJOR.MINOR.COMMITS where MAJOR and MINOR provide some relative indication of the size of the change, but do not follow semantic versioning. In general, all changes endeavour to be non-breaking (by moving to new names rather than by breaking existing names). COMMITS is an ever-increasing counter of commits since the beginning of this repository.


(require '[sentry-clj.core :as sentry])

; You can initialize Sentry manually by providing a DSN in the code (as shown below),
; or use one of the other configuration options (such as environment variables) described
; in the Java SDK documentation (which will automatically initialize Sentry the first
; time you attempt to send an event):

(sentry/init! "")

  (catch Exception e
    (sentry/send-event {:throwable e})))

Supported event keys

API Documentation

  • :breadcrumbs - a collection of Breadcrumb maps. See below.
  • :dist - a String which identifies the distribution.
  • :environment - a String which identifies the environment.
  • :event-id - a String id to use for the event. If not provided, one will be automatically generated.
  • :extra - a map with Keyword or String keys (or anything for which clojure.core/name can be invoked) and values which can be JSON-ified. If :throwable is given, this will automatically include its ex-data.
  • :fingerprint - a sequence of Strings that Sentry should use as a fingerprint.
  • :level - a Keyword. One of :debug, :info, :warning, :error, :fatal. Probably most useful in conjunction with :message if you need to report an exceptional condition that's not an exception.
  • :logger - a String which identifies the logger.
  • :message - a map containing Message information. See below.
  • :platform - a String which identifies the platform.
  • :release - a String which identifies the release.
  • :request - a map containing Request information. See below.
  • :server-name - a String which identifies the server name.
  • :tags - a map with Keyword or String keys (or anything for which clojure.core/name can be invoked) and values which can be coerced to Strings with clojure.core/str.
  • :throwable - a Throwable object. Sentry's bread and butter.
  • :transaction - a String which identifies the transaction.
  • :user - a map containing User information. See below.


API Documentation

When an event has a :breadcrumbs key, each element of the value collection should be a map. Each key is optional.

  • :type - A String
  • :level - a String
  • :message - a String
  • :category - a String
  • :data - a map with String keys and String values


API Documentation

When an event has a :message key, the following data should be contained within a map, thus:

  • :formatted - A String containing the fully formatted message. If missing, Sentry will try to interpolate the message.
  • :message - An optional String containing the raw message. If there are params, it will be interpolated.
  • :params - An optional sequence of String's containing parameters for interpolation, e.g., `["foo" "bar"]


API Documentation

When an event has a :user key, the data following should be contained within a map. You should provide at either the id or the ip-address.

  • :email - A String
  • :id - A String
  • :username - A String
  • :ip-address - A String
  • :other - A map containing key/value pairs of Strings, i.e., {"a" "b" "c" "d"}


API Documentation

When an event has a :request key, the data should be contained within a map. Each key is optional.

  • :url - A String
  • :method - A String
  • :query-string - A String
  • :data - An arbitrary value (e.g., a number, a string, a blob...)
  • :cookies - A String
  • :headers - A map containing key/value pairs of Strings, i.e., {"a" "b" "c" "d"}
  • :env - A map containing key/value pairs of Strings, i.e., {"a" "b" "c" "d"}
  • :other - A map containing key/value pairs of Strings, i.e., {"a" "b" "c" "d"}


Copyright © 2020 Coda Hale, Sentry

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.

Can you improve this documentation? These fine people already did:
David Harrigan, Brett Hoerner, Brian Cobb & Coda Hale
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