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A Clojure library for text tokenization, transformation and normalisation. Transformations are specified as a vector of operations that are implemented as transducers and performed in the specified order.


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Available built-in operations are: :lower-case :porter-stem :lancaster-stem :lovins-stem :remove-numbers :remove-alpha-numerics :remove-dimensions :remove-stop-words :remove-days :remove-months :remove-first-names :remove-duplicates :concat-singles :remove-singles

A basic tokenizer is created like this:

(require '[peco.core :refer [tokenizer]])

(def tokenize (tokenizer [:lower-case :remove-numbers :porter-stem]))

(tokenize "The quick brown foxes jumped over the 20 lazy dogs at 3 a.m. on Monday")

=> ["the" "quick" "brown" "fox" "jump" "over" "the" "lazi" "dog" "at" "a" "m" "on" "mondai"]

You can also specify your own operations or override a built-in implementation:

(require '[peco.core :refer [tokenizer concat-ngrams]])

(def tokenize
  (tokenizer [:lower-case :concat-bigrams]
             :concat-bigrams (concat-ngrams 2 #{["can" "not"] ["log" "in"] ["user" "name"]})))

(tokenize "I can not log in because the system does not recognise my user name")

=> ["i" "cannot" "login" "because" "the" "system" "does" "not" "recognise" "my" "username"]

concat-ngrams creates a transducer and takes n, the size of the ngrams to be matched, and a function f which is called for each sequence of n tokens. If f returns a truthy value for the sequence, it will be concatenated. Using a set of vectors, as above, is a convenient way of expressing this function.

Concatenating ngrams, as above, can be useful for text normalisation. Concatenating consecutive single characters is another useful normalisation operation:

(require '[peco.core :refer [tokenizer concat-ngrams]])

(def tokenize
  (tokenizer [:lower-case :concat-singles]))

(tokenize "ABC widgets manufacture the AP6 robot")
(tokenize "A. B. C. widgets manufacture the A P 6 robot")

=> ["abc" "widgets" "manufacture" "the" "ap6" "robot"]
=> ["abc" "widgets" "manufacture" "the" "ap6" "robot"]

The default tokenizer uses (re-seq #"\w+" text) but you may specify your own as an operation:

(require '[peco.core :refer [tokenizer]])

(def tokenize
  (tokenizer [:lower-case]
              :tokenize (fn [text] (re-seq #"\S+" text))))

(tokenize "A.B.C widgets manufacture the AP6 robot")

=> ["a.b.c" "widgets" "manufacture" "the" "ap6" "robot"]


Copyright © 2017 David Marley

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.

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