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(bencode s)
(bencode in out & [s])

Returns a Transport implementation that serializes messages over the given Socket or InputStream/OutputStream using bencode.

Returns a Transport implementation that serializes messages
over the given Socket or InputStream/OutputStream using bencode.
sourceraw docstring


(edn s)
(edn in out & [s])

Returns a Transport implementation that serializes messages over the given Socket or InputStream/OutputStream using EDN.

Returns a Transport implementation that serializes messages
over the given Socket or InputStream/OutputStream using EDN.
sourceraw docstring


(fn-transport transport-read write)
(fn-transport transport-read write close)

Returns a Transport implementation that delegates its functionality to the 2 or 3 functions provided.

Returns a Transport implementation that delegates its functionality
to the 2 or 3 functions provided.
sourceraw docstring



Returns a pair of Transports that read from and write to each other.

Returns a pair of Transports that read from and write to each other.
sourceraw docstring


Defines the interface for a wire protocol implementation for use with nREPL.

Defines the interface for a wire protocol implementation for use
with nREPL.


(recv this)
(recv this timeout)

Reads and returns the next message received. Will block. Should return nil the a message is not available after timeout ms or if the underlying channel has been closed.

Reads and returns the next message received.  Will block.
Should return nil the a message is not available after `timeout`
ms or if the underlying channel has been closed.


(send this msg)

Sends msg. Implementations should return the transport.

Sends msg. Implementations should return the transport.
sourceraw docstring


(tty s)
(tty in out & [s])

Returns a Transport implementation suitable for serving an nREPL backend via simple in/out readers, as with a tty or telnet connection.

Returns a Transport implementation suitable for serving an nREPL backend
via simple in/out readers, as with a tty or telnet connection.
sourceraw docstring


(tty-greeting transport)

A greeting fn usable with nrepl.server/start-server, meant to be used in conjunction with Transports returned by the tty function.

Usually, Clojure-aware client-side tooling would provide this upon connecting to the server, but telnet et al. isn't that.

A greeting fn usable with `nrepl.server/start-server`,
meant to be used in conjunction with Transports returned by the
`tty` function.

Usually, Clojure-aware client-side tooling would provide this upon connecting
to the server, but telnet et al. isn't that.
sourceraw docstring


Return the uri scheme associated with a transport var.

Return the uri scheme associated with a transport var.
sourceraw docstring

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