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Undertow server functionality (start, stop, options etc.).

Undertow server functionality (start, stop, options etc.).
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(define-option alias option)
(define-option alias option coerce-fn)

Defines keyword alias for Undertow option. The optional coerce-fn is used to coerce option value to correct Java type.

Defines keyword alias for Undertow option. The optional `coerce-fn` is used
to coerce option value to correct Java type.
sourceraw docstring


(set-handler-fn-adapter f)

Permanently assigns coercion of Clojure function to HttpHandler. Can be used by adapters like Ring handler adapter.

Permanently assigns coercion of Clojure function to `HttpHandler`. Can be
used by adapters like Ring handler adapter.
sourceraw docstring


(start {:as config
        :keys [port handler buffer-size io-threads worker-threads direct-buffers
               server-options socket-options worker-options handler-fn-adapter
(start builder)
(start server)

Starts Undertow server given instance, builder or configuration map. Returns closeable server instance.

Server configuration map options:

  • :port The map of ports and their listeners.

    • Can be just a port number for HTTP listener with default configuration.
    • The port listener is an instance of Undertow$ListenerBuilder or listener builder configuration map.
    • Port listener configuration options:
      • :host The host name string, default "localhost".
      • :https HTTPS configuration map with options:
        • :key-managers The instance of[].
        • :trust-managers The instance of[].
        • :ssl-context The instance of
      • :handler The listener HttpHandler to be used on the port. See below how to declare handlers.
      • :socket-options The map of socket options for the listener.
        • :undertow/enable-http2. If HTTP2 protocol enabled, boolean.
        • Other option keywords can be found below in this namespace.
      • :use-proxy-protocol boolean.
    • The :https enables HTTPS protocol for the listener.
    • Declaration of AJP protocol is not supported.
  • :handler The server HttpHandler to be used for all listeners without handler specified. See below how declare handlers.

  • :buffer-size integer.

  • :io-threads The number of IO threads to create.

  • :worker-threads The number of worker threads, integer.

  • :direct-buffers If direct buffers enabled, boolean.

  • :server-options The map of server options.

  • :socket-options The map of socket options.

  • :worker-options The map of worker options.

  • :handler-fn-adapter The function (fn [f] handler)

    • Defines coercion of clojure functions to HttpHandler during invocation of start, like i.e. ring handler.
    • By default, the coercion is not defined and functions cannot be used as handler.
    • The coercion can be assigned permanently using set-handler-fn-adapter.
  • :builder-fn-wrapper

    • The function (fn [f] (fn [builder config] (f builder config))) which wraps standard builder configuration function f returning new function on builder and configuration.
    • Allows to customize builder configuration in any way by modifying builder, config and even ignoring function f.
    • Allows to make settings which are not available in declarative configuration like setWorker, setByteBufferPool etc.

Server configuration example:

{:port {;; HTTP port listener
        8080 {:host "localhost"
              :handler (comment "Listener handler declaration.")}
        ;; HTTPS port listener
        4040 {:https {:ssl-context '_}}}
 ;; Server handler for all listeners without handlers.
 :handler (comment "Server handler declaration.")
 :server-options {:undertow/enable-http2 true}}

Handler declaration

Handlers can be created and chained explicitly:

(-> (my-handler :default-handler)
    ;; The handlers for app hostnames.
      {:host {"" (my-handler :app1-handler)
              "" (my-handler :app2-handler)}})
    ;; Enable sessions for next handlers (above).
    (handler/session {})
    ;; Path specific handlers.
    (handler/path {:prefix {"static" (handler/resource {:resource-manager :classpath-files
                                                        :prefix "public/static"})}
                   :exact {"websocket" (handler/websocket websocket-callback)}})
    ;; The handler for webapi hostname.
    (handler/virtual-host {:host {"" (my-handler :webapi-handler)}})
    ;; Supplemental useful handlers.

Or same handler can be written declarative:

[;; Supplemental useful handlers.
 {:type handler/proxy-peer-address}
 {:type handler/simple-error-page}
 ;; The handler for webapi hostname.
 {:type handler/virtual-host
  :host {"" (my-handler :app1-handler)
         "" (my-handler :app2-handler)}}
 ;; Path specific handlers.
 {:type handler/path
  :prefix {"static" {:type handler/resource :resource-manager :classpath-files
                     :prefix "public/static"}}
  :exact {"websocket" {:type handler/websocket :callback websocket-callback}}}
 ;; Enable sessions for next handlers.
 {:type handler/session}
 ;; The handlers for app hostnames.
 {:type handler/virtual-host
  :host {"" (my-handler :webapi-handler)}}
 ;; Last resort handler
 (my-handler :default-handler)]

Keywords can be used instead of symbols as handler :type values:

{:type ::handler/proxy-peer-address}

There are some Undertow handlers available in the handler namespace. Others can be used via Java interop or adapted for declarative description using handler/define-type function.

