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v0.25.0 (2025-02-26)

  • Add :template-url option to change-set and stack components.

v0.24.0 (2025-02-22)

  • (breaking) Change the behavior when updating a stack from a change-set to match the behavior when creating a stack from a template.
    • If the stack is in an IN_PROGRESS state when attempting to update, wait for it to complete before updating. This produced an error before.
    • After updating, wait for the update to complete and throw an error if the update fails. Previously, this was not waited on and the update was not checked for failure.
  • (breaking) When a region is specified, pass it to cfn-lint. This may cause some templates to fail linting that previously passed. This is unlikely to adversely affect anyone because the change-sets or stacks using those templates would very likely have been failing to deploy.
  • Add salmon.cloudformation/template component. This is useful for validating a template that is used by more than one stack or change-set.

v0.23.2 (2025-02-20)

  • Fix that salmon.signal/early-validate/conf would not validate properly when refs were in the component's config.

v0.23.1 (2025-02-18)

  • Fix stack early-validate failing when using a change-set

v0.23.0 (2025-02-18)

  • (breaking) Fix that salmon.util/->ex-info should return an ex-info, not throw it.
  • Fix a bug where stack and change set names could not be refs.
  • When attempting to delete a change set and the stack or change set no longer exists, return early rather than throwing an error. This is a common situation because in the most natural configuration, the stack will receive a delete signal before the change set does. When the change set attempts to delete itself, it will find that the stack has already been deleted.
  • Support creating change sets for stacks that do not exist yet. Previously, change sets could only be created for stacks that already existed.
  • Fix an issue where stack early validation would not run if the :change-set option was present.

v0.22.0 (2025-02-14)

  • Add salmon.cloudformation/change-set to create and manage change sets for cloudformation stacks. This makes it easier to analyze what changes will be made to a stack.
  • Add :change-set option to salmon.cloudformation/stack. This allows providing a change set as the source of stack updates instead of providing parameters and a template.
  • Change the behavior of a stack receiving a :salmon/delete signal when the stack has already been deleting. Previously, it could throw an exception. This has been changed so that no exception is thrown and the signal completes successfully.

v0.21.0 (2025-02-10)

  • Update salmon.util/aws-error-code and salmon.util/aws-error-message to find error codes and messages in responses that return a top-level :Error map, such as the response to :DeleteBucket. They would previously return nil for these responses.
  • Add salmon.cleanup/full-delete-all-stacks! for deleting resources in test accounts
  • Add :termination-protection? option to salmon.cloudformation/stack. This can be used to enable or disable termination protection.

v0.20.0 (2024-12-12)

  • Add salmon.util/pages-seq for handling paginated responses.
  • Add salmon.cleanup/deregister-all-amis! for cleaning up AMIs in test accounts.
  • Add salmon.cleanup/delete-orphaned-snapshots! for cleaning up snapshots in test accounts.
  • Use to find the error code in salmon.util/aws-error-code.
  • If there is no message, use the error code in an ex-info created by salmon.util/->ex-info.

v0.19.0 (2024-09-16)

  • Fix a case where ExceptionInfos generated from aws-api invocations were missing a message. This could happen when the error occurred before making a request to AWS, such as when aws-api cannot find valid credentials.

v0.18.0 (2024-08-22)

  • Fix error that occurred when a stack in UPDATE_ROLLBACK_COMPLETE state was started with no changes requested. This will now succeed with no errors.
  • (potentially breaking) Upgrade to clojure 1.12.0-rc1 from 1.12.0-alpha5.

v0.17.0 (2024-05-03)

  • Improve error messages when a stack is in a rollback state by adding the event that caused the failure.
  • Fix "Updating stack" log message was missing the stack name

v0.16.0 (2024-04-11)

  • Add logging messages when creating, updating, or deleting a stack, and when waiting for a stack to enter a new state.
  • (breaking) When a CloudFormation stack fails during creation, it enters the ROLLBACK_COMPLETE status. Previously, salmon would fail during stack start when the named stack is in ROLLBACK_COMPLETE status. Now salmon deletes the stack and creates a new stack with the same name.
  • Upgrade deps

v0.21.0 (2025-02-10)

  • Update salmon.util/aws-error-code and salmon.util/aws-error-message to find error codes and messages in responses that return a top-level :Error map, such as the response to :DeleteBucket. They would previously return nil for these responses.
  • Add salmon.cleanup/full-delete-all-stacks! for deleting resources in test accounts
  • Add :termination-protection? option to salmon.cloudformation/stack. This can be used to enable or disable termination protection.

v0.20.0 (2024-12-12)

  • Add salmon.util/pages-seq for handling paginated responses.
  • Add salmon.cleanup/deregister-all-amis! for cleaning up AMIs in test accounts.
  • Add salmon.cleanup/delete-orphaned-snapshots! for cleaning up snapshots in test accounts.
  • Use to find the error code in salmon.util/aws-error-code.
  • If there is no message, use the error code in an ex-info created by salmon.util/->ex-info.

v0.19.0 (2024-09-16)

  • Fix a case where ExceptionInfos generated from aws-api invocations were missing a message. This could happen when the error occurred before making a request to AWS, such as when aws-api cannot find valid credentials.

v0.18.0 (2024-08-22)

  • Fix error that occurred when a stack in UPDATE_ROLLBACK_COMPLETE state was started with no changes requested. This will now succeed with no errors.
  • (potentially breaking) Upgrade to clojure 1.12.0-rc1 from 1.12.0-alpha5.

v0.17.0 (2024-05-03)

  • Improve error messages when a stack is in a rollback state by adding the event that caused the failure.
  • Fix "Updating stack" log message was missing the stack name

v0.16.0 (2024-04-11)

  • Add logging messages when creating, updating, or deleting a stack, and when waiting for a stack to enter a new state.

