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Instacheck 0.8.0

Instaparse meets test.check: property-based testing with inputs defined as EBNF grammars

If the test inputs for your program are defined by input.ebnf then you can use property-base testing to test your program like this:

lein run check input.ebnf sample-dir/ -- ./prog %

This will run ./prog with larger and larger sample files (stored in sample-dir) until the program fails. Then it will run ./prog with smaller and smaller versions of the failure case until it finds the smallest version that still fails.

Library / REPL Usage

Add the following to your Clojure dependencies:

[kanaka/instacheck "0.8.0"]

Here is a simple example of using instacheck to test a function:

(require '[instacheck.core :refer [instacheck]])
(def ebnf "root = ('foo' #'[0-9]' ) 'bar' *")
(defn func-to-check [test] (<= (count test) 7))

;; a failure will be detected and shrunk
(instacheck func-to-check ebnf)

;; a report will be printed for each iteration
(instacheck func-to-check ebnf {:report-fn #(prn %)})

;; manual seed for repeatable results 
(instacheck func-to-check ebnf {:seed 2})

Here is an example of using instacheck with instaparse and test.check:

(require '[instacheck.core :as instacheck])
(require '[instaparse.core :as instaparse])
(require '[clojure.test.check :as tc])
(require '[clojure.test.check.generators :as tc-gen])
(require '[ :as tc-prop])

;; parser is a regular instaparse parser
(def parser (instaparse/parser "root = ('foo' #'[0-9]' ) 'bar' *"))

;; Generate some samples using ebnf-sample-seq from instacheck
(take 20 (instacheck/ebnf-sample-seq parser))

;; gen is a regular test.check generator based on the parser
(def gen (instacheck/ebnf->gen {} parser))

;; Generate some samples using sample-gen from test.check
(tc-gen/sample gen)

;; A test.check input property with gen
(def prop (tc-prop/for-all* [gen] #(<= (count %) 7)))
;; Run test.check quick-check for 10 iterations on prop
(tc/quick-check 10 prop)

Commandline Usage

All the following example use the test/bc.ebnf EBNF grammar file which specifies a simple EBNF for generating commands that can be run with the bc (arbitrary precission calculator) program.

Generate Clojure generators (one generator per EBNF rule named after the non-terminal):

lein run clj test/bc.ebnf bc.test

Generate a single Clojure generator (one generator named gen-gc):

lein run clj test/bc.ebnf bc.test --function gen-bc

Generate 10 and then 100 samples:

lein run samples test/bc.ebnf tmp/
lein run samples test/bc.ebnf --samples 100 tmp/

Output the full set of weights to a file, modify the weights file and then generate 10 samples using the modified weights file:

rm tmp/samp*
lein run samples test/bc.ebnf --weights-output tmp/bc-weights.edn tmp/
    # change the weight for "7" [:nz-digit :alt 6] to 1000
lein run samples test/bc.ebnf --weights tmp/bc-weights.edn tmp/

Generate test samples and run test program using the test samples. When a failure is found then continue testing until a more minimal test sample is found. Then manually update the weights file to increase the likelihood of 0 numbers (and thus a failure due to divide by zero) and then run the tests again:

rm tmp/samp*
lein run check test/bc.ebnf --weights tmp/bc-weights.edn tmp/ -- test/ -q %
    # increase frequency of "0" [:any-number :alt 0] to 1000
rm tmp/samp*
lein run check test/bc.ebnf --weights tmp/bc-weights.edn tmp/ -- test/ -q %

Parse weights out of an existing test case then use those weights to generate similar samples:

lein run parse test/bc.ebnf test/bc.samp1 > tmp/bc-weights2.edn
rm tmp/samp*
lein run samples test/bc.ebnf --weights tmp/bc-weights2.edn tmp/


Copyright © Joel Martin

Distributed under the Mozilla Public License either version 2.0 or (at your option) any later version.

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