Starts Undertow server given instance, builder or configuration map. Returns
closeable server instance.

Server configuration map options:

- `:port` The map of ports and their listeners.
    + Can be just a port number for HTTP listener with default configuration.
    + The port listener is an instance of `Undertow$ListenerBuilder` or
      listener builder configuration map.
    + Port listener configuration options:
        - `:host`  The host name string, default "localhost".
        - `:https` HTTPS configuration map with options:
            - `:key-managers`   The instance of `[]`.
            - `:trust-managers` The instance of `[]`.
            - `:ssl-context`    The instance of ``.
        - `:handler` The listener HttpHandler to be used on the port.
                     See below how to declare handlers.
        - `:socket-options` The map of socket options for the listener.
            - `:undertow/enable-http2`. If HTTP2 protocol enabled, boolean.
            + Other option keywords can be found below in this namespace.
        - `:use-proxy-protocol` boolean.
    + The `:https` enables HTTPS protocol for the listener.
    + Declaration of AJP protocol is not supported.

- `:handler` The server HttpHandler to be used for all listeners without
             handler specified. See below how declare handlers.

- `:buffer-size`    integer.
- `:io-threads`     The number of IO threads to create.
- `:worker-threads` The number of worker threads, integer.
- `:direct-buffers` If direct buffers enabled, boolean.
- `:server-options` The map of server options.
- `:socket-options` The map of socket options.
- `:worker-options` The map of worker options.

- `:handler-fn-adapter` The function `(fn [f] handler)`
    + Defines coercion of clojure functions to HttpHandler during invocation
      of `start`, like i.e. ring handler.
    + By default, the coercion is not defined and functions cannot be used as
    + The coercion can be assigned permanently using [[set-handler-fn-adapter]].

- `:builder-fn-wrapper`
    + The function `(fn [f] (fn [builder config] (f builder config)))` which
      wraps standard builder configuration function `f` returning new function
      on builder and configuration.
    + Allows to customize builder configuration in any way by modifying
      builder, config and even ignoring function `f`.
    + Allows to make settings which are not available in declarative
      configuration like `setWorker`, `setByteBufferPool` etc.

Server configuration example:

    {:port {;; HTTP port listener
            8080 {:host "localhost"
                  :handler (comment "Listener handler declaration.")}
            ;; HTTPS port listener
            4040 {:https {:ssl-context '_}}}
     ;; Server handler for all listeners without handlers.
     :handler (comment "Server handler declaration.")
     :server-options {:undertow/enable-http2 true}}

**Handler declaration**

Handlers can be created and chained explicitly:

    (-> (my-handler :default-handler)
        ;; The handlers for app hostnames.
          {:host {"" (my-handler :app1-handler)
                  "" (my-handler :app2-handler)}})
        ;; Enable sessions for next handlers (above).
        (handler/session {})
        ;; Path specific handlers.
        (handler/path {:prefix {"static" (handler/resource {:resource-manager :classpath-files
                                                            :prefix "public/static"})}
                       :exact {"websocket" (handler/websocket websocket-callback)}})
        ;; The handler for webapi hostname.
        (handler/virtual-host {:host {"" (my-handler :webapi-handler)}})
        ;; Supplemental useful handlers.
Or same handler can be written declarative:

    [;; Supplemental useful handlers.
     {:type handler/proxy-peer-address}
     {:type handler/simple-error-page}
     ;; The handler for webapi hostname.
     {:type handler/virtual-host
      :host {"" (my-handler :app1-handler)
             "" (my-handler :app2-handler)}}
     ;; Path specific handlers.
     {:type handler/path
      :prefix {"static" {:type handler/resource :resource-manager :classpath-files
                         :prefix "public/static"}}
      :exact {"websocket" {:type handler/websocket :callback websocket-callback}}}
     ;; Enable sessions for next handlers.
     {:type handler/session}
     ;; The handlers for app hostnames.
     {:type handler/virtual-host
      :host {"" (my-handler :webapi-handler)}}
     ;; Last resort handler
     (my-handler :default-handler)]

Keywords can be used instead of symbols as handler `:type` values:

    {:type ::handler/proxy-peer-address}

There are some Undertow handlers available in the `handler` namespace. Others
can be used via Java interop or adapted for declarative description using
[[handler/define-type]] function.
sourceraw docstring


(stop instance)

Stops server instance, returns nil.

Stops server instance, returns nil.
sourceraw docstring

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