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A ClojureScript library to provide form data bindings for re-frame


[reframe-forms "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"]


input creates an input tag based on the :type key.

Data binding occurs based on the :name key. The name key is destructured and used as a location in the app-db., for instance, will point to {:blog {:post {:title input-data-here}}}.

The :radio input requires a :value attribute, and the textarea, select, and the datepicker tags are defined as separate functions.

You can pass a :format (string) attribute for the datepicker input, representing the display format. The date value is stored as a timestamp int.

The select input takes an optional :multiple attribute. If it is truthy, one or more values can be selected (into a set), and if falsey only one. As a second parameter select takes a coll of options with a :value attribute:

[select {:name :user/country, :multiple true}
    [:option {:value "Brazil"}]
    [:option {:value "United States of America"}]
    [:option {:value "Portugal"}]]

To set default values for the inputs you must set the value to the location of the :name attribute of the input. For instance, in the previous example, if we want select to have "Portugal" as its default value, we must set the :country key somehow,

(rf/dispatch [:set [:user :country] #{"Portugal"}])

Here is an example usage of several input types:

   [my-website.components :refer [card form-group]]
   [reagent.core :as r]
   [re-frame.core :as rf]
   [reframe-forms.core :refer [input textarea datepicker]]))

(defn blog-post-form [fields]
  (when (nil? @fields)
    (rf/dispatch [:set "published"]))
  (fn []
       "Title *"
       [input {:type :text
               :class "form-control"}]]
       "Status *"
         [input {:type :radio
                 :value "draft"
                 :class "form-check-input"}]
         " Draft"]
        [input {:type :radio
                :value "published"
                :class "form-check-input"}]
        " Published"]]
       "Content *"
       [textarea {:name
                  :class "form-control"}]]
       "Published at"
       [datepicker {:name}]]]))

; Create the UI for the user and handle the forms data in the
; usual re-frame way.
(defn create-post-panel []
  (r/with-let [fields (rf/subscribe [:query :blog/post])]
        "New post"
           {:on-click #(rf/dispatch [:blog/create-post fields])}
           "Save post"]]]
        [blog-post-form fields]]}]]))


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