OpenCV DNN project building on origami to run Tensorflow/Caffe/Darknet networks for image/video real time analysis.
To run detection on a pretrained network, read the image, and call the network detection:
(-> input
(mobilenet/find-objects net opts)
(d/blue-boxes! labels)
(imwrite output))
(:require [ :refer [find-objects]]
[origami-dnn.core :as origami-dnn]
[origami-dnn.draw :as d]
[opencv4.utils :refer [resize-by simple-cam-window]]))
(defn -main [& args]
(let [ [net opts labels] (origami-dnn/read-net-from-folder "networks/caffe/mobilenet") ]
(read-string (slurp "cam_config.edn"))
(fn [buffer]
(-> buffer
(find-objects net opts)
(d/red-boxes! labels))))))
Alias | Format | Network | Version | DataSet | Type | Example |
---|---|---|---|---|---|---| | caffe | mobilenet | Run mobilenet on a webcam stream | |||
mobilenet.videotofile | caffe | mobilenet | Run mobilenet on a video file, and store it as a file | |||
mobilenet.videotoscreen | caffe | mobilenet | Run mobilenet on a video file, and display the file in a window | ||| | caffe | mobilenet | Run mobilenet on one image and save the picture as a file | ||| | darknet | Yolo | Run yolo on a webcam stream | ||| | darknet | Yolo | Run yolo (tiny) on a picture | |||
yolo.v2 | darknet | Yolo | v2 | Run yolo v2 on a picture | ||
yolo.v2tiny | darknet | Yolo | v2.tiny | Run yolo v2 tiny on a picture | ||
yolo.v3 | darknet | Yolo | v3 | Run yolo v3 on a picture | ||
yolo.v3tiny | darknet | Yolo | v3.tiny | Run yolo v3 tiny on a picture | ||
yolo.videotoscreen | darknet | Yolo | Run yolo on a video file, and display the file in a window | |||
yolo.videotofile | darknet | Yolo | Run yolo don a video file, and save the picture as a file | |||
convnet.gender | caffe | ConvNet | classification | Run convnet on a picture, determine male or female | ||
convnet.age | caffe | ConvNet | classification | Run cnet on a picture, determine age | ||
marcel | caffe | MobileNet | detection | Run detection using mobilet on video and display | ||
marcel2 | caffe | MobileNet | detection | Run detection using mobilenet on video and save to file | ||
bvlc | caffe | AlexNet | classification | Run object classification using bvlc | ||
places365 | caffe | classification | Run object classification using places365 | |||
resnet | caffe | ResNet | classification | Run object classfication using Resnet | ||
cifar | darknet | classification | Classification using a custom Trained Darknet Model based on cifar | |||
enet | darknet | Enet | Run detection with enet | |||
openimages | darknet | Run detection with Yolo v3 Trained on OpenImages | ||||
flowers | caffe | Flower detection based on trained oxford102 | ||||
tensorflow.mobilenet | tensorflow | MobileNet | V1 | Coco | Detection | On an image |
This is a sample output generated on a macbook.
lein run -m origami-dnn.demo.mobilenet.catvideotofile resources/vids/Marcel.m4v
# or
lein run -m origami-dnn.demo.marcel.marcel
or another one ...
Video courtesy of Marcel le chat.
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