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Fetch API wrapper for clojurescript!


Add dependency to your project.clj file.

Clojars Project


Add Dependency

Add dependency to your dependencies vector.

       [org.clojars.scknkkrer/suluk "0.0.7"]

Require Library

Require sulukfrom your project.

  (:require [suluk.core :as suluk]

Using Library

;; Use fetch! function from suluk.core namespace for the functionality.
;; This function takes a keyword as first paramter that represents method of your request.
;; Each method type has individual function signature.

;; GET -> [url function-map]
;; GET request example:
(suluk/fetch! :get
              [suluk.response/res->json js/])
;; => #object [Promise [object Promise]]
;; Returns promise for the future usage.
;; The third argument of the function is applied to response of the request,
;; With left-to-right direction respectively. 


  • [x] Change the way the work of this library! | 08.09.2018

  • [ ] Complete the!

  • [ ] Allow keywords as a function in function-map

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