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(!! ova pchk val)

sets the value of selected data cells in the ova

(-> (range 5) (ova) (!! 1 0) (<<)) => [0 0 2 3 4]

(-> (range 5) (ova) (!! #{1 2} 0) (<<)) => [0 0 0 3 4]

(-> (range 5) (ova) (!! even? 0) (<<)) => [0 1 0 3 0]

sets the value of selected data cells in the ova

(-> (range 5)
    (!! 1 0)
=> [0 0 2 3 4]

(-> (range 5)
    (!! #{1 2} 0)
=> [0 0 0 3 4]

(-> (range 5)
    (!! even? 0)
=> [0 1 0 3 0]
raw docstring


(!> ova pchk & forms)

applies a set of transformations to a selector on the ova

(<< (!> (ova [{:id :1}]) 0 (assoc-in [:a :b] 1) (update-in [:a :b] inc) (assoc :c 3))) => [{:id :1 :c 3 :a {:b 2}}]

applies a set of transformations to a selector on the ova

(<< (!> (ova [{:id :1}])
        (assoc-in [:a :b] 1)
        (update-in [:a :b] inc)
        (assoc :c 3)))
=> [{:id :1 :c 3 :a {:b 2}}]
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(<< & forms)

outputs outputs the entire output of an ova

(-> (ova [1 2 3 4 5]) (append! 6 7 8 9) (<<)) => [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]

;; can also use persistent! (-> (ova [1 2 3 4 5]) (persistent!)) => [1 2 3 4 5]

outputs outputs the entire output of an ova

(-> (ova [1 2 3 4 5])
    (append! 6 7 8 9)
=> [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]

;; can also use `persistent!`
(-> (ova [1 2 3 4 5])
=> [1 2 3 4 5]
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(append! ova & es)

like conj! but appends multiple array elements to the ova

(-> (ova [{:id :1 :val 1}]) (append! {:id :2 :val 1} {:id :3 :val 2}) (<<)) => [{:id :1 :val 1} {:id :2 :val 1} {:id :3 :val 2}]

like `conj!` but appends multiple array elements to the ova

(-> (ova [{:id :1 :val 1}])
    (append! {:id :2 :val 1}
             {:id :3 :val 2})
=> [{:id :1 :val 1}
    {:id :2 :val 1}
   {:id :3 :val 2}]
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(clone old)

creates an exact copy of the ova, including its watches

(def o (ova (range 10))) (watch/set o {:a (fn [_ _ _ _ _])})

(def other (clone o))

(<< other) => (<< o) (watch/list other) => (just {:a fn?})

creates an exact copy of the ova, including its watches

(def o (ova (range 10)))
(watch/set o {:a (fn [_ _ _ _ _])})

(def other (clone o))

(<< other) => (<< o)
(watch/list other) => (just {:a fn?})
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(concat! ova es & more)

works like concat, allows both array and ova inputs

(<< (concat! (ova [{:id :1 :val 1} {:id :2 :val 1}]) (ova [{:id :3 :val 2}]) [{:id :4 :val 2}])) => [{:val 1, :id :1} {:val 1, :id :2} {:val 2, :id :3} {:val 2, :id :4}]

works like `concat`, allows both array and ova inputs

(<< (concat! (ova [{:id :1 :val 1}
                   {:id :2 :val 1}])
             (ova [{:id :3 :val 2}])
             [{:id :4 :val 2}]))
=> [{:val 1, :id :1}
    {:val 1, :id :2}
   {:val 2, :id :3}
    {:val 2, :id :4}]
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(delete-indices ova idx)

helper function for remove! to change state

helper function for `remove!` to change state
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(empty! ova)

empties an existing ova

(-> (ova [1 2 3 4 5]) (empty!) (<<)) => []

empties an existing ova

(-> (ova [1 2 3 4 5])
=> []
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(filter! ova pchk)

keep only elements that matches the selector

(-> (ova [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]) (filter! #{'(< 3) '(> 6)}) (<<)) => [0 1 2 7 8 9]

keep only elements that matches the selector

(-> (ova [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9])
    (filter! #{'(< 3) '(> 6)})
=> [0 1 2 7 8 9]
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(get-filtered ova k sel nv)

gets the first element in the ova that matches the selector:

