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Content Security Policy (CSP).


Content Security Policy (CSP).

raw docstring


(find-directive policy-name policy)

Returns directive value from the policy map for the given policy-name.

Returns directive value from the `policy` map for the given `policy-name`.
sourceraw docstring


(header-name report-only)

Returns CSP header name, normal one or report-only if report-only is true. Without argument returns normal header name.

Returns CSP header name, normal one or report-only if `report-only` is true.
Without argument returns normal header name.
sourceraw docstring


(header-value-fn policy)

The returned function takes a policy map and returns a content policy header value. If the policy map contains :nonce in directive values, the returned function is a 1-arity function (fn [nonce] policy-header), otherwise it is a 0-arity function.

The keys in the policy map represent directive names, and can be:

  • string, which is taken as is
  • keyword, which are converted to string using name
  • other type which implements as-directive-name of csp-impl/PolicyRender protocol

The values in the policy map represent directive values, and can be:

  • string, which is taken as is
  • keyword
    • the special :nonce keyword is a placeholder for the value of nonce
    • other keywords are converted to single quoted string using name
  • collection, where elements are rendered as directive values and separated with space.
  • other type which implements write-directive-value of csp-impl/PolicyRender protocol


(def nonce-policy
  (csp/header-value-fn {"script-src" :nonce
                        "img-src" "*"}))

(nonce-policy "MY-NONCE")
:=> "script-src 'nonce-MY-NONCE'; img-src *"

(def static-policy
  (csp/header-value-fn {:default-src ["https:"
                        :object-src :none})

:=> "default-src https: 'unsafe-eval' 'unsafe-inline'; object-src 'none'"

CSP header values can be tested online:

The returned function takes a `policy` map and returns a content policy
header value. If the policy map contains `:nonce` in directive values, the
returned function is a 1-arity function `(fn [nonce] policy-header)`,
otherwise it is a 0-arity function.

The keys in the policy map represent directive names, and can be:

- string, which is taken as is
- keyword, which are converted to string using `name`
- other type which implements `as-directive-name` of [[csp-impl/PolicyRender]]

The values in the policy map represent directive values, and can be:

- string, which is taken as is
- keyword
    - the special `:nonce` keyword is a placeholder for the value of nonce
    - other keywords are converted to single quoted string using `name`
- collection, where elements are rendered as directive values and
  separated with space.
- other type which implements `write-directive-value` of
  [[csp-impl/PolicyRender]] protocol


    (def nonce-policy
      (csp/header-value-fn {"script-src" :nonce
                            "img-src" "*"}))

    (nonce-policy "MY-NONCE")
    :=> "script-src 'nonce-MY-NONCE'; img-src *"

    (def static-policy
      (csp/header-value-fn {:default-src ["https:"
                            :object-src :none})

    :=> "default-src https: 'unsafe-eval' 'unsafe-inline'; object-src 'none'"

CSP header values can be tested online:

- [CSP Evaluator](
- [The Mozilla Observatory](
sourceraw docstring



Returns unique random 128 bit URL-safe string (22 chars) to be used as CSP nonce in HTTP response. Implemented with util.random/url-safe-string-fn.


(def random-nonce (csp/random-nonce-fn))

(random-nonce) :=> "AsiTZwAOG_orOX0-4Vw_7g"
;             Execution time mean : 1.074505 µs
;    Execution time std-deviation : 63.286135 ns
;   Execution time lower quantile : 1.000594 µs ( 2.5%)
;   Execution time upper quantile : 1.162035 µs (97.5%)

See also Using a nonce with CSP.

Returns unique random 128 bit URL-safe string (22 chars) to be used as CSP
nonce in HTTP response. Implemented with [[util.random/url-safe-string-fn]].


    (def random-nonce (csp/random-nonce-fn))

    (random-nonce) :=> "AsiTZwAOG_orOX0-4Vw_7g"
    ;             Execution time mean : 1.074505 µs
    ;    Execution time std-deviation : 63.286135 ns
    ;   Execution time lower quantile : 1.000594 µs ( 2.5%)
    ;   Execution time upper quantile : 1.162035 µs (97.5%)

See also [Using a nonce with CSP](
sourceraw docstring


(requires-nonce? f)

True if result of the header-value-fn requires nonce argument.

True if result of the [[header-value-fn]] requires nonce argument.
sourceraw docstring

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