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Basic function for parsing sequences of characters.

Basic function for parsing sequences of characters.
raw docstring


(is s)
(is s pred-k)

Returns parser and predicate for the character c which is in the supplied string of characters s (or a single character). The optional pred-k keyword refers to function (fn [pred-k s] (fn [c] ...)) which returns custom predicate for chars against s. The new pred-k should be registered using register-string-pred, predefined values are :default for default and :ic for case-insensitive matching.

(def control-char (char/is "EX"))

(def control-char-ignorecase (char/is "ex" :ic))
Returns parser and predicate for the character `c` which is in the supplied
string of characters `s` (or a single character). The optional `pred-k`
keyword refers to function `(fn [pred-k s] (fn [c] ...))` which returns custom
predicate for chars against `s`. The new `pred-k` should be registered using
[[register-string-pred]], predefined values are `:default` for default and
`:ic` for case-insensitive matching.

    (def control-char (char/is "EX"))

    (def control-char-ignorecase (char/is "ex" :ic))
sourceraw docstring


(is-not s)
(is-not s pred-k)

Returns parser and predicate for the character c which is not in the supplied string of characters s (or a single character). See also is about optional pred-k argument.

Returns parser and predicate for the character `c` which is _not_ in the
supplied string of characters `s` (or a single character). See also [[is]]
about optional `pred-k` argument.
sourceraw docstring


Parser and predicate for ASCII 7 bit letter or number character.

Parser and predicate for ASCII 7 bit letter or number character.
sourceraw docstring


Parser and predicate for ASCII 7 bit letter character.

Parser and predicate for ASCII 7 bit letter character.
sourceraw docstring


Parser and predicate for ASCII 7 bit lower-case letter character.

Parser and predicate for ASCII 7 bit lower-case letter character.
sourceraw docstring


Parses a CRLF or LF end of line. Returns a \newline character.

Parses a CRLF or LF end of line. Returns a `\newline` character.
sourceraw docstring


Parser and predicate for ASCII 7 bit number character.

Parser and predicate for ASCII 7 bit number character.
sourceraw docstring


(regex re)

Returns parser and predicate for the character c matching regex pattern re.

Returns parser and predicate for the character `c` matching regex pattern
sourceraw docstring


(register-string-pred k f)

Associates keyword k with predicate function of the is and is-not parsers.

Associates keyword `k` with predicate function of the [[is]] and
[[is-not]] parsers.
sourceraw docstring


(str* x)

Builds string from (possibly nested) collections of parsed characters and strings. To be used with strojure.parsesso.parser/value.

Builds string from (possibly nested) collections of parsed characters and
strings. To be used with [[strojure.parsesso.parser/value]].
sourceraw docstring


Parser and predicate for ASCII 7 bit upper-case letter character.

Parser and predicate for ASCII 7 bit upper-case letter character.
sourceraw docstring


Parser and predicate for ASCII 7 bit whitespace character.

Parser and predicate for ASCII 7 bit whitespace character.
sourceraw docstring

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