(invoke-ptr-twostep {:keys [process lang layout] :as rt :or {layout :full}}
gets the oneshow invoke working
gets the oneshow invoke working
(raw-eval-twostep {:keys [exec process] :as rt} body)
evaluates a raw statement with twostep
evaluates a raw statement with twostep
(rt-twostep {:keys [id lang runtime program process] :as m})
creates a twostep runtime
creates a twostep runtime
(rt-twostep-setup lang program process exec)
(rt-twostep-setup lang program process exec context)
helper function for preparing twostep params
helper function for preparing twostep params
{:keys [id lang runtime exec program process] :as m :or {runtime :twostep}})
creates a twostep runtime
creates a twostep runtime
(sh-exec input-args
{:keys [pipe trim stderr raw root extension]
:as opts
:or {trim str/trim-newlines}})
basic function for executing a shell process
basic function for executing a shell process
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