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A Clojure library providing functions for threading a state accumulator through a sequence transformation. These state/behavior pairs are sometimes called "transducers" or "state transducers".

The class of transducers which use bounded space are particularly interesting. They are known as finite state transducers.

In particular, this library provides map-state and mapcat-state, which are like their stateless namesakes. Also provided is a non-macro variant of doseq, called each. Both lazy sequence and reducers versions are available for all functions.


(require '[transduce.lazy :as t])
;OR: (require '[transduce.reducers :as t])

  (->> [[:c \a] [:n 3] [:c \b] [:c \c] [:n 1] [:c \d]]
       (t/mapcat-state (fn [n [cmd arg]]
                         (case cmd
                           :n [arg nil]
                           :c [n (repeat n arg)]))
       (t/each print))
;=> abbbcccd
;=> nil


Transduce artifacts are published on Clojars.

To depend on this version with Lein, add the following to your project.clj:

[transduce "0.1.0"]


Copyright © 2013 Brandon Bloom

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.

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