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Build status Clojars Project

After bread has been secured, leisure is the supreme aim.
— Pyotr Kropotkin

WORK IN PROGRESS. Code is pre-alpha status. A lot of this does not work yet.


Bread aims to be three things:

  1. A lightweight core library for constructing a totally custom CMS
  2. A small set of plugins that compose to create a CMS with sensible defaults
  3. A binary (jar and native) that ships with the basic Bread CMS install

Bread's (planned) high-level feature set:

  • Next-level user experience for editing content. Design-aware editing. No separate backend UI.
  • Collaborative editing
  • Offline first
  • Fully static rendering at write time (for simple use-cases)
  • First-class support for translation/internationalization
  • An extensible default schema supporting many "open-world" content patterns
  • Co-located component queries for more advanced data models
  • Completely hackable through an extremely simple plugin API

Basic Usage

(ns my-project
    [reitit.core :as reitit]
    ;; include support for plugging in a Reitit Router
    [systems.bread.alpha.component :refer [defc]]
    [systems.bread.alpha.core :as bread]
    [systems.bread.alpha.defaults :as defaults]))

;; Assume the database has the following global translation strings:
;; [{:string/key :hello :string/lang :en :string/value "Hello"}
;;  {:string/key :hello :string/lang :fr :string/value "Bonjour"}]

(defc hello [{:keys [i18n params]}]
  [:p (format "%s, %s!" (:greeting i18n) (:to params))])

(def router
    ["/:lang" ; :lang is the default i18n route param but can be configured
     ["/hello/:to" {:name :hello
                    :bread/dispatcher :component
                    :data [:params]
                    :component hello}]]))

(def handler
  (bread/load-handler (defaults/app {:router router})))

(handler {:uri "/en/hello/Breadsters"})
;; => [:p "Hello, Breadsters!"]

(handler {:uri "/fr/hello/Breadsters"})
;; => [:p "Bonjour, Breadsters!"]

A simple blog engine

    [reitit.core :as reitit]
    [systems.bread.alpha.component :refer [defc]]
    [systems.bread.alpha.defaults :as defaults]
    [systems.bread.alpha.core :as bread]))

(defc main-layout [{:keys [main-content i18n lang]}]
  {:content-path [:main-content]}
  [:html {:lang lang}
    [:h1 (:site-header i18n)]

(defc article-component
  [{:keys [i18n lang]
   {:post/keys [slug fields]} :article}] ; :article corresponds to :key
  {:query [:post/slug {:post/fields [:field/key :field/content]}]
   :key :article
   :extends main-layout}
    [:h2 (:title fields)]
    [:div.permalink [:a {:href (str "/" lang "/article/" slug)}]]
    (:content fields)]])

(defc article-listing-component
  [{:keys [i18n lang articles]}]
  {:query [:post/slug {:post/fields [:field/key :field/content]}]
   :key :articles
   :extends main-layout}
   (map (fn [{:post/keys [slug fields]}]
           [:a {:href (str "/" lang "/article/" slug)}
            (:title fields)]])

(def router
     ["/" {:bread/dispatcher :dispatcher.type/articles
           :bread/component article-listing-component}]
     ["/article/:slug" {:bread/dispatcher :dispatcher.type/article
                        :bread/component article-component}]]))

(def handler
  (bread/load-handler (defaults/app {:router router})))

(handler {:uri "/en/"})
;; => [:html {:lang "en"}
;;     [:body
;;      [:h1 "My Simple Blog"]
;;      [:main.listing
;;       [:article [:a {:href "/en/newer-article"} "English Article Title"]]
;;       [:article [:a {:href "/en/older-article"} "An Older Article"]]]]]

(handler {:uri "/en/article/newer-article"})
;; => [:html {:lang "en"}
;;     [:body
;;      [:h1 "My Simple Blog"]
;;      [:main.single
;;       [:article
;;        [:h2 "English Article Title"]
;;        [:div.content "Article content in English..."]]]]]

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