Table of Contents
Prerequisite: The client is correctly configured and is sending with each request either a cookie or a header containing a token. The backend then has to:
Regarding Yada security, read Yada article "Speak friend and Enter!")
The code is in server.clj calling some functions in keycloak.clj.
;;1. Extract the token from the cookie or the header (Yada framework specific)
(defn authorization-token-cookie [ctx]
(let [cookies (parse-cookies (:request ctx))]
(get cookies "X-Authorization-Token")))
(defmethod :keycloak
[ctx scheme]
(let [header-cred (authorization-bearer-cred ctx)
cookie-cred (authorization-token-cookie ctx)]
(-> (or header-cred cookie-cred)
;; Verify the token (Keycloak stuff)
(defn extract-account-data [ctx]
(when-let [extracted-token (get-in ctx [:authentication "default"])]
(let [group-path (.get (get-in extracted-token [:other-claims :group]) 0)]
{:username (:username extracted-token)
:group (when group-path (subs group-path (inc (last-index-of group-path "/"))))
:roles (:roles extracted-token)})))
(defn- restricted-content [ctx]
(let [account-data (extract-account-data ctx)]
[:h1 (format "Hello %s!"
(get-in ctx [:authentication "default" :user]))]
[:p "You're accessing a restricted resource!"]])))
(def routes
["hello" ( handler (as-resource "Hello world!"))]
["restricted" (resource {:consumes #{"application/json"}
:produces {:media-type "text/html"}
:methods {:post (fn [ctx] (restricted-content ctx))}
;;Ensure the client is accessing the restricted part only if the token is correct
:access-control {:scheme :keycloak
:allow-origin "http://localhost:3449"
:allow-credentials true
:allow-methods #{:get :post :options}
:allow-headers ["Content-Type"
:authorization {:methods {:get :employee :post :employee}}}})]
[true (as-resource nil)]]])
(defstate server
:start (listener routes {:port 8084})
:stop ((:close server)))
Buddy-Auth provides a Ring middleware wrap-authentication
that accepts a chain of backends, including token based authentication and authorization backends.
(require '[buddy.auth.backends :as buddy-back :refer [token]]
[buddy.auth.middleware :as buddy-midd :refer [wrap-authentication]]
[keycloak.deployment :as kc-deploy :refer [deployment client-conf]]
[keycloak.backend :as kc-backend :refer [buddy-verify-token-fn]])
(def keycloak-deployment (kc-deploy/deployment (kc-deploy/client-conf {:auth-server-url "http://localhost:8090/auth"
:admin-realm "master"
:realm "my-realm"
:admin-username "admin"
:admin-password "adminpass"
:client-admin-cli "admin-cli"
:client-id "my-backend"
:client-secret "1d741292-74a0-42c8-99b7-6a6a744ebb25"})))
(def app (-> handler
(wrap-authentication (buddy-back/token {:authfn (kc-backend/buddy-verify-token-fn keycloak-deployment) :token-name "Bearer"}))))
Donkey is a Ring compliant HTTP server. You can use the same middleware as above, the configuration is just slightly different.
(defn account-data [extracted-token]
(let [group-path (.get (get-in extracted-token [:other-claims :group]) 0)]
{:username (:username extracted-token)
:group (when group-path (subs group-path (inc (last-index-of group-path "/"))))
:roles (:roles extracted-token)}))
(defn yada-extract-account-data [ctx]
(when-let [extracted-token (get-in ctx [:authentication "default"])]
(account-data extracted-token)))
(defn ring-extract-account-data [req]
(when-let [extracted-token (:identity req)]
(account-data extracted-token)))
(def routes
(ring/router [ "/accounts" ["/:account-id" {:handler (fn [req]
(let [account (ring-extract-account-data req)]))}]]))
(def app (ring/ring-handler routes
{:middleware [[ring.middleware.params/wrap-params]
[wrap-authentication (buddy-back/token {:authfn (kc-backend/buddy-verify-token-fn keycloak-deployment) :token-name "Bearer"})]]}))
(defn start-donkey-server []
(let [server (-> (donkey/create-donkey)
(donkey/create-server {:port 8080
:routes [{:handler app :handler-mode :blocking}]}))]
(println "Start Backend Donkey Server on port 8080")
(-> server
(on-success (fn [_]
(println "Backend Donkey server started on port 8080")))
(on-fail (fn [exception]
(println "Failed to start Backend Donkey Server on port 8080")
(println (.getMessage exception))
(throw exception))))
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