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Add to project:

    :dependencies [;...
                   [reframe-websocket "0.0.1"]]

    (ns ...
      (:require [reframe-websocket.core :as reframe-websocket]))

Reframe :set and :get event/subscription registration

This will create an event handler called :get and a subscription handler called :set to be used like:

    (reframe/dispatch-sync [:set [:some :path] "abc123"])
    ;; sets the path [:some :path] to value "abc123" in the app-db
    @(reframe/subscribe [:get [:some :path]])
    ;; => "abc123"

Send/Recv to Server

Define your endpoint

    (def my-aws (reframe-websocket/async-websocket "ws://localhost:7890"))

Send to Server

    (send-msg "your message" my-aws)        ; Send a message
    ;; define a function that will store the response from the server
    (defn storage-fn [msg]
      (reframe-dispatch-sync [:set [:some :other :path] msg]))
    ;; Get the message from the server storing it with your storage function
    (read-msg storage-fn my-aws)

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