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Proxy a local regular TCP connection to a remote TLS TCP connection. Can be used if your editor/IDE does not (yet) support TLS connections.

Example usage: $ clojure -Sdeps '{:aliases {:proxy {:deps {nrepl/nrepl {:mvn/version "1.3.1"}} :exec-fn nrepl.tls-client-proxy/start-tls-proxy :exec-args {:remote-host "localhost" :remote-port 4001 :bind 9001 :tls-keys-file "client.keys"}}}}' -T:proxy

This will start a standalone program that will forward local TCP connections on to the remote TLS TCP connection at using the key provided in the file client.keys.

Proxy a local regular TCP connection to a remote TLS TCP connection.
Can be used if your editor/IDE does not (yet) support TLS connections.

Example usage:
$ clojure -Sdeps '{:aliases {:proxy {:deps {nrepl/nrepl {:mvn/version "1.3.1"}} :exec-fn nrepl.tls-client-proxy/start-tls-proxy :exec-args {:remote-host "localhost" :remote-port 4001 :bind 9001 :tls-keys-file "client.keys"}}}}' -T:proxy

This will start a standalone program that will forward local TCP connections on
to the remote TLS TCP connection at using the key provided in the file `client.keys`.
raw docstring


(socket-thread state sock other-sock f)


(start-tls-proxy {:keys [remote-host remote-port tls-keys-str tls-keys-file bind
                         port port-file block? state connect-timeout-ms]
                  :or {bind ""
                       port 0
                       port-file ".nrepl-tls-proxy-port"
                       connect-timeout-ms 10000
                       block? true
                       state (atom {})}})

Start a local TLS proxy. This will forward a local regular TCP connection to a remote TLS TCP connection.

Required options:

  • :remote-host - The host that is hosting a TLS nREPL server
  • :remote-port - The port of the remote host that is hosting a TLS nREPL server
  • One of: :tls-keys-file - The TLS certificates and key to use is located in this file :tls-keys-str - The TLS certificates and key to use in the form of a string

Other configuration options include:

  • :port — defaults to 0, which autoselects an open port. The port number will be written to :port-file
  • :bind - bind address, by default ""
  • :port-file - where to write the port number. Defaults to ".nrepl-tls-proxy-port"
  • :connect-timeout-ms - Connection timeout in milliseconds. Defaults to 10000.
  • :block? - Whether to block or not in this function. Defaults to true. For REPL usage/testing you'll want to set this to false.

Return value: If :block? is false, this function will return a state atom. You can stop this server with (stop! state). If :block? is true, i.e. the default value, this function will not return (and exit) before the end user presses Ctrl-C.

Start a local TLS proxy. This will forward a local regular TCP connection to a remote TLS TCP connection.

Required options:

* :remote-host - The host that is hosting a TLS nREPL server
* :remote-port - The port of the remote host that is hosting a TLS nREPL server
* One of:
  :tls-keys-file - The TLS certificates and key to use is located in this file
  :tls-keys-str - The TLS certificates and key to use in the form of a string

Other configuration options include:
* :port — defaults to 0, which autoselects an open port. The port number will be written to :port-file
* :bind - bind address, by default ""
* :port-file - where to write the port number. Defaults to ".nrepl-tls-proxy-port"
* :connect-timeout-ms - Connection timeout in milliseconds. Defaults to 10000.
* :block? - Whether to block or not in this function. Defaults to true. For REPL usage/testing you'll want to set this to false.

Return value:
If :block? is false, this function will return a state atom. You can stop this server with `(stop! state)`.
If :block? is true, i.e. the default value, this function will not return (and exit) before the end user presses Ctrl-C.
sourceraw docstring


(stop! state)

Stops all threads and closes all sockets associated with this TLS proxy. Waits for threads to exit.

Stops all threads and closes all sockets associated with this TLS proxy. Waits for threads to exit.
sourceraw docstring

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