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A Clojure library that provides two complementary macro's for creating routes and SQL database access functions for CRUD operations.

If you use (metosin/compojure-api)[] and a SQL database, you can use the macro's in this library to create CRUD routes with persistence.


An example. Say you have a SQL table called customers, with two fields: id, name. You want to provide the 4 operations through REST routes, ie. you want these routes:

GET /customers
GET /customers/:id
POST /customers
PUT /customers
DELETE /customers/:id

You can do this with vanilla compojure-api, and, say or honeysql, but this is fairly repetetive.

Here's how you do it with this library:

(namespace my.namespace
 (:require [sweet-crud.core :refer [with-crud-routes defcrud]]
           [compojure.api.api :as api]))

;; Given a SQL table `customers` with columns `id` and `name`,
;; we can define the database CRUD operations as follows
 ;;singular name, generates functions (find-customer), (find-customers), (create-customers), etc.
  "customers"  ;; name of the SQL table
  :id ;; primary key of the table above
  ;; optional vector of keys that are allowed to be added/updated
  ;; (ie. extra keys that don't map on the database, will be excluded)
  [:id :name])

;; In conjunction (the above is required) we can define routes for it.
(def my-context
     {:singular "customer"
      ;;optional, defaults to []
      :middleware []}
     (GET "/some-other-route" {:as request}
         :query-params [query :- s/Str]
         :middleware []
         (do-something query))
      ;;; you can add more routes here...

(def app
    ;;other routes

Extra configuration options

Some defaults can be overridden, to give more control:

(def my-context-with-more-config
      {:singular "company"
       :find-fn some-other-find-fn
       :find-by-id-fn some-other-find-by-id-fn
       :update-fn some-other-update-fn
       :create-fn some-other-create-fn
       :delete-fn some-other-delete-fn
       ;; handy for ie. company / companies,
       ;; defaults to adding an 's' to the singular word
       :plural "companies"
       :middleware []
       ;; if the `(defcrud "company" ...)` was done in a different namespace,
       ;; specify it here.
       ;; If you don't use this, but you DO have the `defcrud` call in another namespace,
       ;; make sure you require this namespace with `:refer :all`.
       :database-ns ""}
      (GET "/some-other-route" {:as request}
          :query-params [query :- s/Str]
          :middleware []
          (do-something query))
        ;;; you can add more routes here...


Copyright © 2020 Marten Sytema

This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at

This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse Public License, v. 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version, with the GNU Classpath Exception which is available at

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