(def o (ova [{:id :1 :val 1} {:id :2 :val 1}]))

(get-filtered o :1 nil nil) => {:val 1, :id :1}

(get-filtered o :2 nil nil) => {:val 1, :id :2}

(get-filtered o :3 nil :not-found) => :not-found

gets the first element in the ova that matches the selector:

(def o (ova [{:id :1 :val 1} {:id :2 :val 1}]))

(get-filtered o :1 nil nil)
=> {:val 1, :id :1}

(get-filtered o :2 nil nil)
=> {:val 1, :id :2}

(get-filtered o :3 nil :not-found)
=> :not-found
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(has? ova)
(has? ova pchk)

checks that the ova contains elements matching a selector

(def o (ova [{:id :1 :val 1} {:id :2 :val 1} {:id :3 :val 2} {:id :4 :val 2}]))

(has? o) => true

(has? o 0) => true

(has? o -1) => false

(has? o [:id '((name) (bigint) (odd?))]) => true

checks that the ova contains elements matching a selector

(def o (ova [{:id :1 :val 1} {:id :2 :val 1}
             {:id :3 :val 2} {:id :4 :val 2}]))

(has? o)
=> true

(has? o 0)
=> true

(has? o -1)
=> false

(has? o [:id '((name)
=> true
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(indices ova)
(indices ova pchk)

instead of data, outputs the matching indices

(def o (ova [{:id :1 :val 1} {:id :2 :val 1} {:id :3 :val 2} {:id :4 :val 2}]))

(indices o) => [0 1 2 3]

(indices o 0) => [0]

(indices o [:val 1]) => [0 1]

(indices o [:val even?]) => [2 3]

(indices o [:val even? '(:id (name) (bigint)) odd?]) => [2]

(indices o #{4}) => []

(indices o [:id :1]) => [0]

instead of data, outputs the matching indices
(def o (ova [{:id :1 :val 1} {:id :2 :val 1}
             {:id :3 :val 2} {:id :4 :val 2}]))

(indices o)
=> [0 1 2 3]

(indices o 0)
=> [0]

(indices o [:val 1])
=> [0 1]

(indices o [:val even?])
=> [2 3]

(indices o [:val even?
            '(:id (name) (bigint)) odd?])
=> [2]

(indices o #{4})
=> []

(indices o [:id :1])
=> [0]
raw docstring


(init! ova)
(init! ova coll)

sets elements within an ova

(def o (ova [])) (->> (init! o [{:id :1 :val 1} {:id :2 :val 1}]) (dosync) (<<)) => [{:val 1, :id :1} {:val 1, :id :2}]

sets elements within an ova

(def o (ova []))
(->> (init! o [{:id :1 :val 1} {:id :2 :val 1}])
=> [{:val 1, :id :1} {:val 1, :id :2}]
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(insert! ova val & [i])

inserts data at either the end of the ova or when given an index

(-> (ova (range 5)) (insert! 6) (<<)) => [0 1 2 3 4 6]

(-> (ova (range 5)) (insert! 6) (insert! 5 5) (<<)) => [0 1 2 3 4 5 6]

inserts data at either the end of the ova or when given an index

(-> (ova (range 5))
    (insert! 6)
=> [0 1 2 3 4 6]

(-> (ova (range 5))
    (insert! 6)
    (insert! 5 5)
=> [0 1 2 3 4 5 6]
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(insert-fn v val & [i])

helper function for insert!

helper function for `insert!`
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(map! ova f & args)

applies a function on the ova with relevent arguments

(-> (ova [{:id :1} {:id :2}]) (map! assoc :val 1) (<<)) => [{:val 1, :id :1} {:val 1, :id :2}]

applies a function on the ova with relevent arguments

(-> (ova [{:id :1} {:id :2}])
    (map! assoc :val 1)
=> [{:val 1, :id :1}
    {:val 1, :id :2}]
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(map-indexed! ova f)

applies a function that taking the data index as well as the data to all elements of the ova

(-> (ova [{:id :1} {:id :2}]) (map-indexed! (fn [i m] (assoc m :val i))) (<<)) => [{:val 0, :id :1} {:val 1, :id :2}]

applies a function that taking the data index as well as the data
to all elements of the ova

