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SMTP client library for Clojure. That’s it.

This project is under development.

Why tarayo?

Tarayo is heavily inspired by drewr/postal.

  • Only targets SMTP

  • Explicit connection

    • Handle the connection manually.

  • Well tested

"Tarayo" is a tree name called "Tree of post office" in Japan.



(ns foo.core
  (:require [tarayo.core :as tarayo]))

Connection SMTP server

tarayo.core/connect is a function to connect SMTP server.
You need to call tarayo.core/close function before quitting, or use with-open macro.

(with-open [conn (tarayo/connect {:host "localhost" :port 25})]
  ;; send mails

Other examples are follows:

SSL connection

(tarayo/connect {:host "localhost" :port 465 :ssl true})

TLS connection

(tarayo/connect {:host "localhost" :port 587 :tls true})

Connection with user authentication

(tarayo/connect {:host "localhost" :port 25 :user "USERNAME" :password "PASSWORD"})

Sending mails

Text mail

(with-open [conn (tarayo/connect {:host "localhost" :port 25})]
  (tarayo/send! conn {:from ""
                      :to ""
                      :subject "hello"
                      :body "world"}))

HTML mail

(with-open [conn (tarayo/connect {:host "localhost" :port 25})]
  (tarayo/send! conn {:from ""
                      :to ""
                      :subject "hello"
                      :content-type "text/html
                      :body "<h1>world</h1>"}))

Attachment file

(require '[ :as io])

(with-open [conn (tarayo/connect {:host "localhost" :port 25})]
  (tarayo/send! conn {:from ""
                      :to ""
                      :subject "hello"
                      ;; Default multipart type is "mixed"
                      :body [{:type "text/plain" :content "world"}
                             ;; content-type is automatically detected
                             {:type "attachment" :content (io/file "/file")}
                             {:type "attachment" :content (io/file "/image.png") :content-type "image/png"}]}))


(with-open [conn (tarayo/connect {:host "localhost" :port 25})]
  (tarayo/send! conn {:from ""
                      :to ""
                      :subject "hello"
                      :multipart "alternative"
                      :body [{:type "text/plain" :content "world"}
                             {:type "text/html" :content "<h1>wold</h1>"}]}))

Inline image

(require '[ :as io])

(with-open [conn (tarayo/connect {:host "localhost" :port 25})]
  (let [content-id (java.util.UUID/randomUUID)]
    (tarayo/send! conn {:from ""
                        :to ""
                        :subject "hello"
                        :body [{:type "text/html" :content (str "<img src=\"cid:" content-id "\" /> world")}
                               {:type "inline" :content (io/file "/image.png") :id content-id}]})))


Copyright © 2019 Masashi Iizuka

This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at

This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse Public License, v. 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version, with the GNU Classpath Exception which is available at

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