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This library aims to bring some of the functionality re-frame provides on the client side to the server side.

What is re-frame?

re-frame is a functional framework for writing SPAs in ClojureScript, using Reganet.

What is re-serve?

re-serve is functional framework for writing server side applications with long-living connections to the clients. It re-uses the internals of re-frame and runs on Clojure instead of ClojureScript. The API is kept as close to re-frame's API as possible.

Why should you try it?

  • If you are familiar with re-frame you will find it very easy to organize your code on the server side in a very similar way as on the client side.
  • Don't worry if you don't know re-frame yet. It is always a good time to start with the re-frame docs. It is awesome!
  • You will have the advantages you gain using re-frame on client side for example:
    • Encourage the use of Pure Functions.
    • Easy testability.
    • Clean, verifyable state transitions.
  • You'll get some additional features as well:
    • An additional session layer is added on top of re-frame's event handling to provide a way to track and handle different events from clients separately.
    • Since the core of the state machine is reimplemented with core.async, you can handle any message in a core.async channel as an event.


You can find examples in the examples directory under the code.


Add [re-frame "0.1.0"] to your dependencies.

Require [re-frame.core :as re-frame] where it is needed.

API (re-frame.core)

Session handling

(start-session & {:keys [teardown-event]})

Start and return a re-serve session with an empty db. It takes an optional teardown-event which dispatched as the last event after the termination of the session.

(stop-session session)

Terminate the re-serve session.


(dispatch session event)

Dispatche the event vector on the gives session.

(dispatch-sync session event)

The same as the previous dispatch call, but it waits until the event is enqueued for processing.


(reg-fx id handler)

Register an effect handler for the given id.

(clear-fx id)

Clear an effect registration.

(reg-fx-session id handler)

Register an effect handler for the given id. The effect handlers got the session-context as the first parameter and need to return with the updated session-context. Only for experimental usage.

Additional built-in effects

:attach {:keys [chan dispatch]}

Attach a core.async channel to the session. That means dispatch event will be dispatched when there is a message available on the chan.

:detach chan

Detach the channel from the session.

:stop-session _

Stop the session.


(reg-cofx id handler)

Register a new coeffects.

(inject-cofx id) (inject-cofx id value)

Create an interceptor from the previously registered coeffect.

(clear-cofx id)

Clear a coeffect registration.


(reg-event-db id handler) (reg-event-db id interceptors handler)

Register the given event handler function for the given event id. handler is a function: (db event) -> db.

(reg-event-fx id handler) (reg-event-fx id interceptors handler)

Register the given event handler function for the given event id. handler is a function: (coeffects-map event-vector) -> effects-map.

(reg-event-ctx id handler) (reg-event-ctx id interceptors handler)

Register the given event handler function for the given event id. handler is a function: (context-map event-vector) -> context-map.


Copyright © 2019

done by kotyo

This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at

This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse Public License, v. 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version, with the GNU Classpath Exception which is available at

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