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Change Log

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This change log follows the conventions of

[0.1.2] - 2020-11-06


  • print-method and print-dup for Cons
  • added Sequential do the Evaluatable protocol
  • cl-cons now builds with any sequential
  • Improved the defun macro, defun defined functions are now allowed to be called inside new defun definitions.

[0.1.1] - 2020-11-06


  • a examples folder
  • Keyword and nil are now supported by the CommonLispfiable protocol
  • Fixing the Double type on the CommonLispfiable protocol
  • the defun macro

0.1.0 - 2020-11-04

  • First release

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cljdoc is a website building & hosting documentation for Clojure/Script libraries

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