(-> (ova [{:id :1} {:id :2}])
    (map-indexed! (fn [i m]
                    (assoc m :val i)))
=> [{:val 0, :id :1}
   {:val 1, :id :2}]
raw docstring


(ova coll)

constructs an instance of an ova

(ova []) ;=> #ova []

(ova [1 2 3]) ;=> #ova [1 2 3]

(<< (ova [{:id :1} {:id :2}])) => [{:id :1} {:id :2}]

constructs an instance of an ova

(ova []) ;=> #ova []

(ova [1 2 3]) ;=>  #ova [1 2 3]

(<< (ova [{:id :1} {:id :2}]))
=> [{:id :1} {:id :2}]
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(ova? x)

checks if an object is an ova instance

(ova? (ova [1 2 3])) => true

checks if an object is an ova instance

(ova? (ova [1 2 3]))
=> true
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(remove! ova pchk)

removes data from the ova that matches a selector

(-> (ova (range 10)) (remove! odd?) (<<)) => [0 2 4 6 8]

(-> (ova (range 10)) (remove! #{'(< 3) '(> 6)}) (<<)) => [3 4 5 6]

removes data from the ova that matches a selector

(-> (ova (range 10))
    (remove! odd?)
=> [0 2 4 6 8]

(-> (ova (range 10))
    (remove! #{'(< 3) '(> 6)})
=> [3 4 5 6]
raw docstring


(reverse! ova)

reverses the order of elements in the ova

(-> (ova (range 5)) (reverse!) (<<)) => [4 3 2 1 0]

reverses the order of elements in the ova

(-> (ova (range 5))
=> [4 3 2 1 0]
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(select ova)
(select ova pchk)

grabs the selected ova entries as a set of values

(def o (ova [{:id :1 :val 1} {:id :2 :val 1} {:id :3 :val 2} {:id :4 :val 2}]))

(select o) ;; no filters => #{{:id :1, :val 1}
{:id :2, :val 1} {:id :3, :val 2} {:id :4, :val 2}}

(select o 0) ;; by index => #{{:id :1 :val 1}}

(select o #{1 2}) ;; by indices => #{{:id :2 :val 1} {:id :3 :val 2}}

(select o #(even? (:val %))) ;; by function => #{{:id :3 :val 2} {:id :4 :val 2}}

(select o [:val 1]) ;; by shorthand value => #{{:id :1 :val 1} {:id :2 :val 1}}

(select o [:val even?]) ;; by shorthand function => #{{:id :3 :val 2} {:id :4 :val 2}}

(select o #{[:id :1] ;; or selection [:val 2]}) => #{{:id :1 :val 1} {:id :3 :val 2} {:id :4 :val 2}}

(select o [:id '((name) ;; by shorthand expression (bigint) (odd?))]) => #{{:id :1 :val 1} {:id :3 :val 2}}

grabs the selected ova entries as a set of values

(def o (ova [{:id :1 :val 1} {:id :2 :val 1}
             {:id :3 :val 2} {:id :4 :val 2}]))

(select o)              ;; no filters
=> #{{:id :1, :val 1}  
     {:id :2, :val 1}
     {:id :3, :val 2}
     {:id :4, :val 2}}

(select o 0)            ;; by index
=> #{{:id :1 :val 1}} 

(select o #{1 2})       ;; by indices
=> #{{:id :2 :val 1}
     {:id :3 :val 2}}

(select o #(even? (:val %))) ;; by function
=> #{{:id :3 :val 2}
     {:id :4 :val 2}}

(select o [:val 1])        ;; by shorthand value
=> #{{:id :1 :val 1}
     {:id :2 :val 1}}

(select o [:val even?])    ;; by shorthand function
=> #{{:id :3 :val 2}
     {:id :4 :val 2}}

(select o #{[:id :1]       ;; or selection
            [:val 2]})
=> #{{:id :1 :val 1}
     {:id :3 :val 2}
     {:id :4 :val 2}}

(select o [:id '((name)    ;; by shorthand expression
=> #{{:id :1 :val 1}
     {:id :3 :val 2}}
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(selectv ova)
(selectv ova pchk)

grabs the selected ova entries as vector

(def o (ova [{:id :1 :val 1} {:id :2 :val 1} {:id :3 :val 2} {:id :4 :val 2}]))

