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Clojars Project


A library providing a ClojureScript viewer and editor that you can embed in any website. No, that was not a complete sentence. And neither is this. Be a rebel, like me, by using paren-soup. CodeMirror is nice if you want to support other languages, but why would you?

Try the demo!

Here are the features:

To use paren-soup in your own website, just go to the releases section and download the latest files. In your HTML, link to one of the CSS files and use the following markup:

<div class="paren-soup">
  <div class="instarepl"></div>
  <div class="numbers"></div>
  <div class="content" contenteditable="true">(+ 1 1) ; put initial code here</div>
<script type="text/javascript" src="paren-soup.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">

If you just want a viewer, not an editor, leave out the contenteditable attribute. If you don’t want the instaREPL or line numbers, remove the relevant divs and they will not appear. To get the code out of the content element via JavaScript or ClojureScript, read its textContent property. There is no API to learn!

Note that by default, the prebuilt copy of paren-soup.js runs the instaREPL in a web worker in order to isolate it and allow the editor to be compiled in advanced mode. Alternatively, you can change your script tag to use "paren-soup-with-compiler.js" instead. That version will run the instaREPL directly, where it will have access to the DOM and allow multiple paren-soup instances to share instaREPL state.

If you want to use paren-soup in a ClojureScript project, add it to your project's dependencies (see version indicated at the top). Your HTML file will still need the markup shown above, except without the script tags. Instead, you can initialize it from your ClojureScript code like this:

(ns my-project.core
  (:require [paren-soup.core :as ps]))


Build Instructions

I use Boot. To build the editor and run a server on http://localhost:3000, run boot run. To build a release version, run boot build.

A prebuilt copy of the compiler is already in the resources directory. If you want to build it yourself, go in the compiler directory and run boot build.


All files that originate from this project are dedicated to the public domain. I would love pull requests, and will assume that they are also dedicated to the public domain.

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cljdoc is a website building & hosting documentation for Clojure/Script libraries

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