  • (breaking) When a CloudFormation stack fails during creation, it enters the ROLLBACK_COMPLETE status. Previously, salmon would fail during stack start when the named stack is in ROLLBACK_COMPLETE status. Now salmon deletes the stack and creates a new stack with the same name.

  • Upgrade deps

  • Add logging messages when creating, updating, or deleting a stack, and when waiting for a stack to enter a new state.

  • (breaking) When a CloudFormation stack fails during creation, it enters the ROLLBACK_COMPLETE status. Previously, salmon would fail during stack start when the named stack is in ROLLBACK_COMPLETE status. Now salmon deletes the stack and creates a new stack with the same name.

v0.15.0 (2024-02-24)

  • Remove private salmon.construct code. This code has been moved to the salmon.construct repo.
    • Remove io.staticweb/cloudformation-templating dependency.
  • Fix salmon.test/bucket-name-schema should prohibit dashes next to periods.
  • (breaking) Throw an exception if a stack enters a rollback status when updating it. This condition previously did not throw and behaved the same as a successful update.
  • Cloudformation stack delete will now wait on the stack to exit IN_PROGRESS states before attempting to delete. Previously, the delete would fail.
  • (breaking) Remove use of ->error, ->info, and ->validate since donut.system has removed them. Replace with and exceptions.
    • Add as a direct dependency.
  • (breaking) Remove salmon.signal/signal!, delete!, early-validate!, start!, and start!. They are no longer needed due to the removal of ->error, ->info, and ->validate.
  • Fix an issue where the :lint? stack option was ignored.

v0.14.0 (2024-01-16)

  • (breaking) Rename salmon.cleanup/delete-all! to delete-all-stacks! and add required argument :regions.
  • Add salmon.resource.certificate/dns-validated. This creates a resource that defines an automatically-validated AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) certificate.
  • Add salmon.construct.static-site.simple. This provides a single high-performance static website backed by S3 and CloudFront. Note: This is not stable and can only be accessed via a private var.
    • Add io.staticweb/cloudformation-templating as a dependency.
  • When a CloudFormation stack is in an IN_PROGRESS state and a start or delete signal is attempted, stacks would previously return an error. They now wait for a COMPLETE state before trying to apply the signal again.
  • Add salmon.util functions ->ex-info and invoke! for calls to the AWS API that should throw exceptions on failure.
  • Fix pagination of stack resources not working.
  • Fix salmon.util functions aws-error-code and aws-error-message parsing of errors found in (-> response :Response :Errors) rather than (-> response :ErrorResponse).
  • Add salmon.ec2/list-orphaned-snapshots to list snapshots that can safely be deleted.
    • Add as a dependency.
  • Add salmon.uberjar namespace for building deployable uberjars.
    • Add io.github.clojure/ as a dependency.
  • Add salmon.ssm namespace for AWS Systems Manager operations. This is currently used to fetch the Debian AMI IDs used in tests.
    • Add as a dependency.
  • Add salmon.packer namespace for building AMIs.
    • Require Clojure version 1.12.0-alpha5 so that the new namespace can be used. This is preferable to adding a new dependency.
    • Add org.clojure/data.csv as a dependency.

v0.13.0 (2023-11-04)

  • Add salmon.util functions full-name, tags, and resource. These are useful when building CloudFormation templates.
  • Add :tags option to stack for defining stack-level tags.
  • Add :tags and :tags-raw maps to stack and stack-properties instances.
  • Upgrade to party.donut/system 0.0.218.
  • Fix a case where hosted zone "matches" returned by AWS don't necessarily match the query.
  • Add salmon.s3/upload! for uploading to a bucket.
    • Add as a dependency.

v0.12.0 (2023-11-01)

  • Add :client and :region options to stack and stack-properties components.
  • Move anomaly?, aws-error-code, and aws-message-fns to salmon.util and make them public.
  • Add salmon.route53/fetch-hosted-zone-id as a simple way to look up which hosted zone id to attach RecordSets and RecordSetGroups to.
    • Add as a dependency.
  • Upgrade to party.donut/system 0.0.215.

v0.11.0 (2023-08-01)

  • (breaking) Change the format of a stack's :resources from a seq to a map with each resource's LogicalResourceId as keys. This allows individual resources to be the target of donut.system refs. (e.g., (ds/local-ref [:MyStack :resources :MyBucket :PhysicalResourceId]))
  • Handle custom resolution fns via :donut.system/resolve-refs. Custom resolution fns will prevent early validation.

v0.10.1 (2023-07-29)

  • Fix incorrect resolution of local-refs (again).

v0.10.0 (2023-07-28)

  • Fix incorrect resolution of local-refs.
  • (breaking) salmon.validation/resolve-refs now takes a referencing-component-id argument so that it can handle local-refs.
  • Add :parameters and :parameters-raw maps to stack and stack-properties instances.
  • Add :describe-stack-raw to stack and stack-properties instances. This provides access to the raw DescribeStack response.
  • Fix missing part of error message in salmon.signal fns.

v0.9.0 (2023-07-08)

  • Fix a bug in salmon.signal/early-validate-conf that caused it to fail early-schema validation with newer versions of donut.system.
  • Update donut.system dependency from club.donutpower/system 0.0.165 to party.donut/system 0.0.203.
  • Handle non-string error and validation messages in salmon.signal/signal!
  • Show a humanized error message for early-schema validation errors
  • Allow donut.system local-refs in component configs
  • (breaking) salmon.validation/refs-resolveable? now takes a component-id argument so that it can handle local-refs.
  • Add :name to stack instance.
  • Add salmon.cloudformation/stack-properties to create a component that retrieves the properties of an existing CloudFormation stack. Properties include resources and outputs.

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