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Promise effect handler for re-frame

This re-frame library adds an Effect Handler supporting Javascript Promises.

Keyed :promise, it translate a simple map into promise call with a then and a catch firing provided re-frame handlers.

This library is heavily inspired by re-frame-http-fx

Quick Start Guide

Step 1. Add Dependency

Add the following project dependency:

Step 2. Registration And Use

In the namespace where you register your event handlers, perhaps called events.cljs, you have 2 things to do.

First, add this "require" to the ns to register the :promise effect handler with re-frame:

(ns app.core
    [re-promise]   ;; <-- add this

Second, use the effect in your code:

(ns              ;; or where ever you define your event handlers
  (:require [re-frame.core :refer [reg-event-fx]]))

(reg-event-fx :handler-using-promise
  (fn [{:keys [db]} _]
    {:promise {:call #(-> (some-api+)
                          (.then (fn [response]
                                   (do-something-with-response response))))
               ;; :your-success-handler will receive the passed arguments as
               ;; well ass the result of calling the above function as last
               ;; argument passed your handler fn
               :on-success [:your-success-handler "some-str"]
               ;; :your-failure-handler will receive the passed arguments as
               ;; well ass the error as last argument passed to your handler fn
               :on-failure [:your-failure-handler {:some :map}]}}))

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