Structured telemetry for Clojure/Script applications. See the GitHub page (esp. Wiki) for info on motivation and design: <>
OpenTelemetry handler using `opentelemetry-java`, Ref. <>, <>
Email handler using `postal`, Ref. <>.
Slack handler using `clj-slack`, Ref. <>
Interop support for standard stream/s -> Telemere.
Main Timbre macros, reimplemented on top of Telemere. Intended to help ease migration from Timbre to Telemere.
Interop support for tools.logging -> Telemere. Telemere will attempt to load this ns automatically when possible. Naming conventions: `tools.logging` - For referring to the library. `tools-logging` - For symbols, keywords, and this namespace. `` - For env config to match library's conventions.
Misc utils useful for Telemere handlers, transforms, etc.
cljdoc is a website building & hosting documentation for Clojure/Script libraries
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