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Interacting with the Java crypto APIs is one of the worst things you can do as a developer. I'm so sorry about all of this.

Interacting with the Java crypto APIs is one of the worst things you can do
as a developer. I'm so sorry about all of this.
raw docstring


Number of milliseconds to wait for the TLS handshake to complete.

Number of milliseconds to wait for the TLS handshake to complete.
sourceraw docstring


(accept server)

Accepts a new TLS connection. Waits *handshake-timeout-ms* (default: 30 000) milliseconds for the TLS handshake to complete. Requires that the client certificate is different from the server certificate.

Accepts a new TLS connection. Waits `*handshake-timeout-ms*` (default: 30 000) milliseconds for the TLS handshake
to complete. Requires that the client certificate is different from the server certificate.
sourceraw docstring


(base64->binary string)


An array of protocols we support.

An array of protocols we support.
sourceraw docstring


(server-socket context host port)

Given an SSL context, makes a server SSLSocket.

Given an SSL context, makes a server SSLSocket.
sourceraw docstring


(socket context host port connect-timeout-ms)

Given an SSL context, makes a client SSLSocket.

Given an SSL context, makes a client SSLSocket.
sourceraw docstring


(ssl-context-or-throw tls-keys-str tls-keys-file)

Create a SSL/TLS context from either a string or a file containing two certificates and a private key. Throws an exception if the SSL/TLS context could not be created.

Create a SSL/TLS context from either a string or a file containing two certificates and a private key.
Throws an exception if the SSL/TLS context could not be created.
sourceraw docstring

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