(selectv o) ;; no filters => [{:id :1, :val 1}
{:id :2, :val 1} {:id :3, :val 2} {:id :4, :val 2}]

(selectv o 0) ;; by index => [{:id :1 :val 1}]

(selectv o [:val even?]) ;; by shorthand function => [{:id :3 :val 2} {:id :4 :val 2}]

(selectv o [:id '((name) ;; by shorthand expression (bigint) (odd?))]) => [{:id :1 :val 1} {:id :3 :val 2}]

grabs the selected ova entries as vector

(def o (ova [{:id :1 :val 1} {:id :2 :val 1}
             {:id :3 :val 2} {:id :4 :val 2}]))

(selectv o)              ;; no filters
=> [{:id :1, :val 1}  
    {:id :2, :val 1}
    {:id :3, :val 2}
    {:id :4, :val 2}]

(selectv o 0)            ;; by index
=> [{:id :1 :val 1}] 

(selectv o [:val even?])    ;; by shorthand function
=> [{:id :3 :val 2}
    {:id :4 :val 2}]

(selectv o [:id '((name)    ;; by shorthand expression
=> [{:id :1 :val 1}
    {:id :3 :val 2}]
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(smap! ova pchk f & args)

applies a function to only selected elements of the array

(-> (ova [{:id :1 :val 1} {:id :2 :val 1} {:id :3 :val 2} {:id :4 :val 2}]) (smap! [:val 1] update-in [:val] #(+ % 100)) (<<)) => [{:id :1, :val 101} {:id :2, :val 101} {:id :3, :val 2} {:id :4, :val 2}]

applies a function to only selected elements of the array

(-> (ova [{:id :1 :val 1}
          {:id :2 :val 1}
          {:id :3 :val 2}
          {:id :4 :val 2}])
    (smap! [:val 1]
           update-in [:val] #(+ % 100))
=> [{:id :1, :val 101}
    {:id :2, :val 101}
    {:id :3, :val 2}
    {:id :4, :val 2}]
raw docstring


(smap-indexed! ova pchk f)

applies a function that taking the data index as well as the data to selected elements of the ova

(-> (ova [{:id :1 :val 1} {:id :2 :val 1} {:id :3 :val 2} {:id :4 :val 2}]) (smap-indexed! [:val 1] (fn [i m] (update-in m [:val] #(+ i 100 %)))) (<<)) => [{:id :1, :val 101} {:id :2, :val 102} {:id :3, :val 2} {:id :4, :val 2}]

applies a function that taking the data index as well as the data
to selected elements of the ova

(-> (ova [{:id :1 :val 1}
          {:id :2 :val 1}
          {:id :3 :val 2}
          {:id :4 :val 2}])
    (smap-indexed! [:val 1]
                  (fn [i m]
                     (update-in m [:val] #(+ i 100 %))))
=> [{:id :1, :val 101}
    {:id :2, :val 102}
    {:id :3, :val 2}
    {:id :4, :val 2}]
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(sort! ova)
(sort! ova comp)
(sort! ova sel comp)

sorts all data in the ova using a comparator function

(-> (ova [2 1 3 4 0]) (sort! >) (<<)) => [4 3 2 1 0]

(-> (ova [2 1 3 4 0]) (sort! <) (<<)) => [0 1 2 3 4]

sorts all data in the ova using a comparator function

(-> (ova [2 1 3 4 0])
    (sort! >)
=> [4 3 2 1 0]

(-> (ova [2 1 3 4 0])
    (sort! <)
=> [0 1 2 3 4]
raw docstring


(split ova pchk)

splits an ova into two based on a predicate

(def o (ova (range 10))) (def sp (dosync (split o #{'(< 3) '(> 6)})))

(persistent! (sp true)) => [0 1 2 7 8 9] (persistent! (sp false)) => [3 4 5 6]

splits an ova into two based on a predicate

(def o (ova (range 10)))
(def sp (dosync (split o #{'(< 3) '(> 6)})))

(persistent! (sp true))  => [0 1 2 7 8 9]
(persistent! (sp false)) => [3 4 5 6]
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