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A simple authentication/authorization library heavily inspired by

The main feature of this library is simplicity. Unlike Chas Emerick's "Friend" which is rather general library and could be used in wide variety of projects, noir-auth is small, simple and allows only one type of authentication -- form authentication.

See the usage example here:


Add dependency

[noir-auth "0.2.0-SNAPSHOT"]

You should be using lib-noir in your project since noir-auth relies on the session management functionality provided by the lib-noir. That's why your project should also have this dependency:

   [lib-noir "0.6.6"]

You need to switch on the session management using noir. Your Ring handler should look like this:

(ns noir-auth-example.handler
  (:use compojure.core)
    (:require [compojure.handler :as handler]
          [compojure.route :as route]
	  [noir.util.middleware :as noir]
	  [noir-auth.core :as auth]))
. . .
(def app
     [(handler/site app-routes)]

Authentication should look like following:

  (POST "/login" [user password] (fn [a] (if (auth/authenticate user password
                                                            [{:user "user
                                                              :password (auth/generate-password "password")
                                                              :roles #{::user ::editor ::admin}}])

You have to supply user, password and list of users to the function "authenticate". The list of users should contain hash-map items with at least three fields:

  • :user -- username
  • :password -- encrypted password
  • :roles -- sequence of roles of the user

You may create roles hierarchies deriving one role from another like this:

	(derive ::root ::user)

Here the role ::root will be authorized for all routes which the role ::user is authorized.

You may authorize the route as following:

(GET "/user" [] (auth/authorized-for (user-authorized-function)

(GET "/root" [] (auth/authorized-for (root-authorized-function)
                                     [::root ::admin]))

Use "authorized-for" macro supplying it the function and the role or sequence of roles which are authorized for this function.

There are two extra functions provided:

  • current-user -- returns the current user item;
  • logout -- logouts the user.


Copyright © 2013 FIXME

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.

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